The City of Terror

Chapter 1569: Falling apart

I was so heavy before, so that the codeword speed was much slower, I am sorry -

In the ghost legends of the North Island and even the entire East, the Snow Maiden can be said to be an eternal theme.

In the North Island, the story of the snow girl circulating in the northern part of Honshu Island is almost as many as hundreds of versions.

In these snow girl stories, the snow woman is extremely ferocious and extremely kind. If there is nothing to kill people, there are love story protagonists and so on.

It can be said that the snow woman is actually the embodiment of ice and snow.

In terms of strength, Snow Maiden is also one of the most powerful ghosts.

When the snowy woman that Xiaowei met in the early Wei Dynasty had the biological level of the four-star elite, the snow girl who appeared around Wei Xiaobei at this time was even stronger, and reached the four-star horror!

Coupled with the snow and ice environment here, the fighting power they can explode will be stronger.

From their view to Wei Xiaobei’s hatred, even in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, the circle on their body is almost turned into a real blood. It can be seen that these snow girls are not good, but extremely ferocious. !

From the grievances that Wei Xiaobei felt on the North Island, I am afraid that the entire island will be eaten by them.

Don't look at the snow women, each looks very pure and sweet, but in essence, they are extremely evil ghosts!

Wei Xiaobei even saw some frozen ghost heads hanging on the neck of some snow women.

Well, they are in a ruling class even in ghosts.

Obviously, after the snow woman felt the huge power in Wei Xiaobei's body at a close distance, she seemed slightly afraid.

Snow girls are high-level in ghosts, and their level of intelligence is not much worse than that of ordinary humans. They can roughly judge the strength of Wei Xiaobei to be much stronger than himself.

Therefore, they were very cautious, and did not rashly attack Wei Xiaobei. They just surrounded Wei Xiaobei and stared quietly at Wei Xiaobei. It was like a group of statues without emotions.

But like the hyena, as their number is increasing, their daring has also grown.


A cold wind blew through, and a little snowflake particles lingered on a dead tree nearby.

Suddenly, all the snow girls launched an attack on Wei Xiaobei at the same time!

Undoubtedly, these snow girls have already regarded this big island as their own territory and will never allow any outsiders to invade.

The violent blizzard will wrap Wei Xiaobei in a moment, and countless snowflakes become sharp edges. Under the influence of the wind, they cut toward Wei Xiaobei.

It can be said that even a piece of stone, under the countless ice blade cutting, will be turned into powder in a blink of an eye.

Not to mention the low temperature of the creature with a frozen, slow effect.

Change to a creature whose strength is slightly lower than theirs. There will only be one in the end of this moment, that is, frozen.

But Wei Xiaobei's speed is faster than the snow women imagined. Almost at the moment when the blizzard was blown up, Wei Xiaobei had already rushed to the height of 100 meters, and his body shape shook. When it reappeared, it was already five or six. Hundred meters.

It must be said that the snow woman has a lot of defects in combat.

In the scope of the surface, the snow women gather together, and the resulting blizzard, I am afraid that even a fully armed army will be instantly submerged.

But the height is up, more than three hundred meters, the snowstorm of the snow woman will suddenly weaken.

The most important thing is that Snow Maiden is not suitable for single-on-one battles. They are more suitable for dealing with large groups of enemies whose strength is far weaker than themselves.

However, in the next battle, Wei Xiaobei did not personally hand, but threw a large weapon from the storage ring.

These weapons were the cannon ash weapons that Wei Xiaobei used to refine with the dragon fire. The length of one meter and five six was just thrown out, and it was even a little bit of a finger with three colors of light.

Then, the air was like a meteor falling down, hundreds of brilliant meteors, pouring down, and the snowy women who had missed the target on the ground and looked a little dull.

For a moment, the blizzard slammed into the air, which made the snow girls a little horrified, and the meteors that subsequently fell from the sky made the snow girls who saw this scene for the first time somewhat confused.

However, this abnormal sound did not last long. Before the meteor fell to the ground, the dazzling brilliance would be dissipated, revealing the body of the red fruit.

Due to the size of the foreign objects that are pinned, these avatars are mostly larger than the previous ones, reaching a height of one meter five or six.

Although it seems to be a little shorter than Wei Xiaobei's body, it seems to be fierce in the image.

Some of them were only cold and murderous, the speed was not reduced, and after the specific weapons appeared in their right hands, they continued to rush toward the snow women.

At this time, those snow girls are even fools and understand that the enemy is attacked.

The blizzard, which has not completely subsided, has skyrocketed again in an instant, rolling up countless ice and snow, and rushing toward the falling cannon fodder.

Relative to Wei Xiaobei's body, the strength of these cannon fodders is worse than that of the boss. The strongest is the peak of Samsung's horror, close to the general level of four stars.

When they stormed into the snowstorm, the transparent fruit layer on the surface of the red fruit condensed and quickly thickened. After the time was counted, these cannon ash bodies were wrapped into heavy ice sculptures and finally fell on the ground. , a crisp burst of sound.

When I saw this scene, Wei Xiaobei’s brow slightly wrinkled.

The appearance of these snow girls just allowed him to test the specific combat power of these avatars.

After all, the battle between the avatars is fierce, and it is not as good as the confrontation with foreign enemies.

However, the strength of the cannon fodder and the strength of the snow woman are actually a little bigger.

From the previous contact with these snow women, Wei Xiaobei judged that the ability of these snow women to create low temperatures is terrible!

They are able to create a low temperature of more than minus 210 degrees! In fact, the crystal snowflake in the snowstorm they rolled up is the formation of the air in the air after liquefaction and solidification!

Therefore, in the moment of contact with the blizzard, these Samsung horror-level cannon fodders were directly frozen into ice sculptures.

I have to say that the ultra-low temperature created by these snow girls completely restrained these cannon fodders.

Under the influence of ultra-low temperature, the metal weapons placed on the cannon ash did not bring them more combat power. On the contrary, their bodies became more fragile, so that they hit the ground, and most of the weapons were first. It was instantly smashed into pieces of gray.

The first wave of cannon fodder is completely destroyed!

The snow girls couldn’t wait to rush to it, trying to catch the flesh and blood of those avatars.

But they were disappointed. At the same time that they were destroyed, their bodies immediately restored the essence of the weapon, which was a metal fragment that was completely inedible.

The snow women who could not find food could not help but scream at the Weibei in the sky. Their roaring caused the blizzard to rush to more than 500 meters.

But Wei Xiaobei’s reaction was to throw a large wave of weapons down.

It is still shining, like a meteor falling down.

This time, the raging snow girls once again set off a blizzard.

This time, after the light faded, the red fruit avatars were not as fragile as the previous wave. They showed a faint red light, which was able to withstand the ultra-low temperature brought by the blizzard, and then the same cannonball straight. I turned to those snow girls.

In the face of this sudden change, the snow girls have panicked and fled.

Undoubtedly, in the past battles, any enemy, not yet close to them, was turned into a corpse by the blizzard that brought the ultra-low temperature.

It can be said that they have never experienced close combat, and there is no relevant combat experience!

Soon, a head of snow woman was split in the middle of the body, separated from the left hand to hold the snow woman's neck, the right hand of the weapon pierced the snow woman's vitality.

The Snow Maiden is always a powerful ghost of the four-star elite. Even if they are harmed by the enemy, their subconscious resistance can also bring heavy damage to the enemy.

When the white blood rushed out, the temperature dropped even lower.

The red light that was directly sprayed by the white blood was extinguished instantly, and the whole body was turned into an ice sculpture at an incredible speed, which seemed to be poured by a bucket of liquid nitrogen on the top of the head.

Less than ten minutes before and after, Wei Xiaobei's more than 70 incarnations were completely destroyed.

Of course, this time is much stronger than the previous one, at least killing ten snow girls!

Well, although the resilience of the Snow Maiden is hundreds of times stronger than that of ordinary creatures, it is much weaker than the ghosts of the same level.

Most snow women blocked the wounds with ice and snow, and the ten snow girls completely forgot to stop bleeding because of excessive panic, and finally the blood sprayed out and turned into a real ice sculpture.

In Wei Xiaobei's eyes, these snow girls are actually a group of empty and powerful forces, but do not know how to use the idiots.

Don't say anything else, if they can use the ultra-low temperature to put a solid ice wall around the body, it is very difficult for those who want to get close to them.

They are too dependent on the natural blizzard ability, so that when the blizzard can not resist the enemy, they are completely helpless.

There was no expression on his face, and Wei Xiaobei once again threw out some weapons.

This time, Wei Xiaobei's avatars are different. They have the same level of biology as the Snow Maiden. Therefore, in terms of quantity, Wei Xiaobei can only make thirty.

But these are more than 30 avatars, completely ignoring the snowstorm of the Snow Maiden, and a snowstorm with the Snow Maiden.

As Wei Xiaobei imagined, these snow girls had no resistance at all in front of the avatar.

Even the white blood ejected from them is difficult to sputter directly onto the body.

When the creature ranks to the four-star elite, the avatar has been able to partially mobilize some of Wei Xiaobei's strength, rather than relying solely on the various lethal forces of the weapon itself.

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