The City of Terror

Chapter 1636: Mixed blood

The food I made myself, and the more difficult to eat, I had to eat with tears, so the poor road had not slept last night, busy eating, now update a chapter, then go to sleep and eat. ——

Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly hear the squirming sound in the pilot's throat.

No way, even Wei Xiaobei himself, at this time in the face of this fragrance, have flowed out of saliva.

However, Wei Xiaobei knew that the promotion of the two fleshy lotus buds failed.

As a whole thing falls into the dragon scale pot, it is clearly marked on the property sheet in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Name: 蛟肉羹 (secondary genius)

Introduction: This is based on the meat of the clam meat, with lotus, coix seed, rice and so on as the auxiliary materials. The dragon scale pot is heated and cooked. It was originally a perfect fairy, but the quality dropped due to the failure of promotion.

Effect 1: The scent of gluttony, any creature that smells scent will have an unparalleled appetite for 蛟肉羹, they are even willing to pay any price for it.

Effect 2: Complete recovery of physical strength, spirit (only limited to four-star terror)

Effect 3: Take this item and temporarily increase the full attribute by 5.

Effect 4: Taking this substance will weaken the ability to control water.

Effect 5: Taking this item will permanently increase the full attribute by 2 points.

Well, as far as the effects listed on the property sheet are concerned, the quality of the meat that falls to the next-class fairy is considered to be quite satisfactory.

However, with the improvement of Wei Xiaobei's intellectual property, there seems to be some change in this versatility.

For example, if the effect is two, the physical strength is fully restored, and the spirit lists the restrictions.

And this has not been indicated before.

In fact, in such a situation, Wei Xiaobei felt it before everything was known.

For example, some small wood treasures that Wei Xiaobei found before, when it was first taken, can indeed achieve the described effect, but with the improvement of its own strength, this effect will be weakened, and even no effect at all.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei came to the conclusion that the effect of the treasures is not necessarily as strong as the description. In the case of different strengths, the effects of taking treasures may also be different.

For example, it is like the lotus scorpion in the dragon scale pot. Wei Xiaobei digs a little with a spoon, eats it, and restores his physical strength. The spirit is only less than one.

Of course, even if it is so useful to Wei Xiaobei, it is very difficult to get.

But when Wei Xiaobei was ready to greet the two pilots and enjoy the enjoyment, the cockpit made a terrified scream: "Ah, what is that?"


Before Wei Xiaobei's attention was completely placed on the lotus stalks that were being promoted, he did not pay attention to the situation around the transport plane.

Besides, above the height of 10,000 meters, there should be no problem.

But Wei Xiaobei has forgotten the powerful flying creatures such as the dragon-eye goldfish that have been active above the sky.

At this time, I heard the exclamation of the pilot. Wei Xiaobei naturally knew that there was a problem. Even if the inductive force was spread out, the situation within a few kilometers of the four weeks was collected in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

That is?

In the mind of Wei Xiaobei, a three-dimensional scene centered on the transport plane emerged.

More than 6,000 meters in front of the transport plane, a big blue bird is flying leisurely.

this is? A young man! A body that is more than 30 meters tall!

Although Wei Xiaobei was the first to see such a big blue bird, he still clearly recognized the identity of the other party.

After all, all things can be easily explored to find out the identity of any creature, Wei Xiaobei naturally can not be left unused.

Name: Mixed blood clam

Introduction: Mixed-race scorpion is a mixed-race descendant of green carp and some big bird. It inherits the appearance of the cypress, but its blood is thinner. Even so, it still has some green power.

weakness:? ? ?

Race: Green

Gender: Male

Age: 36 years old

Biology level: four-star horror

Attribute: (omitted)

Skill: Flying,? ? ?

Special skills: Aoki Shengji, all things grow, auspicious signs,? ?

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder:? ? ?

A mixed-race descendant of Qinglan!

Qinglan should probably be one of the more famous gods in Chinese mythology.

Among the myths and legends, it is the maid under the Queen's seat in Kunlun, also known as the blue bird.

In the history of China, the blue bird has always been regarded as the embodiment of good luck and is also regarded as one of the five phoenixes.

Well, to put it bluntly, this green is actually a type of phoenix.

If Xiaohong is a phoenix, then Qinglan is Qingfeng.

After reviewing each other's property sheets, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

The descendants of this bluebird, even the mixed-race descendants, are the darlings of heaven.

Just look at its age and you will know.

36 years old!

When human beings are 36 years old, it is almost a half life.

For these mythological creatures, it’s just a child’s state.

And a mixed-race scorpion that is still in a young body, its biological level has reached a four-star horror. Looking at its ability and question mark in its attributes, it is known that this mixed-race scorpion is a four-star horror, but its true Strength, I am afraid it has exceeded the four-star disaster.

Well, anyway, this line of green roads at this time completely overlaps with the transport plane, that is, if there is no accident, after the interest rate, the two sides will collide!

And with the bulky mobility of the transport plane, it is impossible to avoid the other party before this.

Of course, this is not to say that the green scorpion was deliberately hit.

However, Wei Xiaobei also knows that in terms of the strength and identity of the mixed-race scorpion, the transport aircraft does not have such a slight stagnation of the dead things, and will not be placed in the eyes of the other party.

In addition, this mixed-blood barley is in the young body, and what is the concept of the young body?

Think about the children who are still not going to the road, but they are already very good at destroying the toys.

Perhaps this transport plane is a small stone on the road in Qinglan. Anyway, it collides with Xiaoshizi, and he will not be injured. He will add some fun and why not.

To say that with the strength of Wei Xiaobei, even if the transport plane explodes, there is no harm to him.

But under such circumstances, Wei Xiaobei is unlikely to retreat.

No matter how many things Wei Xiaobei thinks, in reality, time is only less than half a time.


Did not hesitate, Wei Xiaobei Zhang mouth gently snorted!

In the cabin, Wei Xiaobei’s voice was very light. Even the pilot standing in front of the cockpit couldn’t hear it. But the next moment, the green bud that was slowly flying over was physically affected. Frightened, the wings, a flash, went to the side.

The transporter safely avoided the impact with the barley, and the pilot could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The transport plane is not a sturdy war weapon. Not to mention the giant bird of more than 30 meters. Even if an ordinary eagle hits the transport plane, it may cause the transport plane to fall due to the broken propeller.

The pilot sighed and thought that things had passed, and even as the speed of the plane was accelerated, no doubt they were afraid that the giant bird would catch up.

But only Wei Xiaobei knew that the green scorpion did not give up.

Or, after being shocked by Wei Xiaobei’s blast, the mixed-race scorpion seemed to be a little angry, and then he chased it up.

However, before Wei Xiaobei’s explosion, there was a breath of his own.

That powerful atmosphere is indeed a bit of fear for the mixed blood.

Therefore, the mixed-race green scorpion was far behind the transport plane, but due to the visual field, the two pilots did not find the whereabouts of the green scorpion.

After all, the radar on the transport plane is very old. Besides, the mixed blood and green scorpion is no longer a creature, not a transformer made of metal.

Therefore, even if the radar on the transport aircraft is more advanced, it is difficult to find the existence of the green.

Well, in fact, the transport plane at this time is not far from the military airport.

The radar at the military airport easily found the green bark behind the transport plane.

After all, with the invasion of reality by the gray world monsters, the major powers are not without efforts.

For example, most radars today have improved to be models capable of detecting high-energy organisms.

Therefore, after the radar of the military airport discovered the green barley, the anti-aircraft missiles on the ground, the artillery battalion, even started to catch up and began to capture the target.

Undoubtedly, the mixed-race scorpion should feel the danger and actually start to slow down the height.

Several missiles quickly rushed from the ground with white smoke to the mixed-blood barley, and the transport aircraft also entered the landing mode and began to reduce the height.

Without waiting for the transport plane to land on the airport, the sound of anti-aircraft missiles exploded in the air in the distance.


Some distances, Wei Xiaobei's inductive power could not extend so far, had to wait until the transport plane completely landed, drilled out of the cabin and looked up.

Well, there is no trace of green in the air at this time, only a few groups of smoke that are rapidly spreading.

However, the atmosphere in the military airport was extremely tense at this time. A fighter jet had been pushed onto the runway, and it was rapidly refueling and adding ammunition.

Wei Xiaobei thought about it. With the power of anti-aircraft missiles, I am afraid that even the feathers of the green dragonfly may not be able to blow up one.

But then again, the mythical creatures like Qing Lan, Wei Xiaobei's interest is still very big.

You should know that Wei Xiaobei's life altar gene library already has the gene of fire phoenix. If you can get some genes of green carp, compare the two, it is much easier to solve the mystery of the deep phoenix gene.

It’s a pity that I was so scared that I was afraid that the greens had already escaped.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei feels that he will not judge wrong.

If the young man is already an adult, he will naturally become angry and even destroy the military airport.

But now this green scorpion is only a young body, and it is relatively low in terms of wisdom.

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