The City of Terror

Chapter 1570: , the dawn of the gods

First update the chapter, the code is in the code, but I feel so hungry, is it time to go to dinner and then come to the code? ——

Less than five minutes, the battle is over.

The blizzard that shrouded the ground was also dissipated at this time, but the ground was covered with a variety of ice sculptures.

Most of them are stones on the ground, trees and so on are formed by the ice layer, and a small part is formed by the death of those snow girls.

Wei Xiaobei's avatar occupies a huge advantage in close combat, so even if part of the snow girl finally chooses to blew, the loss of the avatar is only two.

Absolutely suppressed victory!

This also proves that even if it is a stronger enemy than yourself, as long as it can restrain the other's ability, it is not difficult to kill it.

Of course, the snow woman's defects are too big, and she is not proficient in melee combat.

It can be said that if you switch to a ghost who is proficient in melee combat, it is a bit difficult to split the opponent so quickly.

Wei Xiaobei’s face was full of heartfelt smiles.

His smile was not born because of the destruction of these snow girls, but after the life and death between these avatars and the snow maiden, the magical seeds of the genial body of the celestial body in the mind grew stronger than before. A few points.

This also means that this supernatural power has grown a lot. Although it has not been able to reach the realm of Xiaocheng, it is quite a lot when it is just getting started.

In this way, this method of cultivating the incarnation of Cang Xuan Cave is much faster than that of the ancient Jin Wu Lie Yang Jiu Jiu. As long as there are enough powerful weapons to fight against the enemy, then this magical practice The speed will not be slow.

Wei Xiaobei landed on the ground, gently on the body of a snow-covered female ice sculpture, and the ice sculpture body suddenly shattered. Like an avalanche, the pieces of iced ice fell to the ground.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei picked up a crystal clear ice core from the pile of ice.

Just a touch, Wei Xiaobei's fingers condensed a layer of ice, and then the ice spread quickly, covering Wei Xiaobei's entire arm.

Good cold beads.

Wei Xiaobei used a comprehensive view of everything, and the attribute table of the beads is very simple, so there is no need to describe it too much.

This is actually the heart of the snow woman.

Unlike normal humans, snow women have no heart. They only have this core, and the core of the heart is the same as the heart of the snow woman. The half of the ice on the snow woman comes from this core.

After the snow woman died, the core that can be retained by the body is the core of the heart, and the rest will be turned into ice.

Of course, due to the death of the Snow Maiden, the core of the heart will naturally be damaged, and the force of the ice contained in it will quickly dissipate. Therefore, the heart of the Snow Girl can only be kept for half a month under normal temperature conditions. After half a month, the Snow Girl’s core will be dissipated.

But even so, the quality of the Snow Maiden's core is not low after the break, reaching the level of entry level.

Wei Xiaobei did not waste these snow female cores, collected all the cores of the snow female wreckage and collected them in the storage ring.

Undoubtedly, these snow female cores can be stored for a longer period of time in a storage ring that is almost stagnant.

Even if these snow-girls are not made into weapons, they can also make Wei Xiaobei a four-star or more avatar.

Undoubtedly, for the moment, collecting a large number of high-quality items will enable Wei Xiaobei to practice the incarnation of Cang Xuan-dong to a higher level.

Compared to Honshu Island, the area of ​​the North Island is much smaller, only about 80,000 square kilometers.

Under the command of Wei Xiaobei, those avatars with their bodies were rushing around, and Wei Xiaobei needed them to probe the situation of the entire North Island.

However, this time, Wei Xiaobei put a weak pig on each shoulder.

The presence of the weak pigs allows Wei Xiaobei to observe the situation around the body and even the avatar.

After all, for the moment, Wei Xiaobei and the avatar have not been able to establish a connection between the mind and the soul. Once they are out of sight, Wei Xiaobei can't know anything about the avatar.

Thirty heads quickly left Wei Xiaobei's field of vision, while Wei Xiaobei chose a relatively large seaside reef to sit down. While watching the movement around the body through the weak pigs, he began to cultivate various magical powers. , study various rules.

In the ancient Jinwu Lieyang nine points of surgery, the law of heaven and earth, mouth white lotus and so on, Wei Xiaobei will occasionally grab an alloy arrow from the storage ring, giving the alloy arrow floating rules, let it float After that, the three colors shine a little, until the light fades, the Wei Xiaobei avatars one by one tall will float in the air and leave, they will fill the areas that are not explored by the powerful avatars.

For Wei Xiaobei, time is never enough.

If you can, Wei Xiaobei would like to hide in the Qingmu Fudi, where the time flow rate is faster, and practice many magical powers into the realm of Dacheng, and study the rules to absolute control before they come out to kill the Quartet!

The problem is that this is just a fantasy.

If Wei Xiaobei did it, I am afraid that when he came out, the whole reality had completely fallen.

Besides, closing a car is not a good thing.

Time flies in the past, and snow flutters in the sky, but these snowflakes can't be within three feet of Wei Xiaobei, or they can turn to the sky by themselves, or they can be extremely hot and vaporized.

The avatar has searched the entire North Island for more than half of the area, but has found no surprises.

If you really want to say something, then there are many human bodies frozen in ice sculptures.

These human corpses should probably be killed by the snow girls, but being killed by the snow girls is probably the easiest way to die in the ghosts. Most of the expressions that were frozen before they died were smiling.

Although their bodies have been chaotic, but it is always after death, at least they should not have much pain at the moment of dying.

Three days passed, and Wei Xiaobei sent a detachment to search the entire North Island. Many of the cannon fodders were killed in the encounter with ghosts.

But this little loss is worth it.

Wei Xiaobei finally found some traces on the snow-covered hills of the North Island that should be related to the Amaterasu.

The whole hill was covered with snow and ice, but there was no snow on the top of the mountain, leaving a piece of ashes.

When Wei Xiaobei arrived, he fell on the top of the mountain and suddenly felt the familiar light and heat of the Amaterasu.

Yes, there is a trace of light and heat from the Amaterasu **** on this hill, which makes the fallen snowflake unable to accumulate.

Sure enough, without the expectation of Wei Xiaobei, the Amaterasu **** did come to reality!

But why do you always feel that the residual light and heat power here is so weak?

Wei Xiaobei looked at the entangled fingers and rotated a little bit of light and heat, and could not help but fall into contemplation.

This ray of light is the light and heat power that Wei Xiaobei extracted from the top of the mountain.

This ray of light and heat contains the familiarity of Wei Xiaobei.

This is not wrong, 100% is the power of the **** of the sky!

but why

After a long time, Wei Xiaobei raised his head, his eyes fell on the erected erects around his eyes, and his eyes showed a sudden realization.

That's it!

In any case, the **** of the day is the main **** of the Dongshen gods, and its legend has been echoed for thousands of years on the land of Dongpu, which shows how powerful its power is.

As a result, it seems that the other party’s sneak into the reality is not impossible.

After all, Wei Xiaobei does not think that Amaterasu has no ability to make a avatar. It is necessary to know that the existence of a **** is the best at making a avatar. Although they seem to be rude and simple, some prefer to use a little will to come to the frenzy. Some believers like to use the power of God to build a separate body.

But in any case, for ordinary humans, the separation of the gods is even weaker, and it is also a very powerful and terrifying existence.

Well, after Wei Xiaobei carefully explored it, he came to the conclusion that the avatar of the Amaterasu should not stay in the North Island for a long time. The direction of his departure should be Honshu Island.

Did you miss it with the other party?

Wei Xiaobei’s heart soon emerged this judgment.

It should be like this.

Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time in the North Island. After taking back many of the avatars, he turned and left the North Island and rushed back to Honshu Island.

This time, Wei Xiaobei is determined to firmly grasp the traces of the **** of the day!

Therefore, on the way back, Wei Xiaobei never took the time to practice the magical powers, study the rules, but rushed back and forth across the sea.

In fact, when Xiaobei rushed back to Honshu Island, he directly discovered the traces left by the **** of the day.

A human gathering place in the northeastern part of Honshu Island, where the surviving human beings have now become the believers of the Amaterasu gods. They even built a stone statue of more than 30 meters high in the human gathering place. Visiting is constant.

Wei Xiaobei did not remove the human gathering place, and even the stone statue did not touch a finger.

Here, one is that Wei Xiaobei does not have the same murderousness as his own, and he will destroy the hostile human gathering place. The second is that Wei Xiaobei does not want to scream!

Wei Xiaobei has not yet grasped the situation of the big gods on the day. Before he saw the other party, Wei Xiaobei would not act rashly.

In fact, the trace of the Amaterasu **** is very easy to find, not knowing because of its own divine power characteristics, or because its avatar can not control the power of the gods, the place where it passes will inevitably have a blackened trace of spread. It is like a huge fireball just passed through the general, and on both sides is the fire and sea ash that burned out.

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