The City of Terror

Chapter 1584: Hunting

Yesterday, the sun was shining, the poor road was bare-faced, and the hands were sweating. Today, the wind is cold, and the frozen cotton jacket is worn. What is the weather like? ——

Even some of them rushed toward the western part of Honshu Island.

Undoubtedly, the rest of these astronomical avatars are afraid, they try to escape and escape from the unknown enemy.

This also added a lot of trouble to Wei Xiaobei.

After all, with the speed of these days, if you want to escape, Wei Xiaobei will kill a lot of time.

Fortunately, those who hide in the sunshine account for the majority, which makes Wei Xiaobei a lot of things.

After all, every head of the sky has a number of weapons and is responsible for tracking. Even if they hide and hide, they will be picked up by Wei Xiaobei one by one.

Time and by bit, the footprint of Wei Xiaobei can be said to be spread throughout the island of Honshu.

As Tianzhao was smashed and defended by Wei Xiaobei, the remaining Tianzhao became more and more sloppy. Some of them even dug a hole over 10,000 meters in the ground and hid themselves in magma. Among them!

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei was not aware of the residual light and heat on the ground, I am afraid it was really overwhelmed.

After all, Wei Xiaobei's perception is even more powerful, and it is impossible to detect that there is a Tianzhao avatar hidden in the magma of 10,000 meters underground!

Of course, this beating is also extremely grueling.

You must know that the heat of the magma is continuously extracted from the day, although this does not enhance its strength, but it can speed up the damage it receives.

Wei Xiaobei spent a full three days before he got rid of the sky.

And the remaining three heads of the sky are running farther.

According to the information transmitted by the weak pigs carried by the weapons, a Tianzhao escaped to the Arctic Ocean to hide, and a Tianzhao avatar fled to the Sam State, and the last one was escaping to China!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei at this time is somewhat guilty.

The direction of the three heads of the sky to escape is completely different, it can be described as the south and the north.

But you can only chase all the way at the same time.

After all, the strength of the Tianzhao avatar is not weak.

Slightly pondering in my mind, Wei Xiaobei rushed toward China in the direction of Jin Wu.

The first time to pursue the Tianzhao avatar in the direction of China, the reason is very simple, the strength of this Tianzhao avatar is slightly higher than the other two celestial avatars, and the most critical problem is because the direction of its escape is China.

Wei Xiaobei is absolutely not allowed to enter the Chinese territory as a scourge of Tianzhao.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that if he catches up with it, he may not be able to find the Tianzhao avatar.

Due to the limitations of the weapon avatar, when it was chased to a third of the distance at the bottom of the sea, the celestial avatar would have lost its shadow.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the Azure avatar has been hiding from the bottom of the sea because of the need to conceal itself. The high temperature that has been continuously released from the body has left clear traces on the seabed.

When Weibei found the weapon, he could see the traces of a lava on the seabed after it solidified. This is the trace left after the celestial body passed.

Wei Xiaobei sighed with relief after a trace of five or six nautical miles along this trace.

The traces of the lava are not interrupted, which means that the Tianzhao avatar has not left the seabed and turned to escape.

Therefore, in order to speed up, Wei Xiaobei left the seabed and rushed to the surface of Shanghai, constantly accelerating the speed.

At some distance, Wei Xiaobei had to sneak into the sea to see the traces of lava left by Tianzhao, to prevent the other party from suddenly turning away.

I have to say that this way of thinking in the sky seems to be a bit simple. After Wei Xiaobei chased half of the distance, there is still no sign of any direction.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also bite his teeth, simply no longer look at the traces of the sea, but on the sea all the way to speed up the run.

This is undoubtedly a slightly risky decision. Once the day is suddenly turned, then Wei Xiaobei wants to find the other party and spends a lot of time to turn back and slowly check the traces!

But this time, Wei Xiaobei’s luck was good. After a long time of chasing it out, he saw the white steam that constantly appeared on the sea!

But there is also a land on the sea front!

The front is China?

Wei Xiaobei felt that he was not moving enough to reach China, but soon he knew where he was.

Several ships with the peninsula's flag are slowly passing through from a distance.

Here is the peninsula!

It turned out that it seems that this day's avatars are still somewhere in the direction of unknowingly. If you don't often sneak into the bottom of the sea to look at it, you may be smashed by the other party.

I have to say that this day is also hidden in the sky!

It is necessary to know that Dongpu is not far from the peninsula. It is only one and a half yards apart from the nearest place. Of course, one and a half yards apart is the Kyushu Island in Dongpu, not the Honshu Island.

But in any case, if you catch up with the sky, then the other party should not want to escape!

Before Park Geun, the captain of the Peninsula National Park Shipping Company 001 was also the commander of the fleet. He has rich experience in offshore shipping and has led the fleet to and from the peninsula and China.

But today, Park Gee felt that it should be the most sad day of his life.

As in the past, after the fleet departed from the Hong Kong formation, Park Gee stood in front of the steering wheel and looked at the sea in the distance. He took a cup of coffee in his hand and took a sip, then came to the nautical table in the nautical diary. Write a note.

"On the 23rd of November, 1085, the 001 freighter and the 002,003,004 freighter left the Great Bar Harbor, and formed a team at 404 north longitude to go to Huaxia, Taiwan."

Well, to be honest, if the voyage diary is not in accordance with the regulations, the company will send people to check after each return. At this time, Park Geun wants to write a note behind this: "This is the beginning of a great route! The great Captain of the Park is about to travel to the legendary kingdom to start his magnificent sailing career!!"

Fortunately, Captain Park did not write this pen down. Otherwise, if he was seen, he would have thought that the Captain Park had a problem.

In fact, from the Great Bar Harbor to the Huaxia Port of China, the total distance is less than 500 nautical miles.

Well, anyway, after ten minutes, the captain who refilled with a cup of coffee finally saw the rising sun in the distance.

"No, how come there are two suns?!!!"

Captain Park suddenly remembered that when he left the port, the sun was shining and there was a sun in the sky. What happened to the sun?

At this point, Captain Park was so shocked that the coffee in his hand was forgotten, until the coffee fell over the nautical diary.


Without hesitation, Captain Park immediately rushed to the front of the wheel and slammed the wheel rudder.

But this time is too late, the rising sun is rushing towards the fleet.

The incredible light and heat radiated from the sun to the surrounding area, and the sea water was boiled, and the high-speed movement of the sun caused the sea to roll up on both sides.


For a moment, the sun rushed over from the left side of the fleet, and the accompanying waves instantly knocked over four ships.

For Wei Xiaobei, who is chasing behind Tianzhao, it is a trivial matter to be overturned by several ships. Now it is necessary to kill Tianzhao as soon as possible to stop it from causing greater damage.

However, it was too close to the coast. The Tianzhao avatar, which turned into a huge fireball, was probably frightened at this time. It flew all the way and rushed straight into the front port.

For the busy man in the port, this is undoubtedly a sudden disaster.

When the huge fireball ran over the sea from the port, the gantry cranes on the port, the ships docked at the docks, the stacked containers on the docks, etc., quickly became red and soft, and then turned into molten iron.

Both the flammable items in the container and the flammable materials in the warehouse are quickly ignited and blasted.

As for those human beings, they only feel that they are hot, and then there is no other feeling.

But in any case, Tianzhao escaped quickly and did not escape the pursuit of Wei Xiaobei.

Less than thirty kilometers after crossing the port, the two figures chased the huge fireball and stopped in front of it.

The huge fireball did not stop at all, and it hit the past straight, trying to break a road with its huge body.

However, the two Jinwu avatars were simultaneously turned into fireballs, and they collided with each other!

A loud bang, like the atomic bomb explosion, the three groups of fireballs collided in the air, suddenly a fierce explosion, the shock wave will instantly break the trees within a few hundred meters, the crops are broken, even some boulders Was blown out.

The huge fireball was intercepted by the hard!

After catching up, Wei Xiaobei rushed into the rising dust, and then the ground immediately violently vibrated and hit. After a few minutes, the dust was exploded by a violent explosion of fire, and Wei Xiaobei Then he rushed out from the explosion of fire, holding a golden light in his right hand and holding a divine character in his left hand.

"let's go!"

After completing the task of slamming the celestial avatar, Wei Xiaobei did not stay in the peninsula, but turned to chase the north, preparing to chase the celestial body that fled the Arctic Ocean.

For the peninsula, this thrilling battle undoubtedly made the news media seem like a pan-fried pan. A large number of reporters flocked to the legacy battlefield, and various news broadcast cars sprinted hard to rob this major news. .

One thing to note is that the peninsula is fortunate in the chaos caused by the worldwide invasion of monsters.

Although it was previously smashed by the ghosts of the Dongpu ghosts, many ghosts were drilled from the sea to the peninsula, but compared to the ghosts on the land of Dongpu, the number of ghosts appearing in the peninsula is always small.

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