The City of Terror

Chapter 1558: Hundreds of arms and knives!

Sure enough, not all moldy foods are as edible as red tofu! The poor road is now lying on the bed, too painful. It is said that it takes a lot of water to clean up the toxins. The poor road has already drunk ten cups, and there is a feeling of wanting to vomit -

Even the Shinto **** in the reality of the Amaterasu may be established, it is not difficult to separate some energy and establish a belief system of its own.

Hundreds of arms **** night master?

Wei Xiaobei sang the name in his mouth, his right hand slowly lifted up, and a fireball emerged from the palm of his hand.


The fireball fell down like a bomb that was getting bigger and bigger and fell quickly toward this human gathering place.

Wei Xiaobei was fully motivated to sense the movements around him. Although he was only a avatar, he also had the same predictive ability of the body. He had a hunch that the guy should appear this time.


When the fireball was less than 800 meters from the ground, Wei Xiaobei whispered in his mouth. The next moment, the group of fireballs that were falling rapidly turned to the east of the ocean.

At this time, in the direction of the fireball rushing, a black humanoid monster with a shape of more than fifteen meters is rushing.

There is no doubt that this black humanoid monster is the one-hundred-night black night master.

Although I have seen her gods before, I have some understanding of the image of the hundred-black night master. But when Wei Xiaobei was the first time to see each other, I couldn’t help but worry about the other side.

This one hundred-armed black night master, if you only look at the upper body, then it is absolutely terrifying!

The whole body is black and can't reflect the skin. The back of the arm is densely packed. Like the long-legged millipede, the skull is too dark and can't see the facial features. The body is strong.

The two legs of the one-hundred-night black night master are thin and incomparable relative to the upper body, giving a feeling of serious top-heavy, and even worrying about the illusion that the other party will fall to the ground at any time.

But in fact, this hundred-armed black night master is not top-heavy, and its speed is fast, so people can't imagine two slender legs at all, and can do this.

Undoubtedly, this hundred-armed black night master was attracted by the movement caused by Wei Xiaobei.

This also shows that Wei Xiaobei did not find the other side before.

This guy did not stay on land at all, but was hiding in the ocean.

The hundred-armed black night master found a fireball that rushed toward him.

At this time, the diameter of the fireball has expanded to a diameter of 100 meters. The body shape of the hundred-armed black night is similar to that of the fireball. It is like a little mouse standing in front of the watermelon.

But the hundred-armed black night master faced the huge fireball that was rushing, but there was no fear at all. The two thin legs slammed on the ground, and then a circle of orange light spread on the ground under the foot. The Lord of the Night then rises from the ground, like a flexible ape, rushing toward the fireball.

Just at the moment when it was about to come into contact with the fireball, a long black knife was formed on the arm of the **** night master. In a flash, countless black knives bloomed on the fireball.

The fireball suddenly exploded, and numerous fires were sprayed out in all directions, and even the hundred-armed black nights were covered.

The time of the interest rate, the fire dissipated.

The figure of the hundred-black night master appeared, and the countless black knives slowly dissipated.

What makes Wei Xiaobei's body a little surprised is that there is no trace of burnt light on the body of this hundred-black night, that is to say, the fire of the fireball explosion, even the body does not stick to it.

And all this is just because the black knife light blocked the fire.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were brought with a bit of dignified color.

Undoubtedly, the strength of this one-hundred-night black night master is very strong. Just using the blade that is pulled out can block the fire. This is no ordinary knife.

Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei’s avatar was immediately lost to the body of the hundred-black night master.

Name: Hundred-armed black night master

Introduction: One hundred-armed black night master is one of the false gods created by the great **** of the heavens, but the understanding of the darkness is not enough, so that the hundred-armed black night master created does not have great darkness. The same power as the Lord. But the hundred-armed black night master unexpectedly developed hundreds of extremely powerful arms, which made it have a strong knives far beyond other existences.

Weakness: light heat

Race: false god

Gender: Male

Age: 421 years old

Biology level: four-star disaster

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: Hundred Arms

Special skills: dark nights, atomized black knives, gathering faith, refining divinity

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

In the twinkling of an eye, the property of the hundred-armed black night master changed to the avatar.

There is no doubt that this guy does not have a lot of combat skills, and his skill for combat is only one hundred arm knife!

And its special skills are all auxiliary effects, such as the darkness of the night, it can make a certain range of weather into the night, so as to enhance its combat power, this should be part of its ability to imitate the big dark Lord.

The atomized black knife is the black blade that grows on its arm.

As for the accumulation of faith, the refinement of divinity is the unique ability of its pseudo-god, and it does not need to be described too much.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei has discovered that as long as the strength reaches a certain level, he can gather faith and refine his divinity.

Of course, there are many dangers here, and not all of them will be willing to go to Shinto.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei's body a little surprised is that the biological level of this hundred-armed black night master is actually a four-star disaster!

Only these kinds of abilities can reach the four-star catastrophic biological level, and then contact the other party's previous performance, the hundred-armed knife is probably not a common item.

Even Wei Xiaobei suspects that the biological level of the hundred-black night master can reach the four-star disaster completely by the hundred-armed knife!

Of course, in any case, this hundred-armed black night master is even more powerful, at most, it is a level with Wei Xiaobei, and Wei Xiaobei’s avatar is not inferior to the body, even the avatar has a self-destructive trick, thus falling Not afraid of this hundred-black night master.

However, Wei Xiaobei's avatar did not reduce his vigilance. The right hand slammed, and another group of fireballs flew toward the hundred-black night.

At the same time, a fireball appeared on the left hand of the avatar, and fell toward the human gathering place below.

Since this hundred-armed black night master has already appeared, then the following human gathering place will have no effect on Wei Xiaobei's avatar.

Destroying it can also make this hundred-black night master lose the source of faith.

After all, pseudo-gods like this are mostly in the stage of extreme demand for faith. They need enough faith to be able to embark on the path of true God!

Any attempt to undermine their faith will make them extremely angry.

This is the so-called attack and it will be saved.

The move of Wei Xiaobei’s avatar really caused the anger of the one-hundred-night black night lord. After a violent roar, the one-hundred-black night lord actually avoided the previous fireball and then turned toward this. Running wildly, at the speed of his madness, before the fireball fell to the ground, he was able to get there.

The problem is that the first group of fireballs has been chased from behind, and its speed has also increased several times.

In accordance with this trend, the first group of fireballs were able to hit the back of the group without waiting for the one-hundred-night black night master to break the second group of fireballs.

But if the hundred-armed black night master returns to the first group of fireballs, then the second group of fireballs will completely destroy the human gathering place, thus cutting off a source of faith for the hundred-black night master!

This is naturally the deliberate intention of Wei Xiaobei.

A small tactic, you can let the enemy take care of this, Wei Xiaobei's avatar feels very comfortable, this is considered a small revenge for the other party.

After all, the other side has robbed the self-cultivation of the divinity, which really makes Wei Xiaobei's avatar very angry.

However, the one-hundred-night black night master did not care about the fireballs that followed him, and rushed straight toward the second group of fireballs.

Wei Xiaobei squinted and looked at it. The arm of the hundred-black night lord quickly appeared innumerable black fog. After the black fog turned, it turned into a black blade with a matte color. Gives a particularly heavy illusion.

Near, near.

The first group of fireballs is less than 50 meters away from the back of the hundred-black night master!

At the speed of the fireball, I want to catch up with the hundred-black night master, which is less than half-time.

But at this moment, a black knife light was born from the main body of the hundred-black night, and in a flash, it was hovering over the fireball that was chased after.

In the induction of Wei Xiaobei's body, the stable structure of the fireball was destroyed in an instant, even if it was a detachment, there was no way to stabilize it.

The fireball released the fire in all directions. When the fire turned around, it caught up with the hundred-black night master. But at this time, the black-black night of the main black back of the hundred-armed black night bloomed, and even through the impact of the fire, it made itself The speed suddenly increased!

The next moment, the hundred-armed black night master appeared below the fireball falling toward the human gathering place, the black knife light bloomed again, and the fireball suddenly exploded.

But this time, the black knife light actually put the fire that was released from the fireball explosion to the fullest. The next moment, the fire suddenly rushed back to the original road!

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei, who has not left the place, is on the line of the fire.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised. He had to say that the hundred-armed swordsman of the hundred-black night master was somewhat unexpected. He even saw a trace of the black knife light in his bloom. Traces of the rules!

In the words of Huaxia, this hundred-armed knife is almost in the same way.

Undoubtedly, this made Wei Xiaobei's avatar have a great interest in the hundred-black night master.

Is this the realm of breakthrough after the martial arts reach the extreme?

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