The City of Terror

Chapter 1542: Shentong Seed

It’s too late to get used to it. The two days of poverty are actually a bit tired, maybe it’s overworked –

Their new common skills are riding, shooting, and special ability is a hundred birds phoenix!

Riding and shooting are not so amazing to Wei Xiaobei, but Baiyu Chaofeng is one of Zhao Yun’s exclusive abilities!

We must know that Wei Xiaobei could not learn a hundred birds and phoenixes at the beginning. Although he did not learn the reason why a hundred birds were facing the phoenix, it was Zhao Yun’s suggestion to avoid restraining Wei Xiaobei’s exhibition on the shooting, but this is still Wei. One of Xiaobei’s regrets.

You know, it's not that easy to create a special gun.

Wei Xiaobei is now able to release the guns and shoot out the guns. He has slightly touched the threshold for how to create a special gun technique. There is still a distance from the special gun technique.

It is said that Li Zhaoxing is indeed the most qualified in the three women.

The riding is a perfect match, and the shooting is pure.

And Zhang Tiantian and Xiao Baizhen are worse. Riding is a slap in the face, and the shooting is a perfect match.

But in any case, they can learn the special gun skills of the birds and the phoenix, and go out, at least the self-protection should be no problem.

"You don't want to go out and practice, but you have to test it."

Wei Xiaobei smiled and even let the three women show their birds to the phoenix.

For the request of Wei Xiaobei, the three women are somewhat hesitant. There is no doubt that they feel that the birds they display are extremely powerful. If they are to show Wei Weibei, they may hurt Wei Xiaobei.

However, Wei Xiaobei has incomparable confidence. After all, even if these three women are highly qualified, it is impossible to learn how high the birds are.

Then, the three birds that the three women showed up, regardless of the momentum or actual power, are indeed a lot worse than the Zhao Tong that Wei Xiaobei has seen!

Even the white phoenix formed by Zhang Tianshen’s hundred birds and phoenixes had not yet flown to Wei Xiaobei, and they collapsed into a mess of guns.

In the words of Wei Xiaobei, it is blowing the head shape to himself, but it makes Zhang Tian sweet face flushed, and he is too shy to look up.

As for Li Baixing and Xiao Baiyu’s release of a hundred birds toward the phoenix, they flew to Wei Xiaobei, but then Wei Xiaobei grabbed the white phoenix into pieces and the remaining guns failed. What harm caused by Wei Xiaobei?

Of course, this is not to say that the three women’s birds are really powerless.

This is just that there is no power for Wei Xiaobei. After all, Wei Xiaobei is now no more than the original. Just the breath released by Wei Xiaobei, you can ignore certain injuries, and Wei Weibei’s physical defense has already been Powerful to a considerable extent, the attack of the three women wants to break through his defense, it is indeed very difficult.

But even so, in Wei Xiaobei's estimate, the strength of the three women is not weak.

If you go out alone, Wei Xiaobei may not be reassured, but the three women are traveling together, but there is not much problem.

With their strength, if the three people release the birds to the phoenix, I am afraid that even a four-star ordinary monster will be difficult to parry.

With the consent of Wei Xiaobei, the three women could not help but get excited.

Looking at the excitement of the three women, Wei Xiaobei feels a little funny, one by one, and the age is also twenty, but the excitement they show at this time is like a 13-year-old girl.

However, Wei Xiaobei turned to think about it. It was not too much for them to lose their temper at this time. After all, they had not left here for several years after coming to Weijia Island.

Although Weijiadao basically has everything here, it is just an island after all.

For the three girls who are full of prosperity, this day is indeed a little uncomfortable.

However, the next thing makes Wei Xiaobei have some headaches.

You must know that Li Zhaoxing's three women are the general managers of Weijiadao and the rest of the islands. Although the resident residents on Weijia Island basically entered the Qingmu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei brought back tens of thousands of dollars from Yingguo. people.

The placement of these tens of thousands of people and even various things, as the three women have to leave, they need to hand over to Wei Xiaobei.

No way, Zhu Xinyi and other disciples have already gone to China, and Huang Kun, huh, huh, Wei Xiaobei just put forward this opinion, was vetoed by Li Zhaoxing and others.

No way, although Huang Kun is mature now, it is slightly mature. If you really give these things to him, I am afraid there will be problems.

If there is chaos in tens of thousands of people, it is a big problem.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei took the time to start the handover with the three women.

Of course, since Tian Yuwen and others have established relatively complete management institutions in the past few years, the handover between Wei Xiaobei and the three women is not too much trouble.

But after the three women left the Weijia Island by boat, Wei Xiaobei had to bear the temper, sitting in the office and signing the documents sent from various departments.

These documents are all-encompassing from the placement of Yingguo residents, the allocation of housing, and even food distribution, various types of work distribution, procurement of materials, security, and the like.

The biggest problem here is the coordination of the work arrangements of those researchers.

First, Wei Xiaobei needs to determine what kind of scientific research materials will be converted into the Qingmu Fudi system.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei signed his opinion on that document.

The first to transform the basic industry, the order of metallurgy, mining, energy, machinery, materials science

Wei Xiaobei knows that don't look at himself and sign an opinion like this, but if it is implemented, the time and manpower required will be extremely large.

Fortunately, I have pulled back so many researchers from Yingguo. Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei alone may not be able to study much if he studies it for hundreds of years.

After two days of busy work, Wei Xiaobei will finish the accumulated documents, and then Huang Kun, who is in a state of love, will be forced to start studying and handling official duties.

Huang Kun is naturally resistant to this.

However, Wei Xiaobei only said one sentence, and completely dispelled Huang Kun’s resistance.

The general idea of ​​this sentence is that a woman likes a man with a career.

Indeed, Huang Kun recalled for a moment, and he usually seems to be a bit unfair.

Now Master has put such a big burden on his shoulders. If he can handle his official duties well, will it make girls prefer themselves?

After thinking for a while, Huang Kun finally sat down to listen to Wei Xiaobei's teachings.

After quickly teaching some of the essentials of dealing with official duties to Huang Kun, Wei Xiaobei even notified the various departments to officially appoint Huang Kun as Weijiadao and the island general manager.

After receiving this news, the leaders of various departments even came to Wei Xiaobei's office and asked Huang Kun for the next stage of work.

Seeing that Huang Kun gradually entered the state, Wei Xiaobei did not stand there to influence the loyalty of the leaders of various departments, and he quietly left.

Of course, due to the fear of Huang Kun’s major problems in the management work, Wei Xiaobei did not leave Weijia Island for the time being, but returned to his villa, lying on the roof of the villa, convulsing his mind and began to study the biography of Master Tsang. Give your own two magical seeds to come.

Well, I’ve said it before, it’s not that I’ve learned the magical powers.

If you want to learn magical powers, you must first activate the supernatural seed.

And in the story of Qingniu, there are also a few unlucky guys who have acquired the seeds of Shentong but have been unable to activate the seeds of Shentong.

Wei Xiaobei can only pray that he is not so unlucky.

At this time, in the mind of Wei Xiaobei, several kinds of Guanghua interweaved, all kinds of magical powers, the light **** formed by the magical seeds, and the Buddha statues slowly rotate like a galaxy.

Wei Xiaobei took the lead in focusing on the nine-point technique of the ancient Jinwu Lieyang.

After having the experience of activating the magical seed, Wei Xiaobei naturally knows how to activate the supernatural seed.

As Wei Xiaobei’s mind gently touched the light ball formed by the ancient Jin Wu Lie Yang’s nine-point technique, Wei Xiaobei felt that there was a suction on the light ball, and it would be between the moments. I sucked in, and then I was black, and Wei Xiaobei lost consciousness.

Time does not know how long it has passed. When Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes from the darkness, he was now in a fire, surrounded by heat, but it gave Wei Xiaobei an indescribable warmth and security.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei could not move in this fire.

The only thing that makes Wei Xiaobei reluctant is that the time he sleeps is much longer than the time he wakes up occasionally, which will not make him too boring.

In the occasional waking time, Wei Xiaobei also considered what state he is now.

Given that Wei Xiaobei knew that he was in the process of comprehending the seeds of Shentong, he had a bolder inference.

At this time, I may be at the time when Jin Wu is not yet born!

After waiting for Xiaobei to wake up several times, he finally determined his previous inference.

Suddenly, the huge force that came in all directions made Wei Xiaobei wake up from the slumber. This giant force pushed Wei Xiaobei, and in the fire, I didn’t know how far, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were slightly dark. The fire disappeared and the body could move.

Of course, such a body movement is not reflected by Wei Xiaobei’s will.

It’s just the natural reaction of Wei Xiaobei’s body.

The body turned to look back, but only to see a huge fire.

After that, Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly see the **** bird that rushed out from the huge fire.

Well, it’s a crow with three legs.

However, as they leave the huge fire, they will slowly rise to the golden flame in the body.

Undoubtedly, including Wei Xiaobei, these are the so-called Jinwu.

Together with the body of Jin Wu, where Wei Xiaobei is located, there are a total of ten heads of Jin Wu from the huge fire.

Not long after, the fire of the group turned into a woman who was extremely expensive, and when she reached out, she would hold Wei Bei and other Jin Wu in her arms.

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