The City of Terror

Chapter 1565: , the relationship between pharmacy and armored vehicle maintenance

The right elbow may be a little rheumatic joint disease, and the pain is very bad. Let's go to the activity first, so that it will be disabled if it is old. .——

Their reason is very simple. There are still a lot of Alaqisai people who are busy with the National Guard. These seemingly honest Alaqisai people may not be really honest. It is better to kill them directly and make themselves more Safer.

After all, in such an environment, it is unsafe to watch a large group of prisoners with a small number of soldiers.

Of course, the behavior of these soldiers also gave support to the hard-line factions in the Alaczi people. When they saw their own family, their loved ones were shot and killed by those white soldiers without resistance. Most of the Alaczi people were red-eyed. .

Although the chaos still could not end in a short time, more Alaqisai people were involved in the battle.

In terms of firepower, the National Guard soldiers equipped with the pin-4s assault rifle, in terms of individual firepower, are absolutely slinging these Arazis.

It is important to know that the pin-4s assault rifle can directly fire a grenade to provide a close-range fire cover.

However, the number of Alaczi people is always more than the National Guard, so even though most of their weapons are shotguns, they are barely matched with the National Guard.

Even some young people in the Alaczis armed with javelins, bravely rushed into the National Guard soldiers and beat the guys who killed their families.

I have to say that some of these young people seem to be thin, far from the strong soldiers, but they seem to have more strength, a javelin kills more than 10 people, even being stunned by a rifle A row of holes appeared, and they did not stop attacking, just as those bullets did not hit them.

At this time, Domina felt that she was going crazy.

This scene was completely something she didn't think of. She saw her father being headshot by a bullet and fell down, but her father's death was only a small point of the disaster suffered by the Alaczi people. .

In just over a dozen minutes of fighting, the Alaczi people fell more than a thousand people.

How is this going?

Isn’t Sam’s country promoting freedom of cooking?

How could this be?

Domia saw that this scene was not the same as the **** scene in the book, and his heart became more fearful and frustrated.

However, soon, Hills caught her attention.

At this time, Hills was fighting with three soldiers. The javelin in his hand had penetrated the bodies of two soldiers, but another soldier raised his gun at Hills.


Domia made a hoarse scream, no one could hear what she was calling.

But the next scene happened, but it was beyond the expectations of Domia.

There was a dazzling fire at the muzzle!

There was a blood on Hills, but he didn't stop at all, and even the javelin in his hand gave the other side a blow and pierced the other's neck.

Hills raised his javelin and screamed: "The great feather zombie! Your devout believers praise you here and sacrifice with the blood of the enemy."

Domy's eyes widened. She saw that as the sound of Hills sounded, there was a circle of milky white spots on the body. The spots were like feathers, but the gunshot wounds on Hills were Quickly recover!

In fact, it’s not just Hills that is doing this, but more Arazisians are also yelling. Like Hills, they also have a lot of feather-like milky white spots on them. The injuries on the body are recovering quickly.

Even a guy who was pierced by a bullet, and started to jump.

Feathered snake god?

Domia’s worldview was once again hit, and she even suspected of any knowledge she had learned in college.

Well, it’s not just that Domia feels awkward.

After seeing this abnormality in the Alaczis, the soldiers of the National Guard had opened their mouths.

From the very beginning, when fighting these Arazis, many soldiers noticed that some Alaqisai people seemed to be very fanatical. Even if the bullets hit them, it would be difficult for them to fall in the first time. Will desperately bring one.

The scene that has emerged now is a suspicion of the worldview that it has formed over the past decades.

How can people not die after being hit by bullets? Even the wound will recover quickly?


Seeing that other soldiers fell down one by one, some soldiers who were not so gutdy finally collapsed. They either dropped their guns and turned to escape, or jumped up from the ground, fired guns indiscriminately, and were eventually blinded by bullets. Knocked on the ground.

It is not surprising that the National Guard of the Sam State is actually a militia belonging to the local state governments and is a reserve force.

The so-called reserve forces, regardless of training or combat experience, will and so on, are much worse than the active military.

Therefore, don't expect them to maintain strong morale and fighting enthusiasm when they encounter incredible things.

Well, in fact, in many cases, the majority of Sam’s National Guard is used to help police stations hunt down the shackles of heavy firepower and so on.

Anyway, when you have the first guy to turn around and escape, there will be a driving effect, so that there will be a second, third, fourth and even more deserters.

Of course, this can't blame their unshakable will. In fact, even if it is an active army, if you encounter a group of people who can't even kill the bullets, I am afraid that the will to fight will not be too firm.

As the National Guard soldiers became more and more fleeing, Lieutenant Colonel Trons had to flee in armored vehicles under the protection of the guards.

"We have won! Praise the feathers!!"

When the last National Guard soldier was knocked down by the bullets, the Alaczi people immediately gave a victory.

Well, in fact, in the previous battles, even the most determined hardliners did not think that one side would win.

They just thought that if they could, kill a few white guys before they were killed. If you hang it, you won't have too much regret.

But now, they found themselves victorious!

The white dog's army has been evacuated, leaving a large number of bodies, guns and ammunition, and even two armored vehicles that are anchored.

Taking advantage of this difficult victory, the hardliners took the upper hand in the post-war conference.

At this time, even the weakest surrender, there will be no proposal for a peace with the white dog.

No one would think that after killing so many white dog troops, they still have the opportunity to reconcile with each other.

Well, but then again, those weak parties, the surrenders are not completely useless.

After they have recognized the reality, they have played a bigger role than the hardliners.

At least they know what to do next.

A large number of Alazis were sent out to collect the guns and ammunition left by the National Guard as a reserve for the next battle.

Obviously, the running dogs of those consortiums will not be completely relegated to their homes because of their defeat.

At the same time, some Alaszis who knew how to repair were summoned and began repairing damaged guns, even mechanical vehicles parked on the construction site.

There is no doubt that the Alaczis are not completely old-fashioned. They know that if these mechanical guys can use them, they will have unimaginable benefits for their motivation.

"Domia, have you studied at university?"

Just as Domia cried and found the body of his father, trying to bring the other person back to the village, a bearded man who looked familiar was asked in front of Domia.


Domina did not think about what the other party wanted to ask, but only answered subconsciously.

"Well, your father, we sent people to help you bury, but you need to join the liberation cause of Alaqisai."

After the words of the beard and the righteous words, the bearded man waved his hand.

Then the two young Arazzis took over the body from Domiya, and the bearded man took Domia to the front of an anchored armored vehicle.

Well, one thing to note is that this big beard is called An Jersey. The thing he came to Domia is to let the other party repair the broken armored car!

Gull, when Domiya saw the armored car, he couldn’t help but pat the brain. Does this big beard think that college students are omnipotent?

I only read the pharmacy profession, not the mechanical repair profession!

Well, even if it is a mechanical repair professional, it may not be able to let this armored car run!

This is a military armored car, not an ordinary car!

Domiya no matter how to explain to Anzexi the huge difference between what he learned and the mechanical repair, but this bearded man insisted that Domia had read a white book, so he should know how to repair the armored car.

Well, although Domia did not learn Chinese, she also understood that the scholars met the soldiers and could not tell the truth.

In desperation, Domia can only enter the armored car for maintenance work.

Well, just entering the armored car, Domia was almost spit out of the rich **** smell.

Although the body has disappeared, the blood flowing in the armored car can be seen. When the Alaczi rushed into the armored vehicle, the occupants were bloodied.

Domiya is not the kind of buddy who is dead. She also knows that the days of Alaczi people have changed. If they really can’t make a contribution, it’s hard to say what those fanatical hardliners will do for themselves. .

You know, the Arazzi people have the ancient tradition of dealing with tribal traitors! (To be continued.)

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