The City of Terror

Chapter 1610: , monsters and dragons

Dizzy, when the code is mad, the stomach is sore, what should I do? What should I do? Is it painful to continue the code word, or is it on the side of the toilet, one side of the code? It’s really hard to decide on the poor road. ——

For a moment, the sky of Aomufudi has become much brighter.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei finally recovered the spiritual link with the sun.

The **** of Amaterasu has been absorbed by the sun!

Sure enough, Wei Xiaobei’s heart, which had seen the sun’s change before, could not help but be sure.

The next thing, but not to defend Xiaobei shot.

Under the sunshine, the light man lost his control of the body, like a floating kite, flying towards the sun.

"No!! I don't want it!"

At the moment, the light man kept yelling in his mouth, and there was a trace of despair in his voice.

Undoubtedly, the sound comes from the consciousness that Tianzhao is stored in the light body.

But after the sun has swallowed the Apollo, as long as the sun shines on the light man, the power of the sun shining in the light body will be controlled by the traction of the sun.

In this way, the consciousness of the day is completely unable to control the body of the light person, and only the eyes of the light man drifting toward the sun.

Although the sun has completely swallowed up the Apollo, but before the matter is completely resolved, Wei Xiaobei’s heart is still suspended in the air.

It can be said that watching the light man slowly drifting to the sun, Wei Xiaobei wants to go up and help, and push the light man into the sun quickly.

But Wei Xiaobei suppressed this impulse. He knew that the more this time, the less impulsive it would be, otherwise the problem would be in vain if there was a problem.

Time passed by, after a long journey of almost half an hour, the body of the light man was less than 500 meters away from the sun.

And the sense of sunshine that is stored in the human body has now realized its desperation.

At this time, the awareness of the sunshine can be described as regrettable. I knew that this situation is now. At the beginning of entering this place, I should not blame it and directly blew myself up, turning this place into a place of death.

Of course, the best option should not be chased here, or the other party will be sent out one step ahead of time, so as not to fall into such a situation.

But no matter how the sense of the sun shines at this time, the body of the light can not be transferred by her will, but still slowly flies toward the sun.

The sun seemed to be somewhat intolerant of the speed of the light man. The next moment, in the sun, the sun was rolled up, forming a torrent of light, and it was rolled up toward the light.

I only heard the scream of desperation of the light man, and the torrent of the sun blew the light into the sun.

Until then, the high-hanging boulder of Wei Xiaobei’s heart was on the ground.

To be honest, at this time, Wei Xiaobei was afraid to believe everything he saw. Was the light man really killed?

Hu, Wei Xiaobei spit out a long breath, his body dissipated in place, and when it reappeared, it was already on the side of the sun.

At this time, the sun and the sun are constantly rolling up the thermal torrent, like a huge jellyfish, and the tentacles constantly sway.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this is the movement caused by the desperate struggle of the Guangren after being swallowed into the sun.

But from the feedback from the sun, once the light man enters the sun, it is too late to resist.

The sun has swallowed up the gods of the day, which is equivalent to swallowing the foundation of the Amaterasu god, and this light person is only the avatar of the Amaterasu god, so after entering the sun, it is completely subject to the sun, even if I want to struggle, but also the fish on the chopping board, can not resist.

Of course, for the sun, it is impossible to entrust the light man with more than 80% of the power of the sun. It is impossible to swallow it in a short time. In addition, the sun wants to completely absorb it after swallowing the Amateron. It also takes time.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei did not rush to leave Qingmu Fudi to deal with the body of Azure, but began to mobilize the power of Aoki Fudi to repair the place previously destroyed by the light.

You must know that because the power of the light man is too large, the place where the Aomufu land has experienced the battle, not to mention the fragmentation, the space in some places has been cracked. Although the strength of Aoki Fukuchi has been repaired, it has also caused The space barriers in these places have become weak.

For the space barriers in these places, Wei Xiaobei needs to mobilize the strength of Aoki Fudi to actively repair it and enhance the thickness of the space barrier to prevent some problems.

I have to say that when Wei Xiaobei repaired the space barrier of Qingmu Fudi, I felt that the world of Aomufudi was really fragile.

If it is replaced by the real world, even if it is hit by a lot of space cracks, its spatial barrier is not so easily weakened.

This is the difference between the volume of the world and the difference in its heritage.

No way, Aoki Fudi is much worse than reality in terms of volume.

Aokifudi, with a diameter of more than 400 kilometers, covers an area of ​​more than 160,000 square kilometers and looks wide, but in fact it is a small **** compared with the real world.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei believes that under his own efforts, the future of Aoki Fudi may not be worse than reality.

After all the weakened space barriers were repaired, Wei Xiaobei thanked Zhao Yun, the three headed Black Dragon Kings, who did not mention each other, and Wei Xiaobei went to the human gathering place.

Undoubtedly, the previous battles have caused the human beings in the human gathering place to fall into the fear of the end.

Until Wei Xiaobei appeared, the fear of the human gathering place subsided.

This is the psychological support of Wei Xiaobei for the residents of Weijia Island.

If there is news of Wei Weibei’s death, I am afraid that this human gathering will immediately fall into a chaos.

Seeing the appearance of Wei Xiaobei, the heart of the boulder can be more than just those human beings, as well as Tu Qingqing.

Wei Xiaobei has not visited Tu Qingqing for some time.

After eating a reunion dinner with parents, brothers and sisters, Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing returned to the villas in Qingmufudi.

Of course, compared to the villas in Weijia Island, the villas here are much simpler.

But at this time, simplicity and luxury are small things.

Wei Xiaobei touched the green belly, and could not help but sigh. He could feel the fetus in the green belly and want to be born, but it will take a long time.

It is not impossible to say that Wei Xiaobei let him be born ahead of time, but this will inevitably affect the future of the fetus, so Wei Xiaobei can't do it.

In the following week, Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing Qingqing and I traveled around Qingmu Fudi to make up for the coldness of Tu Qingqing.

On this day, Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing traveled to the Dragon Tribe.

After the dragon family came to Qingmu Fudi, they settled on the shore of the sea in Qingmufu.

Of course, compared to the sea in the real world, the sea of ​​this green wood can only be said to be a huge lake.

But even so, the dragon family has built a small tribe here, taking advantage of their magical power, the dragon has set up a huge dragon nest by the sea, the dragon flying above the sky, it looks It is quite fantastic.

What makes Wei Xiaobei quite surprised is that after these dragons stayed in Qingmu Fudi, with the constant infusion of aura, the dragon family gradually showed some changes.

The most notable changes here are the wyrmlings that have just hatched from the dragon eggs.

Compared to their parents, these wyrmlings have the ability to communicate with the aura from birth.

Well, after watching the moon rise, those fluttering wings flew to the heights, began to swallow the moon, the baby dragon, the look of Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei's face is weird.

This scene looks a little too strange.

Compared to Wei Xiaobei's strange face, Tu Qingqing is somewhat amazed at this scene. For Tu Qingqing, the huntering moon is the talent that the nine-tailed fox has. The nine-tailed fox is born with intelligence and does not need to be like other After the monster needs to grow to a certain extent, it can swallow the moon, use the power of the moon to wash the flesh, clear the soul, and grow the demon.

But this is the unique ability of the Chinese monsters after all, and these giant dragons are Western varieties, and they will also be able to swallow the moon, which is really amazing.

Is this the actual version of Nanbei Beibei?

Waiting for those wyrmlings, the young dragons swallowed the moon, and Wei Xiaobei took out a crystal in his right hand and shook it. Under the bright moonlight, this unique crystal reflected even the dazzling light.

Suddenly, those eye-catching wyrmlings flew over with their fart and fart, surrounded by Wei Xiaobei, and courted Wei Xiaobei with naive words.

It can be seen from their greedy eyes that their attention at this time has been completely attracted by the shining crystal, and nothing else is in their eyes.

Wei Xiaobei took advantage of this opportunity, grabbed a few dragonlets, and immediately explored the situation in their bodies.

What makes Wei Xiaobei quite surprised is that a small demon nucleus has appeared in these young dragons!

The demon nuclear is a unique thing for monsters.

The great practice of cultivation has opened up the magical monster, and the demon in the body will condense into a demon nucleus.

The role of this demon nucleus is similar to that of the dragon's dragon crystal.

But the dragon crystals in these young dragons still exist, and even Wei Xiaobei can't see what these young dragons will grow up in the future.

After checking and extracting the blood of a few chicks as a gene reserve, Wei Xiaobei grabbed a crystal and threw it away.

The young dragons, the young dragons cheered, and slammed their wings and rushed over, and began to fight for it.

And when Wei Xiaobei was ready to accompany Tu Qingqing to return to the villa to rest, the body could not help but the next moment, the eyes looked at the Central Mountain Range!

Just before that moment, Wei Xiaobei felt that the sun in the valley of the Central Mountain Valley had changed dramatically!

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