The City of Terror

Chapter 1541: Strong price

Today is also a delay, not much to say, everyone reading books -

As Wei Xiaobei opened up the land in Qingmufudi and became the true creator of Qingmu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei and Qingmufudi basically became one, and Tu Qingqing entered the Qingmufu, the blood in his belly. Also because of Wei Xiaobei, the maturity period has once again lengthened.

This is the price of constant strength!

Of course, if the child in the green belly can be born safely and smoothly, then if the child falls, it will not be an ordinary existence.

Wei Xiaobei also has a feeling of faintness. With his strength to the present level, the child in Tu Qingqing’s stomach is his first child, and I am afraid it is also the last child.

This seems to be a rule in the dark, no matter in which world, the stronger the strength, the weaker its ability to multiply!

It’s like the lower-class fish in reality, which can produce millions or even hundreds of millions of eggs at a time, but as the biological level increases, those more advanced mammals can give birth to more than ten It is the limit. The top creatures like whales and elephants can only have one birth, and the pregnancy lasts for 12 months or even 22 months!

This is a stark contrast.

Therefore, at the level of Wei Xiaobei, it is a normal situation that it is impossible to reproduce the descendants.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei does not feel too much regret about this. It is enough to have this one.

In the few days between Tu Qingqing and Wen Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei probably learned about the development of real human beings in Aoki.

To put it simply, real human beings are self-sufficient in food in Aoki's blessed land. At the same time, due to the phenomenon of energy extraction, they have to excavate pits in the mountains, obtain metal, and forge the required items.

However, this kind of development is not fast. It can be said that if the transportation of goods from reality is interrupted, the reality of human civilization in Aokifu is almost primitive.

It is able to create simple tools, polish stones, use wood to make wheels and more.

Of course, this is also a helpless thing. The reality of human civilization has grown from its original state to the present level, and it has consumed more than 6,000 years!

Therefore, although the real human beings in Aomufudi can learn from some simple and simple technologies, there are only about 20,000 human beings in these green woods. In just 20 years, they want to develop the civilization in Aomufu. To a higher level, it is very difficult.

This is why Wei Xiaobei collects a full set of scientific and technical materials from the Eagle Kingdom.

Only by collecting a full set of scientific and technological materials, and drawing on the best of them, and transforming some of the scientific and technological materials into scientific and technological materials that meet the requirements of Qingmu Fudi, can the real human civilization in Aomufudi be advanced.

But then again, wanting to do this is not that easy.

To put it simply, the environment of Aoki's land seems to be quite similar to reality, but in fact, the basic physical constants of Aoki's land are subtly different from reality.

Such as the speed of light, Planck's constant, basic charge and so on.

The slight difference between these basic physical constants does not actually affect the operation of some various mechanical and instrumental instruments, but it is also one of the inevitable causes of energy extraction.

To put it bluntly, to avoid this phenomenon, the materials for building machinery and instruments can only come from Aoki Fudi.

Of course, there is no shortcut here.

For example, Tian Yuwen found a shortcut. The real humans excavated the minerals in the Aomufu land, transported them back to reality, refined and processed with real equipment, produced machinery, and then sent them back to Qingmufu to avoid energy extraction. The emergence of phenomena.

But the shortcut is called shortcut, there will always be some problems.

Just like the basic technology in Aokifu, and so on, you can't use this shortcut.

To put it simply, most of the scientific and technological materials in reality are based on the basic physical constants of reality. If the actual scientific and technological materials are completely applied, then there will always be many problems with the machinery and instruments that are finally produced.

Another key issue is the metal and other substances produced in Aomufudi. The density is different from that of the same kind in the real world. At the same time, there are some minerals in Aomufudi that do not exist in reality.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei hopes to establish a set of unique science and technology system of Qingmu Fudi from the bottom to the top by referring to the actual scientific and technological information, and even better combine the unique aura of Qingmu Fudi and even various cultivation methods.

Of course, this is not a goal that can be easily reached.

After spending a few days with Tu Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei felt that all the troubles accumulated before him seemed to disappear, and the whole person felt refreshed.

Therefore, when Xiaobei is about to leave the Aomu Fudi, the rare ones will give birth to a few points.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei's slightly wrinkled brow, Tu Qingqing chuckled and leaned on Wei Xiaobei's shoulder to feel the strong body of the man around him.

To say that at the beginning, Tu Qingqing was the result of the prophecy of the elders in the family. In order to save the destiny of the Qingqiu country, he had no choice but to find Wei Xiaobei.

But as the two get along for a long time, Tu Qingqing is really in love with Wei Xiaobei, willing to give birth to him.

You know, for the existence of the nine-tailed fox, if there is a child with the same family, there is no problem.

However, if you are married to a foreigner, the strength of the nine-tailed fox will be greatly weakened, especially during pregnancy, the strength of the nine-tailed fox will continue to weaken as the pregnancy time increases.

As far as Tu Qingqing is concerned, his strength is exactly the same as that of an ordinary human weak woman.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei attaches great importance to the safety of Tu Qingqing, and does not allow Tu Qingqing to have a slight loss.

Therefore, even in the Aomu Fudi, Tu Qingqing maintains the scale of more than 30 elites at any time. In addition, Wei Xiaobei also incorporates a touch of Tu Qingqing into the slowly forming moon. Once Tu Qingqing is in danger, Tu Qingqing will be directly transmitted to the moon for protection.

In this way, even if there is a very powerful enemy invasion, or there is a man-made anti-inside, if you want to hurt the Qing Qing, unless the moon is broken.

But the sun and the moon have formed a relationship of interdependence and circulation. If you want to break the moon, you need to break the sun. The sun is the first congenital **** in the green wood, and it is closely related to the green wood. Wei Xiaobei gave the authority to mobilize most of the power of Aoki.

Therefore, if someone can hurt Tu Qingqing, then the only possibility is that Aokifu is completely destroyed!

In short, after doing such a defense, Wei Xiaobei was relieved to leave Qingmufu.

Wei Xiaobei spent about three months in the Qingmu Fudi, but for the people on Weijia Island, Wei Xiaobei also entered more than three days.

However, Wei Xiaobei left Weijiadao before going to Yingguo, but it took a lot of time. As a result, there are quite a lot of things piled up.

After receiving the news that Wei Xiaobei came out from Qingmu Fudi, Li Zhaoxing, Zhang Tiantian, and Xiao Baiyu quickly rushed to Wei Xiaobei.

Compared with the past, Li Zhaoxing, Zhang Tiantian, and Xiao Baizhen, who have been exercising in Zhaoyun Camp for a while, are somewhat different from the previous ones. They seem to be more restrained.

The back of the three men hung a long gun after folding, and watched the workmanship. Well, it should be the craftsman of Zhao Yun’s camp.

It seems that the three people should have learned something in Zhao Yun’s camp.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes swept over the three women, and they could not help but sigh. As time passed, the temperament of these three women became more and more restrained, but the beautiful appearance was not even damaged, but it became more outstanding. It is Li Zhaoxing and Zhang Tiantian who have nine-tailed foxes. Before they can make a big leap, even if they don’t talk or laugh, they will have a fascinating state from the bones, which makes people unable to stand up.

Even Wei Xiaobei, who used to see the top-notch guys, saw that they were a little happy.

"The disciple has seen Master (Shi Bo)!"

The three women went to Wei Xiaobei for a ceremony and shouted in unison.

Since Li Zhaoxing and Zhang Tiantian are the apprentices of Tu Qingqing, the two women usually call Xiaobei to Shibo to increase their closeness.

"Yes, what do you guys have?"

Wei Xiaobei saw the three women coming together and wondered if something went wrong.

But the three women's next answer made Wei Xiaobei feel a little headache.

It turned out that these three women in Zhao Yunda camp, followed Zhao Tong learned a period of shooting, quite effective, and now some are unwilling to stay on the island to deal with those trivial things, the three women want to go out together.

To say that if you change to the previous one, Wei Xiaobei is absolutely not allowed to go out.

After all, Li Zhaoxing and Zhang Tiantian both learned a lot of magic tricks with Tu Qingqing, but the two women are not born to the nine-tailed fox, and their self-protection ability is still weak.

But now, Wei Xiaobei indicates that the three women are not moving, their eyes are watching, and everything is ready to start.

In Wei Xiaobei's gaze, whether it is Li Zhaoxing or Zhang Tiantian or Xiao Baizhen, there is a feeling that he was seen through Wei Xiaobei in a moment, and his clothes seem to be unable to stop Wei Xiaobei's gaze.

What does Master (Shi Bo) want to do?

The three women’s cheeks began to blush, and there was no way. Under the effect of all things, even people with nerves and big ones would feel like they were standing naked in front of Wei Xiaobei!

However, Wei Xiaobei did not have such awkward thoughts. After the eyes swept, he immediately looked at the property sheet of the three people.

Although the biological grades of Li Zhaoxing's three women have not improved, but Wei Xiaobei is quite surprised that the three women have two common skills and one special ability.

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