The City of Terror

Chapter 1559: Dark night

Every bit of the past, nothing can last forever, the sun, the moon, the earth -

District martial arts can actually reach the level of rules, which undoubtedly made Wei Xiaobei have some ideas on his own road to guns.

But then again, this is not the time to study this.

The fire that came back from the back was wiped out in the air with Wei Xiaobei's right hand.

But this is not the end. There are a few black knives hidden in the fire. After the fire dissipated, it emerged and smashed toward the avatar.

Being able to feel the martial arts that have already stepped into the rules at a close distance, so that Wei Xiaobei's avatar has not retreated, his face is smiling, his right hand is caught in the air, and he will take a companion shot from the storage ring. Come out, grab it in your hand.

This storage ring is not the two storage rings worn on the body, it is the common goods of the body refining, only 50 cubic meters of space inside.

But for the avatar, this space is enough.

Because the avatar is a combination of light and heat, if it is injured, it can only be treated by absorbing the flame, etc., so that only a few weapons for the use of the body are placed in the storage ring. Nothing else.

Therefore, even if the avatar is degraded, the storage ring is lost, and Wei Xiaobei will not feel the slightest pain.

The accompanying big gun suddenly rose into a blazing blazing fire, standing up high, and then slammed into the numerous black knives that had come.

Hey! Hey!

A series of loud noises came out immediately, and in a short period of time, thousands of rapid collisions between the big gun and the black knife light, and the two different rules quickly disappeared.

After the countdown, the big gun and the black knife light were collected almost at the same time.

Wei Xiaobei looked at the accompanying big gun and couldn't help but frown.

This associated big gun is a big gun that was accompanied by a white fog shot. In terms of firmness, it is far less than its body, so in the fierce collision with the black knife light, this is associated with The big guns are full of scars, and cracks in some places even penetrate the gun.

However, for Wei Xiaobei's avatar, even if the rifle is damaged, it is not a big deal. In the previous fight, Wei Xiaobei’s avatar probably explored the depth of the hundred-armed knives. .

The result is that the avatar can't help but feel a little sigh.

This hundred-armed knife is not a knife that involves the rules level!

Wei Xiaobei's mastery of the rules of light and heat is almost equal to Dacheng, but in the impact with the other side of the hundred-armed knife, the light and heat attached to the big gun did not account for anything cheap!

You know, this hundred-armed knife just stepped into half a leg.

Of course, the difference in this, Wei Xiaobei also knows.

After all, this knife is a single martial art that is completely used for offense, and the coverage of the light and heat rules is broader.

To face the point, to eat some small losses, it is normal.

The one-hundred-black night of the dark night, the face of the incomparably dark, also showed amazed look.

In its fighting career, the hundred-armed knife can be described as invincible, no enemy can block his black knife attack.

But today, here, I have encountered a existence that can compete with my own hundred-armed swordsmanship, which really makes the hundred-black night master a little surprised.

Of course, the situation of the one-hundred-night black night master is completely a sneak peek.

When the enemy in the past encountered the black-night master of the hundred arms for the first time, he did not understand the power of the black knife. Therefore, when he encountered the battle, even if there was no reaction time, he was blacked by a black knife. Drowning and killing.

However, Wei Xiaobei's avatars are different. At least the overall strength of the avatar is much stronger than that of the **** night.

This is evident in the next explosion.

It seems that a hundred-armed black night master encounters an enemy that is evenly matched with himself. Therefore, he is extremely excited and his body rises high. Even after a black knife is shining from the back, he is again attacked by Wei Xiaobei.

It can be seen that this hundred-armed **** night master is doing all his best. The arms behind him are moving up. The blades on each arm are full of dozens of black knives and hundreds of arms are added together. Thousands of black knives have formed a black torrent.

And this black torrent has already locked Wei Xiaobei, and the sharp and incomparable momentum even makes Wei Xiaobei's body feel a bit of pain in his face!

In the face of the black torrent, the small guns of Wei Xiaobei's right hand were attacked again. For a moment, the fire was shining on the gun body and even the thunder and lightning!


Gently drink in the mouth, the golden light of the whole body blooms like the rising sun, and then a transparent gun mans with a large gun tip is also emerging. After the fusion with the fire and thunder and real mercury, it is even For a shot of blue, white and red mixed with guns!

The black torrent seemed to be boundless, almost drowning Wei Xiaobei, but in an instant, the gun and the black torrent collided, and in a flash they broke through the black torrent, and shot toward the hundred-black night. The past!

The hundred-black night master faced this sudden accident, his face with a horrified look, but the speed of his reaction was far from being able to keep up with this change.

In a flash, the gunshot hit the chest of the **** night master. The next moment, the gun gas ran through his chest and passed through his back, dropping more than a dozen black arms waving!

Although the next moment, the wounds of the Hundred-Heavy Black Night Lord began to heal quickly, but this one-time confrontation made the Hundred-Heavy Night Master realize that the other's strength has surpassed himself.

The torrent formed by the black knife light also hit the moral golden light outside the body of Wei Xiaobei.

The collision between the two suddenly broke out with countless black and gold Mars, which sputtered around.

What makes the face of the **** night change is that the final result of the collision between the two is that their black knives have been exhausted, but the merits of the golden light still appear outside the body of Wei Xiaobei.

The result of this completely one-sided battle has made the ever-changing hundred-black night master know what is called the pain of failure.

However, the hundred-armed black night master is not the kind of fledgling rookie. If it fails, it will be dejected, and it will not be able to escape.

In the battle of the hundred-black night master, there are many gods who have more strength than themselves, but these gods are finally falling under the blade of the hundred-black night master!

The eyes of the hundred black night masters are now lit up. This is a very weird phenomenon. The eyes of the eyes become darker and darker. They can’t see the reflection at all, like the deep night sky, and the edges of their eyes bloom. White light.

At the same time as the eyes of the hundred-black night master changed, the original bright sky became darker at this time, as if something had absorbed the light in the sky.

Before and after the countdown, the sky becomes dark, as the night falls.

But you must know that this time is a noon, it is the time when the sun is rising and the yang is the most abundant!

The sudden change of the sky made the following human gatherings become more and more chaotic.

Of course, in the past, after the battle between Wei Xiaobei and the hundred-black night lord broke out, the following human gatherings became chaotic, and even many humans escaped from human gatherings early and hid. Into the wilderness.

But there are still many human beings who stand in the gathering place of human beings. They believe that their patron saint can defeat the evil devil and save themselves.

Ok, speaking, this is a joke.

The image of the one-hundred-night black night master will not be a kind-hearted god. It can be said that the human beings below have identified it as a benevolent **** and are completely caught in the crazy belief of it.

Or they have such an understanding in the subconscious. Although the hundred-black night-time master is extremely fierce, it is always his own protector, so even if it is fierce and cruel, it is also the way to treat the enemy, and these believers are absolutely safe.

Well, in fact, these human beings don’t know at all that this hundred-black night master is not a good **** even for his followers.

It’s just that it’s not yet harvested.

Just as the shepherd grazes the flock, it will not kill a few sheep to eat meat without any problems, but at the crucial time, I am afraid it will reveal its true colors.

At this time, with the sudden fall of the night, Wei Xiaobei's avatar can feel that the strength of the hundred-black night master suddenly began to increase.

It seems that after this night sky has come, this hundred-black night master has gained a certain special bonus, and thus the strength is rising.

Huh, in Wei Xiaobei, another shot was fired. When the gun rushed to the front of the hundred-black night, the hundred-black night master disappeared in an instant without a trace.


Wei Xiaobei's avatar subconsciously touched it all around, even spreading the electromagnetic field out. Under two different sensing methods, the avatar suddenly found out that the hundred-black night lord actually disappeared, even The avatar couldn't find the residue of the other half of the breath, just like the one hundred-armed black night lord melted into the night sky without leaving a little residue.

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei’s avatar remembered a special skill of the hundred-black night master, and the night was shrouded!

This special skill is literally easier to explain.

This situation in front of us is undoubtedly the best explanation for the darkness.

The vision of Wei Xiaobei’s avatar can clearly see that this sudden night sky envelopes the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of kilometers.

It must be said that in terms of the degree of shock, the night sky of the hundreds of kilometers is indeed very shocking. Outside the range of hundreds of kilometers, it is still clear and sunny.

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