Chapter 427: Dialects succeed!

A press conference is being held in Yunhai City, but the dialects far away in Fuyuan City are not to be left behind, and the next step is started.

In Yunhai City, Hong Ran got the news that Lin Moyuan took over as chairman almost immediately, but Hong Ran was a little confused. Why did Lin Shengtian let his son take over the company so soon? Is it just to be anxious to take over the position of chairman of the Southern Business Alliance?

This is currently the most reasonable explanation.

In fact, many people, including many people, do not understand the changes in the situation within the Lin Group. To be honest, it is indeed a bit confusing. The people arranged by Hong Ran within the Lin Group are not high-level, so I just know that Lin Moyuan has won the board of directors and the shareholders meeting. As for the unanimous vote, the reason is still unknown.

This made Hong Ran a little wary. Could it be that Lin Moyuan himself failed with any means? If this were the case, then Lin Moyuan would be very dangerous!

Just when Hong Ran was puzzled, dialect also noticed the news, and suddenly the whole person became a little wary!

Dialect and Lin Moyuan had a brief encounter, and they also knew Lin Moyuan’s methods very well, and their understanding of Lin Moyuan was far above Hong Ran!

Once Lin Moyuan succeeds as chairman, he will definitely make a series of big moves! If dialects want to survive, they must act! Once Lin Moyuan gains power, he will definitely try his best to strangle the dialect! The Xing family may not be an opponent by then!

Although there is still a Zhang family in Gangdong City, the Zhang family has not stated its position until now.

Generally speaking, as far as the current situation is concerned, the dialect and the Xing family are in the same situation, they have been put in front of Lin Moyuan, there is no way to go, and there is no way to go back! Only by gaining all the trust of Hongtu Group can we have the power to protect ourselves in front of Lin Moyuan!

As for whether the Hongtu Group can truly gain the trust of Hongtu Group, it depends on Lin Moyuan’s own thinking.

If Lin Moyuan wanted to start, with a Hongtu Group standing in front of him, Lin Moyuan’s heart would feel a little more jealous.

Thinking of this, the dialect came to Hong Ran’s side and said in a deep voice:

“I want to see Yuan Dezhi! If you don’t want to see Hongtu Group falling into a disadvantage in the confrontation, I want to see him now!”

Is there any necessary connection between Yuan Dezhi and the confrontation between Hongtu Group and Lin Group?

Hong Ran is not good at saying this, but after all, the dialect is master Feng Shui! If someone says there is a relationship, it is probably true!

Could it be that this Yuan Dezhi was a person sent by the Lin Group? Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is not impossible!

Thinking of this, Hong Ran’s eyes immediately gloomy!

Is the Lin family’s hand really stretched so long?

“Master Fang, about Yuan Dezhi, my father’s attitude is still vacillating now!” When Hong Ran said this, his eyes changed a little, and then he continued:

“But I have a way for you to meet Yuan Dezhi! But you can’t be here, we have to go to the branch office!”

Hearing Hong Ran’s words, the dialect frowned, but he still agreed!

Calling Yuan Dezhi over is obviously easy to reveal, after all, this old man is not very broad-minded. Once he hates himself, where does he have time to explain? The alliance between the Hongtu Group and the Xing family will surely have some cracks. As a result, Lu Xiyao’s safety will be a hidden danger!

But if Hong Ran took him and went to find Yuan Dezhi secretly, Mr. Hong would have no reason. Once Yuan Dezhi’s problem was discovered, Hong Ran would definitely help! At that time, even if Lin Moyuan became the chairman, if he wanted to change his own words, he would have to weigh it!

Thinking of this, the dialect did not hesitate, and immediately nodded in agreement!

With a simple judgment, the dialect can know what is the relationship between Yuan Dezhi and the Feng Shui layout of this place!

When the time comes, you can put a hat on Yuan Dezhi and say that Yuan Dezhi is sent by the Lin Group. And it can also arouse great anger. In this way, won’t the two sides be the same enemy?

And if I use the hands of Hongtu Group to rescue Lu Xiyao from Xing Chuan, it is not impossible!

According to the observations of Xing Chuan in dialects during this period, he found that Xing Chuan was a man of great temperament!

In order to achieve what you want, you can give up anything!

From Xing Chuan’s perspective, using a woman who is of no use to him, in exchange for the great help of Hongtu Group, this business does not need to be calculated!

It is precisely for this reason that the dialect should not bring Xing Chuan and deal with Hong Ran alone!

As for Hong Ran’s son and Mr. Hong, dialects don’t have so much time wasted on them. Now the real controller of Hongtu Group is Hong Ran in front of him. As long as Hong Ran decides what to do, the entire Hongtu Group will follow him. Look away!

The Hongtu Group seems to be distributed throughout the country, but in fact, its strength has been scattered a lot. Lin Shengtian, who has always had an aggressive personality, has adopted a steady and steady approach that is contrary to his personality in the development of corporate strength. It makes the dialect a little bit incomprehensible. Of course, the dialect itself will not look at any commercial issues. After all, he is best at medicine and Feng Shui.

After the dialect was agreed, everyone immediately set off and went to the branch office.

The branch office is in the center of Fuyuan City, a very prosperous area. There are various commercial complexes and various bars here. It is one of the most popular places for young people to consume and entertain.

The time had come to the evening. Dialect and Hong Ran wanted to act unobtrusively and privately this time, so Hong Ran just brought three personal bodyguards, one of whom also temporarily appeared as a driver.

In Hongtu Group, the driver is not necessarily the bodyguard, but the bodyguards must all drive. This is also to facilitate quick escape after an attack.

At the intersection/intersection of this pedestrian street and shopping plaza, it is one of the most eye-catching buildings in Fuyuan City, a branch of Hongtu Group.

Hongtu Group’s projects are more inclined to investment companies, so these shopping malls have shares of Hongtu Group. The branch company located here is also the largest branch company in Fuyuan City.

Dialect walked out of the car and looked at the city full of drunken gold fans and neon lights in front of me, and I sighed in my heart.

No wonder people all say that the world is good, and these scenes are indeed more attractive than the boring mountain forest…

However, the dialect only sighed for a moment, and then brought his attention back.

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