The City of Terror

Chapter 1587: My lord, your servant is coming.

Updated, everyone reading, the poor road is no nonsense -


Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but **** a cold air.

The power of this snake **** is really amazing. Wei Xiaobei looks at the stars, and even has a threat of death threat.

At this time, the Amateur avatar is completely trapped in the quagmire. It can't move on in the same place. It is desperately trying to struggle, but in this struggle, it is accelerating the spread of light and heat.

Gradually, the body shape of Tianzhao began to shrink, from the diameter of more than 200 meters to less than 100 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters, 10 meters.

Just when the body shape of Tianzhao was reduced to less than ten meters, the snake **** suddenly stretched out, and the mouth of the snake opened, and suddenly swallowed the photo of the day!

Did you swallow it? ! !

To be honest, when I saw this scene, Wei Xiaobei gave birth to a few points of resignation.

There is absolutely no need to fight against the other side because of a avatar.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei does not know whether the other party has discovered his existence, but the possibility is quite large.

After all, it is the site where the other party has been operating for a while.

Don't find yourself, don't find yourself, Wei Xiaobei secretly cried.

However, the expectations of Wei Xiaobei’s heart finally fell through.

After swallowing the celestial body, the feathered snake **** hit a fullness, and then the gaze suddenly looked at Wei Xiaobei hiding place.

Undoubtedly, I exposed myself.

Wei Xiaobei knows that there is no point in hiding himself.

So the next moment, Wei Xiaobei walked out of the hidden bushes.

Many Alaszis who were lying on the ground saw the appearance of Wei Xiaobei. They could not help but be surprised, but no one dared to act rashly at this time.

To know the air, the eyes of the gods are watching Wei Xiaobei, and those Alaczi people do not dare to stand up in front of the feathers.

"Sorry, I am just crossing the road."

Wei Xiaobei is haha, trying to ease the relationship with the other side.

After all, the huge snake eyes of this zombie stare at themselves, a bit too infiltrating.

But the feather snake **** did not speak at this time, but continued to stare at Wei Xiaobei, seems to be looking at something.

Wei Xiaobei was involuntarily tightened all over the body. If the other party dared to do it to himself, Wei Xiaobei was also prepared to fight it out. It would be a big deal for him to lose both. He is not without a back road.

Hey, the snake **** stared at Wei Xiaobei for a while and nodded. Then Zhang mouth vomited a group of golden light toward Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei saw that the snake **** should have no hostility. Seeing that Jinguang flew toward himself, he reached out and grabbed it in his hand. The next moment, Wei Xiaobei’s face brought a surprise look.

This golden light turned out to be the golden blood!

The act of the Feathered Serpent God has made Wei Xiaobei somewhat confused.

"Great existence, can you be interested in going on?"

Just then, an old voice came, but it was the Chinese language.

Is that feather snake god?

Wei Xiaobei fixed his eyes and looked at it. It was the feather snake **** who opened his mouth and spoke to himself.

The next moment, the translucent body of the feather snake slowly dissipated, and one of the lights fell toward the ancestral temple, disappearing in a flash.

what's going on?

Wei Xiaobei slightly pondered for a moment, it seems that this snake **** does not seem to have much hostility towards himself.

Let's go and see.

Wei Xiaobei then walked over to the temple.

At this time, the Alaqisai people who were distributed around the ancestral temples just woke up from the battle of the former feathers and snakes. For them, the previous scene was so shocking that they all looked awkward now. Can't think about the problem.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not encounter the arrest of the Alaczi people on his way to the ancestral temple.

It is said that the Alaqi Sai's ancestral temple was extremely magnificent, and its overall form is composed of three flat-topped pyramids of different sizes, surrounded by statues of various sizes.

Most of these statues are heroes in the history of the Alaqisai people. They are in the upper body and holding their spears. They glance at it and have a breath of blood.

At the moment when Wei Xiaobei stepped into the ancestral temple, he felt that he seemed to step into another world.

It is full of joy and peace, giving people a desire to immerse themselves.

However, Wei Xiaobei dispelled this desire after a short turn.

Undoubtedly, this desire is caused by the influence of the surrounding environment, and this desire will occur when any intelligent creature enters here.

The interior of the vast ancestral temple is supported by a huge stone pillar, which is engraved with various stone paintings, and the slate on the ground is engraved with mysterious patterns.

A row of statues of gods enshrined by the Alaqisai people were placed on both sides of the temple hall, while Wei Xiaobei’s attention at this time was not placed on the statues on both sides, but at the end of the hall.

An old man in a white robe was sitting on the throne at the end of the hall. There was no ornaments on his body. It was extremely simple, but it gave Wei Xiaobei a familiar feeling.

"You are here, please sit down."

The old man in white robe saw the appearance of Wei Xiaobei, his face showed a smile, and his right hand waved gently, and there was a throne in his corresponding position.

Wei Xiaobei was not polite. He stepped forward and sat down with his ass. Then his eyes fell on the old man in white robe: "Are you a feather zombie?"

Undoubtedly, although Wei Xiaobei used the interrogative sentence, he had 99% of the judgment that the old man in white robe was the former feather zombie.

"Yes, I can say that it is a feather snake, it can be said to be a avatar, I can make any promise on behalf of the feather snake god."

The words of the old man in white robe made Wei Xiaobei slightly stunned. According to the words of the old man in the white robe, the other party seemed to have an alliance or a trading idea.

"Thank you for your gift, don't know if you ask me to come over, is there anything?"

The mouth of the person is short, and the hand is soft. Wei Xiaobei has just received the golden blood of the group that he gave the other party. Therefore, the tone of the speech is also somewhat kind. Before the other party said that he is a great existence, it is undoubtedly In an equal position, compared to the pride of the gods such as the sky and so on, but to make Wei Xiaobei feel a lot more comfortable.

"It’s also a smile to you. I am clear about the current situation of the Alaczi people."

The old man in white robe hesitated for a moment and asked Wei Xiaobei.

Alaczi people?

Wei Xiaobei immediately turned around in his mind. To be honest, he was really unclear about the status quo of the Alaqi Sai. The Alaczi people he knew were recorded in the history books of the world.

What the Europa invasion, the Alaqisai people were murdered, and so on.

"I don't know, please tell me."

Wei Xiaobei did not hide his ignorance and immediately asked.

The old man in the white robe then said the status of the Alaqi Sai people again, but he did not add any vinegar, but finally made a request to Wei Xiaobei to ask Wei Xiaobei to help the Alaqisai people as far as he could. .

Wei Xiaobei fell into meditation for this. There is no doubt that this snake god’s avatar should not be able to stay in reality for a long time, so he would ask Wei Xiaobei to help.

Of course, this snake **** did not ask Wei Xiaobei to kill the army of the Sam State, but asked Wei Xiaobei to provide some material help for the Alaczi people.

The reason is very simple. Now, after the Alaqisai people’s uprising, don’t look very strong. However, because the Samo State has adopted a strict seal on the Arazzi reserve, the means of embargoing any material has made the Alaczi people now even have food supplies. Some are not available, let alone strategically important substances such as firearms and ammunition.

The emergence of this situation actually meets the strength of the two sides.

Although the Alaczi people have the help of the Feathered Serpent God, they have all kinds of special abilities, and even can quickly recover their injuries, their population is not much. There is no industrial foundation in the past, and even the agricultural aspect is extremely bleak.

This makes the Alaczi people want to fight against the Sam State for a long time and completely dream.

Now there are more troubles in the country of Sam. There will be no way to transfer the army at one and a half. Otherwise, these Arazis will probably have been leveled.

After all, like the feather snake **** to deal with the Tianzhao avatar, it is not free to shoot, the power of the feather snake **** is very expensive, in the current situation of the feather snake god, this time after the shot, the next time you want to shoot, I don't know when it is.

In this way, this snake **** will show good to Wei Xiaobei, in an attempt to pull a strong aid for the Alaqi Sai.

After a moment of contemplation, Wei Xiaobei nodded and promised the request of the Feathered Serpent, but the only additional condition was to ask the feather snake for a feather.

For the request of Wei Xiaobei, the feather snake **** seems a bit dazed, no doubt for the feather snake god, such a request is too small.

Even if the feather snake **** wants to transfer a real feather to reality, it takes a lot of power, but it is too little and too little compared to the consumption of the feather snake **** personally.

The feather snake **** looked at Wei Xiaobei, then his right hand extended a finger, and a white light bloomed on it. After a long time, a feather like a jade stone, crystal clear, and constantly emitting white light spots appeared in the feathers. Among the light.

"I hope you can keep your promise."

With the words of the old man in the white robe, the feathers slowly flew over Wei Xiaobei.

After Wei Xiaobei reached out and grabbed it, he was included in the storage ring, with a smile on his face, and nodded to the feathers of the snake god: "I promised to do it."

The old man in white robe also showed a joyous smile on his face, and his voice screamed a little high: "Kukuza one."

As the words of the old man in the white robe sounded, one eyebrow was a little gray, and the old man wearing a priest's robes rushed from outside the ancestral temple, and squatted on the ground: "The great lord, your servant Kukuza Come here."

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