The City of Terror

Chapter 1557: Hundreds of arms and **** night master!

Eating bacon ribs, eating a stomach faint pain, poor road suspected a bit of food poisoning, because the ribs before the white mold

As the fire dissipated, the smoke was blown away by the sea breeze, and the scenes revealed made the officers and soldiers in the military port inexplicably inexplicable.

The humanoid monster is still suspended in the air, and even has a residual flame on its body.

At this point, it seems that the other party is not serious even if it is injured.

"Continue to attack!"

Without hesitation, almost all the officers were stunned. The roar at this time gave the impression that almost all of them were about to pull out the heart directly.

The various weapons that had just stopped in the blink of an eye once again ejected a violent smoldering flame, injecting countless bullets, shells and even missiles toward Wei Xiaobei.


A series of explosions once again swayed in the night sky, and Wei Xiaobei’s position was once again flooded by the explosion.

Even Wei Weibei split in order not to waste the explosion of the fire, after suffering most of the explosion of fire, then immediately chased out and rushed into the flames of the surrounding explosion.

Although Wei Xiaobei's avatar is very fast, it is still clearly visible in the night sky under the chase of dozens of searchlights.

Seeing this scene, the top officials in the military port could not help but open their mouths one by one. This scene almost broke their world view for them.

It’s incredible.

The explosion flares of various weapons seem to have no lethality at all, and the other party actually rushed into the explosion fire, which is even more illusory.

Everyone knows that in such a violent explosion, most of the creatures will die immediately, but the other party is not afraid, but instead voluntarily rushes in. This is simply speechless.

Is this guy a bomber?

Through the military telescope, you can even see the smiling smile on Wei Xiaobei's face.

Undoubtedly, for Wei Xiaobei's avatar, the explosion is like a hot spring, which makes him feel comfortable all over the body.

But in the eyes of ordinary humans, this is beyond what they imagine.

Perhaps many people have seen online novels, can accept all kinds of extraordinary human beings set in the novel, what kind of magma bath, what to bear tons of heavy pressure, etc., but if such things appear in reality, it will be bright Look at their eyes.

What kind of reaction does humanity have in the face of an enemy that can never be defeated?

To be honest, this topic is an eternal topic in psychology. The answers vary, depending on the person's personality, the environment, and the psychological changes.

In this military port, the first reaction of the Sam’s soldiers was to evacuate their positions and rush to the warships that had been ignited in the military port.

For them, this land is not their own country. If someone dares to let them face such an enemy, the guns in their hands will not agree!

The remaining Dongpu soldiers are all different reactions. Some Dongpu soldiers are directly squatting. For them, such an enemy is not a self-understanding existence. Perhaps the other party should be a real god!

What you need to do is to bow down directly!

In the habits of the Dong people, the worship of the strong is a kind of instinct. As long as they are more powerful than them, let them fear, then they will worship each other, even if the other party will kill themselves.

Of course, there are still Dongpu soldiers who are mad at the moment, holding the trigger and not moving until there is a continuous air-sounding sound in the gun, and there is no stopping.

Most of the Dongpu soldiers chose to escape, followed by the Sam’s soldiers rushing to the warships in the port.

Undoubtedly, the Dongpu soldiers who chose to escape are the kind of blind obedience. When others run, they run along with themselves. They don’t think about it in their minds. If there is such a strong presence, even if they escape the warship, can it be? Is it really safe?

As the soldiers escaped, the fire from the military port to the sky became sparse.

Undoubtedly, this makes Wei Xiaobei's avatar very dissatisfied. It is like taking a hot bath in the winter and suddenly stopping the water.

Extending the right hand, a fireball emerged. After a short time, the fireball came out of the way and fell to the military port not far away.

Seeing this scene, all the officers and soldiers had an unknown omen in their hearts.

Obviously, a monster that can withstand all firearm attacks can't be a common item.

Of course, everyone immediately saw that the fireball increased in size as the fall distance increased.

From their point of view, the fireball at this time is like the sun that is constantly approaching the earth, and it is extremely magnificent under the background of the dark night sky.

Even the footsteps of some soldiers have slowed down, and they have been shocked by the falling fireball, so that the thinking reaction has become much slower.

But when the fireball is less than 100 meters away from the military port, the fireball has increased to a diameter of 100 meters.

At this point, everyone’s eyes showed a desperate look.

Even a fool knows that such a huge fireball has come down, and no one on the surface has a chance to survive!


The fireball slammed on the ground, and the fire that poured out swept it out. Anyone who was caught in the fire, the body was burned into a pile of dead bones in an instant, and then a huge explosion appeared in many places in the military port. Fire.

Under the high temperature of the fireball, flammable materials such as petrol cans stacked on the ground are ignited in the first time, turning into a huge fire that rises from the sky, and the ammunition piled up on the ground is followed. The explosion came, as for the various oils and ammunition stored in the ground, after burning for more than a minute in the sea of ​​fire, it was finally ignited!

Suddenly, with a huge explosion, a slowly rising mushroom cloud appeared on the military port.

Having said that, due to the distance, the warships docked in the port were barely able to withstand the fire from the fireballs. However, with the ammunition depot of the military port, the oil depot exploded and huge shock waves began to sweep across the port, making those warships Shaking constantly, sometimes colliding with other warships, and sometimes colliding with the dock.

Even a submarine part of a warship was hit by a large hole and quickly sank in the harbor.

Wei Xiaobei’s avatar did not let go of the surviving officers on the warships, soldiers, and once again dropped a fireball.

The process of falling the fireball does not need to be described too much.

Another violent roar was suddenly spread.

The two destroyers docked at the port were the first to explode into the explosion of fire. As for the cargo ships docked around, they were ignited as the fire spread.

Diesel, motor oil, shells, bullets, flammable materials on various ships, and human bodies are quickly ignited, or exploded, or burned.

Almost no one can escape from this disaster, even the strongest soldier.

Even the seawater in the port was boiled up by the flames, and the situation in the port was terrible.

In the sea, the human body is mixed with the body of the fish, quickly whitening, and exudes a seductive oily flavour.

Any normal ordinary person, just think about this scene, I am afraid that some will not be able to resist the vomiting in the throat.

The military port was completely destroyed under the attack of Wei Xiaobei. Even if he was hiding in the upper level of the military harbor in the underground air-raid shelter, he could not find a chance to escape.

That is to say, the entire military port has become a huge abattoir.

However, Wei Xiaobei's brow at this time is wrinkled.

Even if the entire military port was destroyed, the guys Wei Weibei expected were still not there.

Could it be said that this guy does not know the destruction of this military port?

Wei Xiaobei shook his head and knew that although the military port did not have the overall commitment to the Shinto meeting, the number of Shinto believers in it exceeded at least 60%.

And the number of soldiers in this military port plus the number of people has reached 50,000!

To be honest, for the Shinto meeting, so many believers can be said to be hurt.

Perhaps the other party did not put these believers in the eye?

This conclusion may be correct.

After all, that guy is not a great god. The beliefs of these believers are not related to him. It is normal for this to happen.

According to this trend, it is difficult for Wei Xiaobei to catch the other side's trace.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei overtook the undead of the entire military port and obtained a lot of Xuan Huang Gongde juice, barely making up for the previous deficit.

The next day, Wei Xiaobei found a human gathering place on the north side of the military port.

The **** that is enshrined in this human gathering is not a great **** of the sun, but an inky statue with hundreds of arms on the back!

Its face is very incomparable, fangs valgus!

In Wei Xiaobei's view, this hundred-armed statue does not look like a god, but it is like a evil spirit!

The believer who believes in it calls it a hundred-black night master.

Well, listening to this name, Wei Xiaobei feels somewhat similar to the big dark Lord.

But the great dark Lord and the Amaterasu **** are hostile relations. I want to come here. This so-called hundred-armed black night Lord should have nothing to do with the Great Dark Lord.

In fact, when Wei Xiaobei saw the statue of the 100-armed Black Night Lord, some smiles appeared on his face.

Obviously, this hundred-armed black night master is the goal that Wei Xiaobei has been pursuing for so long.

As for why there is an image of it, the reason is very simple.

The eating of the great **** of the gods is too ugly, and all the faiths are full.

In this way, for any one who has a pursuit, it is quite normal to sneak a little gray income when out of tolerance.

In other words, this human gathering place with more than 20,000 people is the gray income of the one-hundred-night black night lord...


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