The City of Terror

Chapter 1637: ,within Temptation

Time passes by, if time can be reversed, the hope of the poor road is a thousand years, so that the poor road can enter the long river of time and overlook the sad human being. ——

If you think about it, you will know that after a small animal has been scared, it is naturally unlikely that it will continue to stay in place, but will choose to escape and avoid the greater danger that may arise.

Therefore, in Wei Xiaobei's view, military airports are so cautious that it is completely unnecessary.

Of course, as a guest, Wei Xiaobei will not go to the fingertips, and the white eyes will attract others.

But when Wei Xiaobei returned to the cabin and prepared to collect the dragon scale pot into the storage ring, he suddenly found a bird jumping into the dragon scale pot!

What is going on?

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are excellent.

All the signs of the bird, at that moment, he can see clearly, there is no trace of omission.

Then the question came, how the bird looks very similar to the previous mixed blood, and it is wrong. It is exactly the same. The only difference is that the mixed blood cyan body is more than 30 meters, and the blue bird shape is also Only the extent of the little hen!

What is going on?

Is it your own eyes?

Wei Xiaobei stepped forward and came to the front of the dragon scale pot, gently looking at the probe.

The cyan bird has already plunged into the lotus scorpion, and desperately eats the sweet succulent lotus bud, even if Wei Xiaobei is standing next to it, the blue bird does not care.

Well, standing on the side of the pot, Wei Xiaobei is really clear this time.

Contrast with the memory in my mind, the result came out.

In addition to the difference in body shape, the green dragonfly and the blue bird are exactly the same in detail, even if the shape of any feather is the same.

Anyone with a little common sense knows that there is no such thing in the world.

Things that look very similar, even those that come out of the mechanical assembly line, will differ in details that are invisible to the naked eye!

The degree of similarity between the green owl and the blue bird has reached an extremely alarming level. At least the strength of Wei Xiaobei’s current mental strength cannot be seen in the details of the differences between the two sides.

In this case, there is only one result.

The small blue bird that Wei Xiaobei had in front of the dragon scales in China was actually the mixed **** green!

What is the difference in body size?

This is not a problem. We must know that in the existence that Wei Xiaobei had encountered, it was too easy to change the body shape, but Wei Xiaobei did not think in that direction before.

As for the breath, okay, even Wei Xiaobei can converge on his own breath, not to mention the mixed blood.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also understood that when he was in the sky, this mixed-blooded scorpion was rushing to the transport plane for Mao!

Feelings are the scent of this fleshy lotus flower that has attracted the mixed **** scorpion!

Don't ask me if the scent in the cabin will drift out, let alone the speed of the hair scent is faster than the speed of the transport.

In front of a mixed-blood phoenix, all this is a cloud.

Be aware that for many powerful beings, feel something and don't really smell it.

But now the problem is coming.

This mixed-race scorpion eats very well in the pot. How should Wei Xiaobei deal with each other?

Grab each other?

Oh, if you do this, the transport plane will surely become a pile of ruins, and even the entire military airport will be destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

Then let it go?

Not to mention that if you let it go, Wei Xiaobei’s intention to collect the other’s genes will be lost. It’s a long time to see that the other party will not eat the food at this time and never look forward to it. Wei Xiaobei knows that this will be a long time. wait.

The reason is very simple. This mixed-race scorpion does not look like the body size is more than 30 meters before, but now it is reduced to the size of the hen, and its eating speed is almost similar to that of the hen.

Wei Xiaobei suspected that he would dig a spoon for each other, which would be enough for the other party to eat for a long time.

In other words, if you want to let the other party go, then you have to wait a long time.

"Mr. Wei, the plane is full of oil, do we take off immediately or take a break?"

Just when Wei Xiaobei was hesitant, the pilot pushed open the cockpit door and went to Wei Xiaobei for a ceremony, then asked.

"Well, take off, get things done sooner."

Wei Xiaobei thought about it and couldn't help but sigh. Since both options are a little troublesome, then there is only a third option. Don't worry about it for the time being, wait until it is full.

After all, the creatures that will be attracted by their own cooking food, in Wei Xiaobei's view, the threat is not big.

After receiving Wei Xiaobei’s order, the pilot did not have any dissatisfaction and did not ask for the inexplicable eating sound that occasionally sounded in the cabin.

The conveyor began to take off, and the inertia caused by the constant acceleration caused the dragon pot to start moving toward the back.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei did not pay attention to it, but allowed the dragon scale pot to continue to accelerate.

Undoubtedly, the movement of the dragon scale pot caused the attention of the mixed blood and green scorpion. It slid the head out of the dragon scale pot and saw that the dragon scale pot was about to hit the rear hatch, and then a circle of blue light flashed on the body.

At the next moment, a circle of blue vines grows under the dragon scale pot, and the dragon scale pot is firmly fixed.

Seeing that the dragon scale pot no longer moved, the mixed blood and green eyes glanced at Wei Xiaobei, and then drilled back.

In the face of the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei is really a bit crying.

This little guy has fallen into consideration, and the dishes he has made so hard have not eaten two, but he has been occupied by it.

However, it can be seen from the reaction of this mixed blood clam, it does not pose any threat.

It is like encountering a hungry wild dog on the road, throwing out a piece of meat, if the other party eats cheerfully, how can it not rush to bite you.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not afraid of mixed blood and his own use of force.

However, in the hope of conquering each other and extracting some genes, Wei Xiaobei feels that it is easier to have a good relationship with the other party.

The dragon scale pot was occupied by the mixed blood, and Wei Xiaobei could not cook for a while.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei sat down cross-legged, took out some of the food that was cooked before, and started to eat and drink.

With the strength of Wei Xiaobei, even the valley is no problem.

But if you want to restore the heat in your body, you must eat.

After all, this is not a green wood blessing, there is not so much aura to let Wei Xiaobei absorb to restore itself.

The transport plane has already taken off at this time and is accelerating to rush toward the sky.

After a few minutes, the transport plane changed to a flat flight and the cabin became slightly calmer.

Although the noise of the engine is still not small, Wei Xiaobei has finished eating, his eyes are slightly closed, and it seems to have entered a state of waking up.

The mixed-race scorpion seems to be somewhat unreliable, and occasionally it will probe out to see Wei Xiaobei's movements.

This is the vigilance instinct of any creature. Although the mixed blood is attracted by food, it is not that it is completely vigilant.

After all, mixed blood and green and Wei Xiaobei were still in a strange state.

Time passed quickly in such a passing.

Wei Xiaobei felt that he had only slightly studied several rules, and he heard the voice of the pilot: "Mr. Wei, the plane is still 50 kilometers away from the target."

Undoubtedly, this is the pilot to ask for.

If you land, you need to go to a temporary field airport 80 kilometers away.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, this is a bit too much trouble.

"After opening the rear hatch, I will go straight."

Wei Xiaobei thought about it and simply went on. Anyway, for himself, this point is not at all high.

Hearing the instructions of Wei Bei, the pilot did not show any abnormality. Perhaps in his opinion, a strange person like Wei Xiaobei could do anything, perhaps because of the parachute.

But then, Wei Xiaobei felt a little trouble, and it was easy to jump on it. But what about the dragon scale pot? It is impossible to throw it on this transport plane.

Wei Xiaobei suspected that after the mixed-breed barley had finished eating, would it leave a hole in the transport plane directly, so that Wei Xiaobei would be equivalent to killing two pilots or more.

When I arrived at Wei Xiaobei, I was able to feel something similar to merit, gas and so on. If it was not necessary, Wei Xiaobei was not willing to bear such sins.

But if you directly add the dragon scale pot to the storage ring, Wei Xiaobei suspects that the mixed blood will be directly thundering! Such a result can almost bring the pilot to the West.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei gently tapped the dragon scale pot with his hand.

Almost at the moment when Wei Xiaobei stopped, the mixed-race scorpion emerged from the scorpion lotus flower. Two small eyes were staring at Wei Xiaobei, as if to say, what are you doing? Do you try again?

"Well, I know that you should be able to understand what I said. Now I have two choices for you. One is to disappear immediately, the other is to leave, the second is to go to a place to wait. When I finish the matter, I will give it to you. Better food."

Say this, Wei Xiaobei will open the space channel leading to Qingmu Fudi, and the opening is not big, so that the mixed blood can pass, in order to seduce this mixed blood, Wei Xiaobei even let the aura in Aoki Fudi from Some of the space channels are leached.

I have to say that for a mixed-race cockroach that has invaded reality, the aura of this Aomu blessed land is extremely powerful.

The mixed-race scorpion was a spirit, and even as he extended his head to the entrance of the space channel, he took a greedy breath and took an invisible aura into his mouth.

So comfortable, so warm, so good Wei Wei can see the look in the eyes of the mixed blood, so he smiled and persuaded him with a tempting tone: "Go in, go in, there are many comfortable auras inside." ""

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei has paid a lot of money. I want to know that the green wood and the reality are completely different worlds. I want to transfer the aura of Aokifu to the reality. The aura will reach thousands or more!

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