The City of Terror

Chapter 1540: , Cang Xuandong, the method of physique incarnation

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No way, the soul is too dangerous to leave the body, and does not say the outside wind, the sun, the soul is originally with violent damage, if it is good to attack the existence of the soul, it is to send meat to the door.

It is like the demon kings that Wei Xiaobei encountered, and even the witches, etc., which are all good hands to play with the soul.

Once they fall into their palms, I am afraid that even if you want to commit suicide, you can't.

There is no need to mention the technique of the division of the gods, and it is said that the gods are good, simple and convenient, and the things used to display the magical powers are everywhere, but the power is too weak, even if It is a specially-refined bean, and its differentiated body, the strength is probably the most common for Samsung.

This is still the practice of the gods to Dacheng, and the time required to refine the beans is also quite a lot.

At the same time, there is still a weakness in the spread of the peas, that is, the Heavenly Soldiers will not burn and freeze, that is to say, the various defensive powers are very low, and it is easy to be beaten back to the prototype of the beans.

Tianzhu Sadoucheng was removed by Wei Xiaobei.

In the end, between the technique of the incarnation of Cang Xuan-dong and Hu Zhongdan, Wei Xiaobei weighed for a long time, and finally chose the technique of the incarnation of Cang Xuan-dong!

The final reason for Wei Xiaobei's choice of this celestial body is that this magical power has an advantage. The higher the quality of the foreign body of the avatar, the more powerful it is!

From this point of view, if Wei Xiaobei has a large number of high-quality foreign objects, then he can immediately distribute a large number of powerful avatars!

Although the Tiger Zhongdan Shentong is very easy to get started, but the split is like a mortal, it is really useless.

To say that the current power of Weijia Island, there is really no shortage of ordinary people who do things. If you don’t say anything, it’s enough for ordinary people cultivated by Wei Xiaobei to do ordinary things.

"Master, the disciple wants to choose the technique of the nine points of the ancient Jin Wu Lie Yang and the technique of the incarnation of the Cang Xuan Cave!"

After making up his mind, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate and immediately went to the Qingniu.

"Oh? The vision is good. If this is the case, then the teacher will pass on your method, but you have to remember that this method cannot be given to outsiders, otherwise there will be a big disaster! Can you remember clearly?"

The green cow immediately sat down and put the cup down, and said with a serious look.

I heard that the blue cow said this, Wei Xiaobei had a chance to move, and even asked: "Master, don't know, can disciples pass the magical power to your grandchildren?"

Since the green cow said that it cannot be passed lightly, it will be somewhat loose in this respect.

After listening to Wei Xiaobei’s inquiry, Qingniu pondered for a moment, and the three fingers were together, and the fingers were counted. Then he smiled and said: “You want to teach the magical powers, but you need to be able to pass the magical powers. Otherwise, the magical law is broken, but you Let them come in, if there is a relationship, each teacher can teach a magical power."

Hearing the words of Qingniu, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but feel happy. If Qingniu personally taught Shentong, he would naturally be better than himself, so he hurriedly slammed a few heads toward the green bull, thanking him.

The green cow faced the apprentice naturally and would not be polite. He was affected by these few moments, and then he extended his right hand, and two light **** emerged slowly.

One of them is transparent, and the flames are shining everywhere. Among them, there is a faint glimpse of Jinwu, and an incomparable power spreads out, making Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward.

The second is like chaos. The translucent red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and black colors are mixed, and they slowly rotate on their own, which is extremely restrained, but there is no breath.


The green cow sighed softly, and the two groups of light **** flew on their own and rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei knows that these two groups of light **** are the seeds of the magical method, and they are not resistant. They are calm and relative.

In the twinkling of an eye, the two groups of light **** rushed into the forehead, just as the water drops did not enter the lake, and disappeared instantly.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei only felt a roar of sound in his mind, and he saw two groups of light **** going straight to the center of the mind.

At this time, there are different performances in the center of the mind.

The statue of Buddha, which was made by the light of the Buddha, was not moving. It sat on the white lotus of the white lotus god, and it seemed that there was no response from the two magical powers.

The ball of light that was made by the law and the world was spurred out at this time, and the two light **** that had come outside hit the past.

This scene was seen in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, but he was shocked. These magical powers would actually fight in his mind, which really did not make him think.

The most critical issue is that if there is a supernatural power damage, Wei Xiaobei will probably be very painful.

But the next thing that happened was beyond the expectation of Wei Xiaobei.

The ball of light that was made by the law of the heavens and the earth slammed into the nine-points of the ancient Jinwu Lieyang. As a result, the magical seeds of the ancient Jinwu Lieyang Jiucheng’s sacred sacred out of a golden light, flames The raging wings, violently, fanned out the law of the heavens and the earth.

From then on, the law of heaven and earth seems to become honest and return to its former position.

After waiting for the two Shentong seeds to come to the center, the white lotus statues of Bailian Shentong and Gongde Jinguang did not fight with them, and they gave up the center position.

Next, several supernatural powers were adjusted by themselves, and after they stabilized, they formed a new pattern.

The technique of the nine points of the ancient Jinwu Lieyang and the method of the incarnation of the Cangxuan Cave formed a mutually rotating binary system, and the white lotus statue, the law of heaven and earth and even the unactivated reduction technique revolved around this binary system.

Of course, this is also normal. In Wei Xiaobei's view, the two newly acquired supernatural powers are also better than the previous ones.

However, this time, it is not a good time to study magic.

Wei Xiaobei returned to the gods and was busy after thanking Master Qingniu.

Well, what are you busy with?

Master Qingniu has spent a lot of time teaching himself the seeds of the magical method. The disciples naturally have to make a good meal and let the master enjoy it. This is the way the disciple is waiting.

Having said that, as the strength continues to grow, Wei Xiaobei has not had a kitchen for a long time, including his own food. Many times it is to make some convenient foods, and it is enough to supply and consume.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei’s realm of cooking has not fallen.

After taking out the kitchen utensils such as the dragon scale pot, Wei Xiaobei immediately took out a piece of golden flesh from the storage ring.

This is the leg of the golden wild boar. Because the golden wild boar is huge in size, Wei Xiaobei does not have to worry about consuming his meat in a short time. Therefore, it is not a waste to use the filial piety.

Seeing the golden wild boar leg meat taken by Wei Xiaobei, the green cow who was sitting in front of the coffee table suddenly changed his image, and did not sit and drink tea. He came over and his nose slightly sniffed and could not help but laugh: "Well, gangsters, do it well, remember to cook more rice, this is quite a meal."

However, Wei Xiaobei, who entered the cooking state, turned a deaf ear, and there was no pause in his hand. Not long after, there was a fascinating flavour of meat in the vicinity, which brought a lot of insects and even small animals.

The young cows who stood next to each other could have these little guys robbing themselves, and the right hand waved, and a gust of wind immediately rolled up, and the small animals that came around were rolled up clean until the small animals landed on the ground. It is already thirty or forty kilometers away from the Central Mountain Range.

After a busy day, Wei Xiaobei took out a dinner table and put the dishes one by one. The legs were dried and green peppers, the bones were stewed with soybeans, etc., and a large pot of rice was cooked.

Qingniu sat at the dinner table early, waiting for the dishes on the small north end. Even with a burst of madness, when the second dish was served on the small north end, the first dish was able to shine.

However, for the eating of the green cow, Wei Xiaobei has long been used to it, so there is no surprise at all.

When the green cow was full and full, he lay back under the world tree and slumbered and slept.

Wei Xiaobei cleaned the pots and pans, took back the storage ring, and took a ritual to the blue cow that had fallen asleep before he slowly left.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not leave the Qingmu Fudi directly at this time, but went to the place where the real humans settled.

As the vast majority of the population on Weijia Island moved into the Aomu Fortune, this human settlement has not been the sight of dozens of wooden houses in the past.

A large block of stone houses stood up, surrounded by walls, and outside was a large green field, a small city.

With a large population, Wei Xiaobei almost failed to find the residence of his wife and his wife.

Fortunately, the order here is mainly the responsibility of the general people. Wei Xiaobei casually found a popular person. When the mind is connected, he finds where his family lives.

Compared with other human stone houses, Wei Xiaobei’s family’s residence can’t be lowered, and the floor space is quite large. Although it is also a stone house, the interior and exterior decoration is exquisite, just like the royal annex.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei coming back, Wei Wei's mother was quite happy, but there was not much language. He could only ask if he was eating well outside. After all, what Wei Xiaobei experienced was not for Wei's mother. Different from the Arabian Nights, it is generally bizarre.

However, Tu Qingqing's stomach is much bigger than before. Wei Xiaobei looked worried and worried that the stomach suddenly exploded.

To say that Tu Qingqing’s time for pregnancy is a bit long, and the reality has been added to the time in Aoki’s blessed land for twenty years!

To be honest, the earliest children who entered the Aoki Fudi, have grown up to now.

Wei Xiaobei touched the stomach of Tu Qingqing and felt the blood that he extended. He couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

To say that Tu Qingqing was pregnant for so long, the biggest reason was still in Wei Xiaobei. 8

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