The City of Terror

Chapter 1609: , the soul of the clock!

Feeling a bit sleepy, the poor road first go to the meeting. ——

After all, the birth of the moon was originally a lot of time than the sun. In addition, the sun is the core of the green wood, and the status of the moon is also much lower. Therefore, when the green wood is growing and developing, the power of the moon is instilled. Be a lot less.

Of course, if the sun is completely promoted to a congenital god, the moon will grow faster.

Therefore, if the moon is really punched by the light man, then there is really a possibility of fragmentation.

Therefore, after Wei Xiaobei saw the attempt of the light man, even an instant movement blocked the top of the light man, in an attempt to prevent the other party from advancing.

However, at this time, the Guangren had already fallen into a state of extreme anger. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei could not block even this one time, and was directly flung by the Guangren.

The moon has increased the output of Yuehua.

Since the moon is not yet fully formed, there is only one effect of Yuehua, gathering yin!

Therefore, this will make the light people feel that the whole body temperature is falling, but it can not stop.

After all, if it is ordinary yin, it is directly dispelled by the unparalleled light and heat in the human body.

But the yin gathered by the moon, with the moon as the backing, can be said to be a constant source, thus making the light man have nothing to do.

This time, I was unable to block the light, but Wei Xiaobei, who was vomiting blood in the flight, knew that this failure of interception could have serious consequences that could not be recovered.

You must know that the sun is the anode, and the moon is the cathode. Therefore, once the moon is crushed, the green wood will definitely be imbalanced between yin and yang!

If humans and men are unbalanced between yin and yang, they will at most be tempered, their skin color will be dim, and their hair will be dry. But if a world is out of balance, the problem will be big.

As for how big the problem will be, there is no need to say more here, at least more than half of all the organisms in Aomufu.

At the same time, the growth of the entire world will be greatly affected.

This result is actually no less than the consequences of the self-destruction.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei also refused to cause some trouble. When the right hand grabbed it on the neck, he took the soul clock and took it to the light man!


Under the influence of Wei Xiaobei, the falling soul clock flew out quickly, and its body shape also expanded rapidly from the size of the finger. When its body expanded to one meter square, it suddenly disappeared into the air.

The next moment, the soul clock appeared in front of the sprinter.

The falling soul bell swayed, the silent vibration swayed, and the light man shrouded in a blink of an eye!

Without the slightest prelude, the high-speed sprinting body of Guangren suddenly stopped in the air, and his shining eyes were full of sorrow. It seemed that for a moment, the mind of this light person became a paste.

Sure enough!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but feel excited.

Before saying that Wei Xiaobei is worried that the soul of the soul will make the loss of the creatures in Aomufudi too big, but he did not use this big killer, but at this time, seeing the falling soul clock is effective, Wei Xiaobei did not care about falling. The loss caused by the soul clock.

If the falling soul clock can really kill the light man, it is worthwhile to lose half of the creatures in Aokifu.

After all, those creatures are killed by the soul of the soul, and the meat is rotten in the pot, and the impact on the green wood will not be too great.

However, if the people blew themselves up, it would be possible to cause a lot of space cracks in the Aomufu, causing the bodies of those dead creatures to escape into the void, and such losses are irreparable losses.

I have to say that this sorcerer's clock is really too powerful for creatures.

It swayed at a height of up to a kilometer, and the silent bells caused all the creatures within the radius of ten square kilometers to die.

From Wei Xiaobei's point of view, in those grasses, whether it is grasshoppers or crickets, ants and even worms, butterflies, all the six feet, falling to the ground, as for rabbits, rats, etc. in the bushes The genus is dead and hard, and there is no life feature at all. As for the plants, they are quickly yellowing, as if they were splashed with defoliants.

Fortunately, the land in this area has just expanded, so the number is very limited, whether it is animals or plants.

But even so, with the death of those creatures, tens of thousands of souls vacated and flew toward the soul.

Wei Xiaobei has already appeared in front of the Guangren, and once again, the soul of the soul is swaying again, so that the light man is unconscious. When the whole body is stiff, his hands are caught on the shoulders of the Guangren, and then a pound falls. Bring the light man, head down, and fall down to the ground!

At this point, Wei Xiaobei's tactical thinking is very clear.

Since the falling soul bell has already restrained the light man, then he will try to bring the light man away from the moon, and at the same time cause a heavy blow to the light man!


Not counting the time, a loud bang came and the earth shook violently.

Wei Xiaobei hit the ground with a light man, and for a moment, above the earth, a huge pit with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared immediately!

However, Wei Xiaobei’s effect is not good.

After the light man was hit, although the skull burst open instantly, the light and heat rushed out, but it did not seem to be hurt too much.

This blow made him wake up from the shock of the falling soul clock. He completely ignored the injury of his head, and his hands suddenly went into the chest of Wei Xiaobei.

A screaming scream came, Wei Xiaobei, who had his hands on the shoulders of the light man, had no time to dodge the attack of the other party. He could only see the hands of the light man inserting his chest like a blade.

The blood splattered, and then a strong burnt smell spread.

For a moment, the hands of the people in the light will bloom in the body of Wei Xiaobei.

Although Wei Xiaobei has now resisted the high temperature for various reasons, it has reached a rather terrible level.

But after all, he is not a kind of creature composed entirely of light and heat, so after the heat of light and heat exceeds the limit that he can bear, the light and heat can also cause considerable damage to Wei Xiaobei.

Just as the light and heat released by the light man at this time, the light is more than 100,000 degrees in temperature, and the speciality of its light and heat rules, after the release, all the internal organs, blood, in the small chest of Wei Xiaobei, The connective tissue was destroyed by the heat in a flash!

Even the golden runes suspended in the cells have been damaged.

However, Wei Xiaobei is not an ordinary existence.

The resilience of the powerful squad makes Wei Xiaobei still have considerable combat power after the chest is turned into a black hole!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei clamped the light man without much meaning, so Wei Xiaobei raised his right leg, hit a knee, and hit the abdomen of the light man, kicking the other body involuntarily backwards, Next, Wei Xiaobei's hands are a double-peaked ear, and the head that has just grown half of the light is crushed again.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei was kicking and kicking the light man out.

This series of blows caused the light man's head, abdomen and even the chest to be severely damaged.

But like Wei Xiaobei's chest that recovered quickly after a few seconds, even if the light man was so badly hit, he would recover as soon as possible in a short period of time.

It can be said that it is too difficult and difficult to kill Wei Xiaobei and the strength of Guangren.

Slightly weaker attacks, the damage they can do, can't even keep up with each other's recovery speed!

One to one!

To be honest, this is the first time that Wei Xiaobei has played a similar game with Guangren, and even slightly occupied a little advantage.

It all benefits from the effect of the falling soul clock!

After three silent bells in the continuous soul clock, the perception of the outside world was so confusing that the mind became so confused that it was difficult for Wei Xiaobei to attack her.

At this time, the soul clock also chased down from the sky, suspended in the sky above the 300 meters, and then swayed a silent bell!

Under the influence of the bell, the body of the Guangren, who was originally rushing to Wei Xiaobei, once again had a meal, while Wei Xiaobei took the opportunity to rush to another beat.

Time by bit, in the past, with the help of the falling soul clock, Wei Xiaobei gradually reversed the situation and began to suppress the light man.

There are many reasons why this happens.

But the ultimate important reason is that the soul of the clock completely limits the light man.

After all, this Guangren is not a celestial body. It is just a light creature born in the sky. Although it carries more than 80% of the power of the sun, this power is not owned by the people themselves.

To put it simply, the true strength of Guangren is actually just a four-star horror. In this way, it does not fit perfectly with the consciousness and power of Amaterasu.

This point is completely invisible in the battle with Wei Xiaobei.

However, after the fall of the soul bell, the sound of the falling soul can affect or even kill any soul. Once the bell rings, the awareness of the sunshine in the light human body will be greatly affected.

This makes the consciousness of the light person's own consciousness begin to prevail, and the consciousness of the light person itself cannot control the power of the skylight perfectly. Therefore, when fighting with Wei Xiaobei, a lot of loopholes are revealed, so that after Wei Xiaobei catches it, Nature is a beat!

The moon in the sky has been falling into the moonlight, making the speed of the light people slower and slower.

As for Zhao Yun and the three black dragon kings, they listened to Wei Xiaobei’s embarrassment and stopped to watch the battle.

At this time, Zhao Yun is no longer needed, and the three black dragon kings have shot.

In fact, if Zhao Yun and the three black dragon kings take the shot, if they do not do well, they will wake up the sensation that the light man becomes confused.

Just when Wei Xiaobei pressed the light man to play like never before, the sun above the sky suddenly brilliance!

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