The City of Terror

Chapter 1586: Feathered snake god

I don't know what to say, everyone read it -

But no matter how these Arazias react, what happens next is not what they can do.

Just as the huge fireball was about to arrive at an Azozi ancestral temple, the ancestral temple had a strange movement.

A ray of light rushed from the ancestral temple to the sky, scattered, and turned into countless white feathers in a blink of an eye, and these white feathers quickly gathered together, not long after, countless white feathers formed a translucent giant snake!

The serpent is covered with white feathers. There are twenty-four pairs of wide wings on both sides of the body. They are suspended above the sky. The majestic eyes sweep across the earth, making the Alaqisai people on the ground in a daze. After that, Qi Qiyu went on.

"Feather snake god! The great feather snake **** really appeared!"

"Great feather snake god, your devout people"

The devout words spit out from the mouths of these Arazis, and this scene shocked them.

In fact, the Alaczi people believe in the principle of faith in which everything is spiritual.

In their philosophy, whether it is rivers and mountains, sun, moon, stars, trees, etc., there are so-called spirits, so in their beliefs, there are many gods.

But among these gods, the highest status is the feather snake god.

It can be said that the Feathered Serpent is the supreme **** among the Alacis people's beliefs, but the only problem is that in the Alaczi people's beliefs, these gods do not have a relationship between the gods and the gods. They believe in it. The gods are extremely loose.

But in the Azuzi Sai's ancestral temple, the statue of the Feathered Serpent is placed in the most central position, knowing how high the position of the Feathered Serpent is.

"The heresy god! Give up the source of your faith!"

With the appearance of a translucent feather snake, the huge fireball that rushed from afar stopped slowly.

But the words spoken at this time are full of greed and desire!

That's right, Wei Xiaobei, who was in the distance, nodded. When he saw the snake **** appear, he understood it.

This day, the avatar suddenly turned to run here, no doubt in order to win the faith of this zombie!

But any **** is a very proud existence.

Moreover, the status of this zombie is extremely noble, and it will be scared by the words of this day.

The indifferent gaze turned to the body of the huge fireball, and there was a faint anger in the eyes of the feather-snake god, and then an old-fashioned voice rang: "The heresy god, you are too arrogant!"

Both sides are expensive as gods. Naturally, it is impossible to make too many confrontations in words. After a few words of each other, the huge fireball rushed past the feathers and snakes above the sky with the flames of the whole body: "Go Let's die, darkness is your destiny!"

In the eyes of the sun, the death in the dark should be the most terrible way to die.

But the huge feathered snake **** did not fear the impact of the huge fireball. On the side of the body, twenty-four pairs of huge wings and fierce force, suddenly a huge tornado of forty-eight regiments immediately formed, and flew toward the huge fireball.

Seeing the feathers and snakes began to shoot, the day did not dare to rush straight through the same day, and then a slight meal, spurting a beam of light over 100 meters in diameter, rushed toward those tornadoes!

The light column collided with the first tornado in a blink of an eye. The flames were shining and the wind was raging. The light column was suddenly struck by the tornado, but the tornado quickly shrank in the light column.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei was the first to see the battle between the gods. Although they were all avatars, Wei Xiaobei also had great interest.

The light column of the huge fireball quickly smashed the tornado and spurred again, but then another tornado rushed to block the light column.

As the tornado windshield is in front of the light column, the rest of the tornado is scattered out, and the speed is extremely fast, and the huge fireball is surrounded by the moment!

Then the tornado hit a huge fireball, and even a large piece of fire was torn off from the huge fireball.

Less than half a time before and after, the size of the huge fireball lost more than 20%!

I have to say that in the face of the very flexible means of the feather snake, the battle mode is quite straightforward. Tianzhao has suffered a big loss in the first time.

But the huge fireball is always the avatar of the sky, how can it be a big loss in this way!

In a roar, the huge fireball suddenly broke out, and the light beam instantly shrank to less than one tenth of the diameter before it, and its penetration was extremely terrifying!

The tornadoes were completely unable to withstand the narrowed light column. When they turned around, each tornado was penetrated by the light column. The next moment, the light beam trailing through the tornado hit the feathers and snakes!

Undoubtedly, the constructional situation of the feathers and snakes seems to be somewhat different from that of the Tianzhao. The avatar looks like a vain three-dimensional projection.

But even so, the light column is so hit, so that the feather snake **** has suffered a lot.

There is no sound, and there is a missing piece in the huge body of the Feathered Serpent.

The feathered snake **** was furious, and the indifferent gaze brought the sky-filled flame. Twenty-four pairs of huge wings again fanned, and this time, as the wing fan appeared, it was a dark cloud above the sky.

The thunder flashed, less than ten minutes before and after, and the downpour suddenly fell.

When Wei Xiaobei saw the dark clouds in the sky, he felt the danger hidden in the dark clouds.

Undoubtedly, the dark clouds summoned by the Feathered Serpents are not ordinary black clouds.

Among the myths and legends of the Alaczi people, the Feathered Serpent is in charge of many priesthoods.

These include, but are not limited to, death, rebirth, rainy season, bumper harvest, morning stars, books, law, and more.

After analysing the divinity of Azure by the use of Aoki Futari's sun, Wei Xiaobei almost got a little understanding of the god's priesthood.

Simply put, the priesthood is the expression of the gods' control over certain rules of the world.

With the gods of the relevant priesthood, the control of certain rules will reach a terrible degree!

This is also the Tianzhao avatar can be attacked by more than a dozen nuclear bombs, not only has not been hit hard, but the strength has increased greatly, and the body shape has changed from a small point of more than ten meters to a diameter of hundreds of meters.

The reason is very simple. In the energy released by a nuclear bomb explosion, the shock wave accounts for 50%, the light radiation is 35 percent, and the nuclear radiation is 15 percent.

For the celestial avatar, whether it is light radiation or nuclear radiation, it is more or less in the scope of its priesthood, so after absorbing a large amount of light radiation, nuclear radiation, Tianzhao avatar will increase its strength.

As for the shock wave, huh, huh, for the celestial avatar, is it a big deal?

Now, the feather-snake **** calls the dark clouds, and the downpour of heavy rain is also the change of power in the scope of its priesthood.

As you can imagine, its power is not too low.

The raindrops that quickly fell from the dark clouds quickly fell on the huge fireball.

What makes Tianzhao fascinated is that the raindrops that have been falling down have taken away a lot of heat from themselves after being evaporated by their own bodies!

It should be known that, based on the mastery of the rules of light and heat, the celestial body is constantly emitting a large amount of light and heat to the surrounding area, but these light and heat will also return to the sky in the body, forming a special power cycle.

Therefore, even if the sun shines around before the radiant heat, the place where it passes forms a lava field, but in fact it consumes very little power.

This point is also more obvious in Jinwu's body, and the light and heat released from it can also be recycled.

However, due to the fact that the magical power of the ancient Jinwu Lieyang is not yet great, the amount of light and heat that can be recovered is only about 30%.

In this way, the ability of the gods to continue to fight is actually quite powerful.

But now, the downpour of the snake **** can quickly take away the heat from it, which means that the power of the skylight is constantly being weakened!

It should be said that the rainy season of the zombie is slightly weaker than the light and heat of the sky, but at this time the downpour of the **** of the snakes is able to restrain the avatar of the sun, only to explain a little The feathers of the snakes over the temple are far more powerful than the celestial avatars!

In the opinion of Wei Xiaobei, who is watching, this is not surprising.

Even if Wei Xiaobei didn't know where it was, it can be seen that this area is completely a believer of the Feathered Serpent God, and that the temple is not ordinary.

In the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, the golden radiance of the temple was radiated from time to time, and the feathers and snakes were separated into one piece. Numerous rays rose from the ancestral temple and merged into the body of the feather snake!

In any case, here should be the site where the Feathered Serpent has been operating for a long time, and any site operated by a **** will be equipped with many means to weaken the enemy and strengthen itself.

Amateur's avatar is not a fool, and he soon discovered this, so he went straight to the dark clouds in the air, trying to break the endless clouds!

I have to say that Tianzhao is always a god. His combat experience is extremely rich, and he has indeed found the key to the problem.

But how can the feather snake **** make Tianzhao avatar so easily and easily break his own means, his huge eyes watched the skylight rushing to the sky, and the whole body exudes a majestic momentum, huge wings. Pointing towards Tianzhao: "I will deprive you of the power of light in the name of the morning star!"

With the swearing of the feathers and snakes, the skylight that flew upwards quickly seemed to be pulled by the general, the speed was reduced, and the sky suddenly darkened. Countless stars appeared in the night sky. The light and heat that came out then seemed to be sucked up in general, and spread out in a glimpse, and cast it toward the stars in the sky.

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