The City of Terror

Chapter 1564: Chaos, war

Depressed, I wanted to get more code words in the morning. The result was a little dizzy. I took a nap on the sofa and slept until now.

Nearly extinct!

The number of white people has increased rapidly from more than two million when the country was founded to more than 200 million now!

This also makes the Alaczi people continue to accumulate resentment in the hard struggles of generations.

This time, the intention of a consortium is undoubtedly to want to swallow the last home of the Alaczi people.

Although the Alaczi people couldn't see it so far, the oil companies tried to demolish their ancestral temples, and they could still see them.

As a result, the Alaczi people were furious, and their heroic glory in the blood of the past hundred years finally broke out.

In the villages of the Alaqisai people, they walked out of the Arazzi warriors of a team. They gathered in front of the ancestral temple and marched toward the oil pipeline under the leadership of the high priests of the ancestral temple.

At this time, Domiya is mixed in the crowd, and it is already unclear about the direction, and can only follow the crowd.

"Long live Alaczi! Long live!"

"Down with a white dog!"

Although the young women of the Alaczi people could not participate in the battle, they shouted various slogans with great enthusiasm, which made the emotions of the Alaqisai people more and more angry.

The movement of the Alaqisai people was discovered by the employees of the oil company early. As the first-level report went up, the local police immediately dispatched the president of the oil company to the local governor. More than a dozen police cars will be in the middle of the road. The team of the Alaczis was stopped.

"The person in front listens and stops moving forward! Don't move forward, don't move forward."

A senior police officer on the top of the police car shouted loudly with a horn and secretly glared at the boss. Even if he didn’t handle it clearly, he sent himself, and he gave his own hands only action. The team has more than 30 people, and the number of Alaczi people stopped in front of them has exceeded at least 10,000!


Do not say anything else, so many Alaqisai people, just one person and one mouthful of water, can drown themselves.

The Director of the Police Department has already issued a death order. These Arazisians are absolutely not allowed to go to the Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering Department to carry out the damage, but what do they do to block it?

Take the little revolver in your waist?

Just kidding, the large-caliber double-barreled shotguns in the hands of the Alaqisies can smash themselves into slag.

To Sam's country can not help but the national policy of the gun, these **** Alaczi people can also easily buy a variety of guns, they even have automatic rifles in their hands!

Damn, where did they buy the automatic rifle!

If you let me know who sold them, I swear I must put his eggs into his mind!

The sheriff groaned in his heart, but had to execute the order and shouted, trying to stop the advancement of these Arazias.

Well, based on the fear of violent institutions, the first Alaszi people did stop.

But this move quickly caused dissatisfaction among the Alaczi people behind.

The words of the genus and so on began to boil, which made the front-row Arazzi racers red-faced, and even rushed toward the police car.

After the warning of the shooting was unsuccessful, the police targeted the shooting at the nearby Alaczi.

As the first Alaqisai shot fell from the horseback, the Arazis, who had come with anger, suddenly became angry, and they began to fight back quickly, hunting shots, rifles and even javelins toward the police. Open fire.

As mentioned before, more than 30 police officers are even armed with iron, and it is impossible to resist the siege of tens of thousands of Alaczi people.

Soon, the police officer who was shot was killed on the spot, and the sheriff did not shoot, but was still tied to the police car roof by the violent Alazisai who interrupted their legs.

The Alaczi racers accelerated their speed, as the same torrent rushed toward the distant oil pipeline site.

The workers responsible for the construction saw so many Arazisians coming, where they dared to work, and turned around and fled.

However, the person in charge of the project was more heroic and stood up to try to blame the actions of the Alaczi people.

But in the eyes of the Alaqisai people, this project leader is one of the most hateful guys. If it weren't for this guy, this oil pipeline would not be built.

Well, they didn't think of what consortiums behind the scenes were anything. Anyway, who is doing this in front of them is their enemy.

After a brutal attack, the person in charge of the project was directly hanged by the crane to the highest point.

As for all the machinery in the construction site, the construction materials were destroyed by the Alaqisai people.

There is no doubt that the Alaczis believe that they have won in the battle with the whites, and thus become more radical and united.

But the local state government will not allow these Alaczi people to ignore the destruction of state laws, and of course the most important thing is that they will never be allowed to destroy a consortium's plan!

You know, the governor is the one who has spent a lot of effort on the consortium before pushing it to this position.

Therefore, the state national guards directly commanded by the governor of the state quickly gathered.

When thousands of fully armed National Guards slowly pushed forward toward the construction site, the shock was not weak. Many Alaqisairs calmed down at this time and saw so many soldiers pushing over, they could not help but be afraid.

However, the principals of the Alaqisai people’s actions know that they have been unable to retreat. Once they retreat, the Alaczi people will break down and crack down, and they will no longer be united under the white people’s conspiracy.

As a result, some of the Alaqisai people immediately took the lead in launching attacks against those national guards.

As the gunshots sounded, the national guards slammed on the ground.

No way, although they can be regarded as regular armed forces, they are only performing various military tasks in the country, almost the same role as the armed police, like this kind of battle with tens of thousands of people to open fire, to be honest, they are also the first Encountered.

But the Alaczi people are not completely united at this time. As mentioned before, some Alaqisai people are afraid, they are not willing to confront the violent institutions, even if they want to go back to the village, the matter will stop. .

But the hardliners will not allow the crowd to scatter. If they come here, they will not allow others to retreat.

As a result, there has been a fierce debate between the hardliners and the retreats.

The National Guard is always a long-trained army. Its commander found that the Alaqi Sai's attack firepower was uneven and even seemed to have a quarrel. He did not hesitate to order the charge!

Few people have seen the scene of thousands of soldiers launching the charge, at least not seen by the Alaczi people.

Therefore, after the National Guard launched the charge, many Alaqisai people were even more scared. They left their weapons and turned to attempt to escape.

These escaped Alaczis caused confusion in the first place.

After all, people are bound by the spirit, strong enemies, plus their own chaos, leading most of the old women to panic, a large number of people crowded together, some want to escape, and some want to go to the front, Others don't know what to do, subconsciously screaming.

At this time, the National Guard has begun to shoot continuously toward the crowd, which further caused confusion among the crowd.

If you think about it, you will know that in a crowd of people, you are forced to move, but you can see that people nearby are being shot down. What kind of mental state would you be?

Fear, extreme fear, even madness, madness!

A group of rabble!

As the commander of the third battalion of the National Guard, Lieutenant Colonel Trons looked at the chaotic Alaqisai crowd, his face showing a disdainful look, and then waved his hand and ordered: "Warning them, immediately give up, resist, Anyone standing can kill it!"

If it is replaced by white gangsters in those cities, Lieutenant Colonel Trons can't dare to make such an order, but these troublemakers are Alaqisai! All day long, the Sam is called the Alaszi of their ancestors.

It can be said that Lieutenant Colonel Trons feels that if these guys disappear from the world, the world will probably become better.

It should be noted that the grandfather of Lieutenant Colonel Trons is a soldier who has been detained for public service in the case of the Alaszi riots. This kind of vengeance has made Trons have no good feelings for the Alaczi people. He believes that these Arazis are all cancers on the land of Sam, parasites!

What's more, this time, Lieutenant Colonel Trons has been hinted that as long as the incident is settled, he will get a lot of benefits.

As for the media, public opinion? Don't be kidding, who will make the Arazis in the newspapers?

You know, the media can be controlled by a consortium!

Even if there are one or two reporters who are eager to speak for them, but when the vast majority of the media is a caliber, will readers believe these truths?

After receiving the order, the big horn on the armored vehicle of the National Guard immediately warned.

But at this time, the Alaczis are in a state of extreme chaos. Let’s not say whether they can hear the sound of the big horn in such a chaotic and noisy environment. Even if they can hear clearly, they have few opportunities. Your majesty.

In such a chaotic environment, who dares to be the first to kneel down, then waiting for him is trampled on by countless people! There is no second possibility.

Besides, the whites in the hearts of the Alaqisai people are almost the existence of the devil. They can't believe any promises of the whites. Otherwise, this time things will not be so big.

Of course, some of the Arazis who escaped unconsciously saw the National Guard and began to squat.

But the National Guard soldiers did not hesitate to shoot directly at these Arazias.

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