The City of Terror

Chapter 1571: Fireball, more than imagined

After this chapter was updated, the poor road took a break for a while, a little dizzy -

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s judgment is that the other party should be unfamiliar with the actual rules, which leads to the situation in which the power is unstable.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei did not know that at this time in the satellite monitoring centers of major powers with launching surveillance satellites, the eyes of those technicians looking at the screen were wide.

“What is going on here? How can there be such a strong source of heat radiation in the eastern part of Honshu Island?”

After receiving a report from the duty officer, the deputy supervisor of the Huaxia Satellite Monitoring Center immediately rushed over and looked at the heat radiation source on the screen like a red dot. He could not help but quickly calculate it.

The so-called heat radiation source, to put it bluntly, is actually the source that can release the light and heat.

A big fire, a certain oil depot explosion, a gasoline coagulation bomb that was dropped by bombing, etc. will be a source of thermal radiation. Even if the requirements are lowered, the human body and even the world are all sources of thermal radiation, and any temperature is higher than absolute. If it is more than zero, then it will generate more or less heat radiation.

But if you want the satellite to monitor such a thermal radiation picture, then the heat radiation emitted by this heat radiation source is not a little bit.

At least the level of forest fires in a mountain range.

Is it a forest fire in the eastern part of Honshu Island?

However, this source of thermal radiation is slowly moving, which does not coincide with the continuous expansion of the thermal radiation source of forest fires.

If you have to have a precise judgment, then it should be a huge fireball that is moving, its diameter will exceed hundreds of meters, and the surface temperature should be more than three thousand degrees!

To be honest, it is basically impossible to create a huge fireball that persists in existence and wants to form in reality.

Even if a nuclear bomb is thrown away, it will last for more than ten seconds, and then the temperature will drop rapidly, instead of keeping the temperature constant on the screen.

Ok, this judgment will give the deputy supervisor a hard time.

At the same time, technicians from other countries are also stumped.

Whether it is Sam, Gao Lu or Xiong Guo and other powerful countries, their technical staff have been skeptical about their own judgment.

And the news quickly passed up.

It must be said that in this era, the top leaders of various countries have some headaches, and the strange things happening every day exceed the frequency that happened in the previous hundred years.

After the high-level officials of the country learned that there was a huge source of thermal radiation in the eastern part of the eastern island of Honshu, the high-level response of the countries was different.

The Prime Minister of the Eagle State is busy rebuilding the work, and there is energy to pay attention to the strange things that are happening thousands of miles away.

The President of the Gallic State also read a few more reports and then focused on the incident report of the deep sea giants invading the interior.

This is the real snow in front of the sweeping door, taking care of it!

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is good that the major powers can manage their own affairs. If they can give help to neighboring countries, it is a good man of greatness. As for what happens in the farther places, they will even I want to manage, it is impossible, I have no ability.

The same is true of the attitudes of several other powers.

That is to say, the two powers of China and Sam are more focused.

However, their focus is not on what will happen in Dongpu, but whether this huge source of heat radiation in Dongpu may cause harm to the country.

After all, the present Dongpu is already in chaos, and for the major powers, it has basically lost its value.

For example, before Sam’s country failed to make a prediction and judgment plan, he thought that after saving Dongpu, he could make a big profit and rushed into a lot of things, but he could not get any benefit. Finally, because the domestic opposition was prominent, he had to gradually The investment was terminated, and a lot of losses were made.

Therefore, this time, Dongpu has an abnormal situation. Huaxia’s approach is to submit the matter to the think tank to study the possible subsequent impact of this incident on China.

The practice of Sam is exactly the same as that of China, but they have to do more. In addition to submitting the case to the think tank, they have also rushed to signal the military personnel stationed in several military ports in Dongpu, even warships and cargo ships. Immediate evacuation, of course, also emphasizes a point in the order, if possible, take away all the things that can be taken away during the evacuation, including but not limited to the materials of Dongpu, scientific and technological materials, scientists and so on.

At the same time, the two countries invariably revised the target of a part of the nuclear bomb to the eastern part of the eastern island of Honshu.

This is the last resort in case.

Regardless of whether the huge source of heat radiation is a phenomenon of existence or a monster, if it has a sign of leaving the island, the nuclear bomb will be launched to avoid bringing the disaster out of the East.

If you think about it, you know that a huge fireball with a diameter of more than 100 meters will roll all the way. The human beings along the way will suffer the catastrophe. If it comes to China or Sam, what would it be?

Anyway, China and Sam have already lost a few nuclear bombs before, and they are considered to be familiar. The psychological level has passed, so if they need to throw out the nuclear bomb again this time, they will not be a bit soft.

Of course, in order to prevent some accidents, the communication channels between China, Sam, and even several other powerful countries, such as the national defense hotline, the parliament hotline, etc., have also become lively.

When no one wants to throw out a nuclear bomb, they will be thought of by other powerful countries to attack each other. In that case, everyone will lose the nuclear bomb, and the whole world will be the real pill.

Not to mention China, Sam's two powerful countries have taken precautions. After Wei Xiaobei boarded the island, he wandered for three hours and finally found the avatar of the day!

Well, what is the appearance of Tianzhao Great God, Wei Xiaobei has actually conceived it many times in his heart.

But the most conceived image is almost a big fireball.

After all, Wei Xiaobei has also turned out to be a avatar. He knows that there is a huge amount of light and heat, and what is the most combative form.

That's right, it's the shape of the fireball.

Well, it can be said that for the existence of the rules of light and heat, the shape of the fireball is the most perfect form of combat.

Up and down, left and right, no matter what direction, not afraid of the enemy attack, but also can launch attacks in any direction!

However, Wei Xiaobei was slightly shocked when he first saw the Tianzhao Great God.

To put it simply, the form of the Azure God's avatar does not exceed the imagination of Wei Xiaobei.

It is a huge fireball with a diameter of more than 100 meters. Its whole body is continuously sprayed, but it is quite similar to the sun, but there are more than ten large fireballs surrounded by different sizes around it. The larger ones are more than 40 meters. The diameter is only five or six meters.

In the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, the huge fireball is a big ball that constantly radiates golden light around it. Its biological level has reached four stars!

And Wei Xiaobei can feel this huge fireball and even have more powerful power than himself!

Well, even Wei Xiaobei had to admit at this time that the **** of the gods, who was the master of the gods, was only a avatar, and he felt a huge threat.

As for the fireballs of different sizes around them, it should also be the avatar of the great **** of the sun.

It is not clear, why the strength of these avatars is different, there are four-star horror levels, and there are four stars ordinary.

The one that most attracted Wei Beibei’s attention was a woman standing on top of a huge fireball.

It does not look much different from ordinary humans, but its clothes are extremely gorgeous, with the characteristics of the ancient costumes of Dongpu, the face is pretty, but the momentum is different from ordinary people.

Of course, in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, it is easy to see the origin of this woman. The breath on her body is not the same as that of the huge fireball, or it is no different from the big god.

But this woman's biological level is only Samsung horror.

Well, it seems that it should also be a avatar, like the dozen or so fireballs suspended around the huge fireball, but it is the weakest one.

At this point, the woman is condescending, overlooking a human gathering place in front.

There is no doubt that a huge fireball flies slowly in the distance, and this scene is enough to alert the human gathering place.

The sentinel on the fence sent a warning at the first time.

As more humans saw the huge fireball that slowly moved, the whole human gathering became confused.

For these humans, the proximity of a huge fireball is undoubtedly a natural disaster.

In fact, at this time, the huge fireball is still five or six kilometers away from the human gathering place, but it has been able to feel the hot breath.

Many humans have chosen to abandon the gathering place to escape.

But at this moment, the woman standing on the fireball stood up straight, and the high and loud voice rang.

"Stupid human beings, seeing me coming, why is it flustered!"

With the sound of the male and female voices at this time, the chaos in the human gathering place disappeared, and the human beings who were busy preparing to flee from the human gathering place seemed to have settled in the field and stood still.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this is the power of the gods who used the gods directly. Only a trace of it is necessary to shake those human beings into a blank space.

After these humans returned to God, their hearts gave birth to a fear of the huge fireball inexplicable, even if they did not dare to escape the step of human gathering.

They have a hunch in their hearts, and once they escape, I am afraid that death will come immediately.

This is not to say that they have the ability to predict, but that the gods of the gods of the gods of the sky have directly branded their hearts!

Although this spiritual branding is not likely to last for a long time, it is enough to let them hear the words of the big gods.

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