The City of Terror

Chapter 1572: Suddenly the big dark Lord

Even the heavy rain, it seems that God is also sorry for the death of Mr. Huang Yi. Here is a special point. The two swords and the interstellar prodigal son are the favorite of the poor road. They once pinned the poor road as a lush passion. The dream of a teenager. Perhaps most people have only seen Mr. Huang Yi's Datang Shuanglong, and mistakenly believe that Mr. Huang Yi is only writing a new martial arts novel, but in fact, in the view of the poor road, Mr. Huang Yi wrote the best or interstellar science fiction. Time and space through -

"My name is astronomical"

Well, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei, who was hiding from the side, had to admire the ability of this **** to pretend to be a ghost.

Of course, this day, the Great God is originally the true God. In the myths and legends of the Eastern Millennium for a thousand years, it is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, after the power of the huge fireball was pressed, and then the face of this woman's form was spoken, these humans immediately bowed down to the huge fireball.

There is no doubt that at least one-third of these humans believe that this huge fireball is the great **** of the sky, and the remaining two-thirds are also dubious, but in any case, in the face of the threat of death, their home is not I believe that I have to force myself to believe.

Wei Xiaobei hides and sees clearly.

As thousands of humans began to bow down to the huge fireball, and in the mouth chanting some ridiculous praises, a thin and transparent line of faith was formed between humans and huge fireballs.

Then more or less like the clouds, the power of the milky beliefs formed on the heads of humans, and along these lines of faith, they flowed toward the huge fireball.

With the influx of these beliefs, Wei Xiaobei saw a change in the fireball around the huge fireball.

Well, in simple terms, this change is extremely slight.

The volume of those fireballs has increased a little more or less.

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei’s vision has reached a horrible situation, I am afraid it is difficult to see the changes in those fireballs.

It turned out that after seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei immediately understood the intention of this Tianzhao Great God.

I have said before, this day, the gods actually invade the reality of more than one body, in addition to the huge fireball, the rest of the fireball and even the woman is a avatar.

But the real body that carries the power to invade reality is only that huge fireball.

This may be the limit of the power of the reality rule, so that it can not carry more power into the reality, or the strength of its avatar can not be promoted to a higher level.

However, there are more than a dozen avatars that enter the reality. It only needs to absorb enough of the power of faith. When these avatars are upgraded, the power of Azure God in reality will increase.

Wei Xiaobei looked up to the eyes of the gods of the Amaterasu and raised a trace of greed.

This greedy desire is still felt for Wei Xiaobei for the first time.

To be precise, it should be the greed desire of the gods of the ancient Jinwu Lieyang.

This also made Wei Xiaobei's heart settled.

Undoubtedly, the greed of the gods of the ancient Jinwu Lieyang, the magical power of the gods, also confirmed a little.

This day, the Great God does have the power to make this magical realm improve!

In fact, this kind of thing can be concluded almost by speculating with the minds of ordinary people.

Tanggu Fusang in the legend of Huaxia mythology is located in the eastern ocean, and Dongpu has claimed to be the country of sunrise since ancient times, so it is called Fusang, and the **** of the day is said to be the sun.

As a result, there is a certain relationship between the gods and the Jinwu.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei will not manage how deep the relationship between the two sides is, but if this day, the **** of the gods is useful to his supernatural powers, Wei Xiaobei will not let go of the avatar of this great god.

"Who! Dare to peek at me!"

Suddenly, the woman who was satisfied with the inclusion of a large number of believers turned her head and screamed in the direction of Wei Xiaobei.

Was it discovered?

Wei Xiaobei immediately thought that he was exposed. The other party is a true god. After all, it is not the existence of the indigenous gods. Perhaps it is the magical movement of the ancient Jin Wu Lie Yang Jiuzhi in his mind. The other party?

But what happened next made Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward.

"Hahaha, Azure, I didn't expect it, I came here too!"

When Wei Xiaobei was preparing to appear, a black mist emerged from Wei Xiaobei and the day of the photo, and it suddenly turned into a black giant about 100 meters high.

This black giant just appeared and laughed, very arrogant.

And the woman who stood on the huge fireball couldn't help but change her face slightly, and smacked in the tone of her teeth: "The Great Dark Lord!"

Wei Xiaobei suddenly realized that this black giant was the great dark Lord he had seen in Gao Tianyuan.

This is what Wei Xiaobei did not expect before.

Unexpectedly, with the invasion of reality by the **** of the sun, this great dark Lord has also entered the reality, of course, it is also a separation.

But then again, the big dark Lord's avatar seems to be a four-star catastrophe, but Wei Xiaobei can clearly feel that the big dark Lord's avatar can be weaker than the big fireball of Amaterasu!

"Hundreds of **** night masters are you killed?"

After the woman screamed, the huge fireball under her feet quickly rushed toward the big dark Lord!

"That imitate my inferior goods?"

The big dark Lord seems to want to say something, it should be said in a disdainful tone that he has nothing to do with himself, but the avatar of the Amaterasu **** seems to have identified the fact that the hundred-armed black night master is killed by the great dark Lord, and the hugeness at his feet The fireball hit the black giant straight.


A loud bang came, and the moment when the huge fireball collided with the black giant, it seemed to ignite the explosives pool hidden in the air. The violent explosion immediately broke out between the two.

Wei Xiaobei can even see that the breath between the black giant and the huge fireball is rapidly consuming each other and mutually exclusive.

To put it bluntly, it is like a pot of water poured into a pot of hot oil.

The power of the two is completely two extremes, completely incompatible.

This is what Wei Xiaobei didn't think of. The two gods' avatars just hit the fire and went straight into the heat!

The cause seems to be that he has killed a hundred-black night master, but the pot has been backed by the big dark Lord.

However, from the perspective of the avatar of the gods, this misunderstanding can be forgiven.

Between the Azure God and the Great Dark Lord, the original contradiction between the water and the fire is not allowed, and the hundred-armed black night master is the monster created by the great **** of the sky, or the pseudo-god.

It is conceivable that the big dark Lord will see what is the situation of the hundred-black night master. Get out of the way!

But looking at the way that the gods were mad and ruined, Wei Xiaobei guessed that the hundred-armed black night Lord seemed to have extremely important significance to the Amaterasu god!

Of course, this may be because the hundred-black night master can better and faster collect faith for the **** of the sun.

But if this is the case, the Tianzhao Great God will not be so mad.

To tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei’s curiosity at this time wanted to throw out the heart of the hundred-black night master and see what happens to the big god’s avatar that day.

But in the end, Wei Xiaobei did not make such a stupid move.

The reason is very simple. Since the big dark Lord is forced to pick up the matter, Wei Xiaobei will not take the initiative to expose himself. When the two fight both, they will shoot again. Isn’t it beautiful?

The battle between the two gods can be described as being ups and downs.

Where the huge fireball passed, the heat was shining, the flames spewed, and a piece of magma tumbling over the ground, and a piece of fire naturally emerged underground, rushing toward the black giant.

The black giant did not fear at all, suddenly dispersed, forming a black mist and slamming back toward the huge fireball.

I have to say that this great darkness is worthy of fighting for thousands of years with the gods of the Amaterasu, and its black mist spread out. Wherever it passes, the sea of ​​fire that has rolled up on the ground is suddenly extinguished, the magma is solidified, and there are countless black bones. The hand stretched out from the ground and grabbed the huge fireball and the small fireball around it. Every time you grab it, you can grab a big flame from a huge fireball or a small fireball.

Such an attack does not seem to be very powerful, but in fact, between the silent and the silent, a lot of flames have been caught from those fireballs. After these flames are caught, the fireballs have quietly become weak. a little bit.

If you follow this trend, this big dark master has the possibility of a huge turnaround.

But the avatar of the gods on that day is not so good. It has been fighting the great dark Lord for thousands of years, and is very familiar with the various tricks of the great dark Lord.

So it didn't take long for the avatars of Amaterasu to fight back against this trick.

A group of fist-sized fireballs is like a lay-up shot from a huge fireball. It hits the ground. When it hits the black bones, it will explode and release a lot of light and heat. come out.

This pure white light-heat release can instantly destroy the bones on the ground into pieces, and even burn a large piece of dark fog that is filled around.

It must be said that the Azure God always has the upper hand in the battle with the Great Dark Lord, and it is not out of thin air.

Only this trick, in a flash, destroyed the dark fog of the big dark Lord's body, so that the black fog that forced the big dark Lord to reunite became a black giant.

But the black giant that regrouped at this time has shrunk a lot compared to its previous size, only about 30 meters tall.

"Azure! You are waiting!"

The black giant who was divided into the big darkness was quite angry at this time. Probably he never thought that the avatar of the **** of the sun would be able to hold himself even if he came to a reality with a lot of restrictions.

After throwing a word toward the Amaterasu, which was completely prepared for the escape, the black giant flew toward the ground and suddenly disappeared into the ground while extinguishing the re-burning fire.

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