The City of Terror

Chapter 1583: Fishing plan

This chapter is scheduled to be released, no way, I don't know if I will call today, the poor road can only kill the last one, and Sanqing Bless, call us! ! ! ! ! ——

You know, these Goblin's IQs are far lower than humans, but they are always smart races, so they will harvest the crops from the human farmland, serve as reserve food, and will not manage whether the crops are mature. .

In addition to these Goblins, hill giants over 15 meters in size emerged near the Alps.

These hill giants also gathered in groups, each group of about ten heads, attacking towns everywhere, robbing all kinds of financial and food for human beings.

It can be said that don't look at the Goblin appearance in Gaul, but the situation in Gaul is much more chaotic than that in China. Some areas in China are even interrupted by ground transportation!

No way, whether it is Goblin or the giants of the hills, they like to be active near the roads and railways. When they see cars and even trains, they will be excited to launch attacks.

Well, in a nutshell, if you look at these Goblin with the look of zombies, you will almost be able to appreciate the mood of the people of Gaul.

There are Goblin and hill giants in Gaul, and several other countries in the Alps are not good. Except for the large group of hill giants constantly hitting their towns, there are even dwarves in the Alps, goblins and even Wyvern.

In Iceland, there are more frost giants, flame giants, and double-headed giant wolves in several countries in the Nordic countries, so that these countries are almost in a state of ruin.

But to say that it is miserable, probably have to count Romania, Greece and other countries.

Romania has a large group of vampires, werewolves, and Greece has appeared monsters such as Medusa, Difeng Giant, Seychelles and so on.

And Xiong Guo has a large number of gold account cavalry.

As for the Sam State, where the history of the founding of the country was not long, there were no monsters, but the Alaczi people were uprising.

What is amazing is that the Sam country, which is known as the world's second military power, has been defeated in this internal war.

To say that the weapons of the Alaczis are not advanced, they just robbed several arsenals, obtained some guns and ammunition, and even had few cannons.

However, the insurgents formed by the Alaczis are quite powerful. Their shooting methods are unexpectedly strong. Whether men, women and children, as long as they have guns on their hands, they can basically be called gun gods.

Even some low-altitude reconnaissance fighters were hit by their rifles.

To be honest, if the population of the Alaczi people is not really small, I am afraid that this war has long been a winner.

Of course, there is another reason for this. The army that is fighting the Alaqisais is the national guard of Sam. The regular army has not yet joined the war.

According to the grapevine rumors, those Alaqisai people got the help of the feather snake god.

For this little news, Wei Xiaobei almost believes in more than 80%.

If you think about it, you know, how can all the Alaczi people be gunmen, and there must be supernatural powers to join. Otherwise, those Alaczi people want to defeat the National Guards in several states in Sam. It is completely impossible.

In short, in the reality, more than 90% of the countries have had bigger problems, and even if some small countries can't hold back, they will directly destroy the country.

This made more than a dozen seats directly vacant at the United Nations conferences around the world.

Wei Xiaobei suspects that if he waits for a while, I am afraid that there will be a stronger existence to invade the reality.

If you have not done so much preparation and seduce the words of Amaterasu, Wei Xiaobei has an impulse to return to China immediately.

Wait up to a week!

Wei Xiaobei set a time for himself in his heart.

After all, if the **** of the day does not send the avatar to the reality for a long time, Wei Xiaobei may not wait forever.

As time goes by, the weapons will return to the daily report, but the day the gods still have not been sent.

This makes Wei Xiaobei doubt whether his plan will be completely seen by the other party.

However, Wei Weibei’s understanding of this Tianzhao God is extremely arrogant. Even if he knows that there are traps, this day, the gods may not be afraid.

Finally, a week has passed.

Just when Wei Xiaobei was preparing to evacuate, the accident happened.

A weapon rushed to the cave, with a rare excitement to inform the arrival of the Tianzhao avatar!

Indeed, it must be said that this weapon may be the result of weaponization. It is usually extremely cold-blooded and ruthless, but they always belong to Wei Xiaobei's character, and in some cases will also show the excitement.


Wei Xiaobei did not ask much, and directly pulled back the strength of the weapon.

As the weapon was re-converted into a long sword, Wei Xiaobei also knew everything that the weapon had seen.

The astronomical avatar did come, but there was only one. At this time, it was taking the power of faith accumulated during this time in a human gathering place.

only one? After Wei Xiaobei discovered this, he couldn't help but hesitate. Is it to kill him immediately, or keep a long line to catch big fish?

Indeed, this is a difficult question to choose.

If the day God sees through Wei Xiaobei's plan, and Wei Xiaobei keeps the other side to lay a long line to catch big fish, then the final result may be to make a wedding dress for Tianzhao Great God.

Because Amaterasu is likely to not send a second avatar.

After all, such a avatar can also take away the power of faith in all human gathering places, although it will be much slower and consume a lot of time.

But after thinking hard, Wei Xiaobei finally decided not to move!

Wei Xiaobei feels that he is only a temptation to understand the **** of the day.

If you start your own work, the other party will see their plans.

Time has passed two days.

In these two days, the Tianzhao avatar took the power of the beliefs of more than 20 human gathering places, thus increasing the size from the first ten meters to one hundred and fifty meters!

But Wei Xiaobei’s strategy is to let new human gatherings join the ranks of the Azure God.

Finally, on the third day, the new Tianzhao avatar came!

And this time the appearance of the sky is not just one, but more than 30!

After these celestial avatars appeared, some of them were scattered around to extract the power of faith, and more were spread out to the west of Honshu Island, constantly transforming the human gathering place along the way into their own source of faith!

Undoubtedly, the Amaterasu God is preparing to make a big ticket this time, and is ready to turn the whole East into a source of faith. Otherwise, it will not be possible to fall over more than 30 at a time.

The sky is counted!

Wei Xiaobei's face showed a happy color, and his body shape went outwards. The whole body was sprayed with light and heat. In the twinkling of an eye, after the three-headed Jinwu was formed in the light and heat, he followed the Weibei.

"I am a sunny day"

In the sky above a human gathering place, a huge fireball of more than 30 meters in size is being sermoned down in an attempt to transform the human beings here into their own believers.

Of course, all human beings who dare to express their dissatisfaction are burned to the ashes by the flames falling from the sky at the first time.

In the horrific suppression, the humans here did not dare to defy a little bit. They could only gather together honestly, obey the arrangement of the huge fireball, and began to build the statue of the **** of the Amaterasu.

The huge fireball is very satisfied with his own sermons. In its view, only the threat of death can make these little ones honestly obey the instructions. Otherwise, they will become very sly, and when they execute the orders, they will drag the three. four.

Just as the huge fireball is ready to leave here and go to the next human gathering place, four people in the distance are swept up at this high speed.

The huge fireball didn't care much, but these figures were so rampant in front of them, and they were somewhat dissatisfied, so they didn't think about it. The huge fireball was sprayed with a flame.

According to the calculation of the huge fireball, only this group of flames can kill those guys.

After all, in this human gathering place, there have been people who have greatly exceeded other similar strengths before, but these guys were killed by the huge fireball in the first time, and even the ashes were not left.

But what surprised the huge fireball was that the flame that flew past the group was actually broken by the other side, and the flame that spattered around even the other side did not even touch the other's body!

Just when the huge fireball just paid attention, the four figures actually took the initiative to rush to it.

court death!

The huge fireball suddenly became angry. In its view, these low-pitched and despicable little ones, since they have escaped their own punishment, should be honestly kneeling on the ground, waiting for their possible forgiveness, instead of actively rushing toward themselves. Come, don't they know God's nobleness and power?

But in the next moment, the anger of the huge fireball became panic, and the four figures surrounded it from all sides, and launched an attack.

In the twinkling of an eye, the arrogance of the huge fireball, the anger disappeared, but instead it was fear, fear, fear.

These four small points of strength actually completely suppressed themselves, so that they can not even escape!

This is the first time that a huge fireball has encountered such a situation.

How is this going?

How can humans suppress the great God!

This question is destined to be unanswered.

Less than ten minutes before and after, Wei Xiaobei, who absolutely suppressed the huge fireball, took the golden blood of the huge fireball body, and the divine spirit caught it and won the victory of this raid!

As time went by, a head of the sky was smashed and fell off the ground.

But not all of the celestial avatars are stupid waiting for Wei Xiaobei to kill.

After Wei Xiaobei killed most of the Tianzhao avatars, the remaining celestial avatars became savvy. After they noticed the information of other avatars, they quickly fled, some hid in the mountains, and some Then hide to the bottom of the sea.

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