Chapter 428: Yuan Dezhi!

The branch office should be off work now, but there will be people on duty in the unit, usually security guards or some white-collar workers working overtime. Hongtu Group’s overtime hours are all real money, as long as you are willing to stay and work overtime. , I will never treat you badly! One hundred dollars an hour!

It is precisely for this reason that when the shopping plazas opposite are off work, the interior of the Hongtu Group is a spectacular sight with bright lights.

Originally during off-hours, if you wanted to enter the building, you had to call the headquarters to report. After all, there are many key market research materials stored in the building. Once stolen, it will cost tens of millions of losses. .

However, Hong Ran naturally didn’t need any reports, just brushing his face.

Just kidding, the chairman goes back to his own branch, does he still need to report? Will the chairman steal the trade secrets of his company?

Even with the dialect, he entered the building with him, without any interrogation or obstruction.

Looking at it, the whole building is quiet, except for occasional whispers from some people who are still working overtime.

After Hong Ran came to the duty room on the first floor, he inquired about Yuan Dezhi’s whereabouts. After learning that Yuan Dezhi had left the building just after get off work, he was a little disappointed in the dialect.

Yuan Dezhi actually left, isn’t it a trip for nothing this time?

“What shall we do now? Shall we go back?”

Hearing the words in the dialect, Hong Ran smiled and shook his head, and said:

“We have all come out, where is the reason to come and return? Come to a place with me!”

After speaking this sentence, Hong Ran took the lead to walk towards the company’s gate before he waited for his own doubts in the dialect.

The dialect followed Hong Ran, confused.

Fuyuan is such a big city, where can I find someone? Should we go directly to Yuan Dezhi’s residence? But I heard that Yuan Dezhi has a wife and children! If this matter becomes a big deal, wouldn’t Mr. Hong be able to get news right away?

But when the dialect came to the door of the company, he found that Hong Ran didn’t mean to get in the car. Instead, he thought of the bars in the pedestrian street and walked over.

The dialect frowned, followed quickly, and then asked in a low voice:

“Where are we going?”

Hong Ran smiled and said without looking back:

“Yuan Dezhi’s wife was originally a college student. Yuan Dezhi drank too much before and gave her to her… Later, when she found out she was pregnant, Yuan Dezhi was reluctant to beat the child, so he simply let the college student drop out of school and concentrate on raising a baby at home! I’m already married, and in fact I have to go to the bar street every night!”

Hearing this, the dialect couldn’t help but secretly said in my heart. Sure enough, these people don’t have a good thing! This is really a raccoon dog!

The dialect said in a deep voice:

“Listening to Chairman Hong, you have suspected Yuan Dezhi for a long time?”

Hong Ran glanced around, then replied in a deep voice:

“I don’t hide it from Master Fang. The current situation is no longer under my control. I was only a little wary at first, but after seeing Master Fang’s guidance, I found that Yuan Dezhi is indeed suspicious in many places!”

Hearing this sentence, the dialect suddenly felt a sense of suspicion. It is rare that Hong Ran pretended to be so shocked when he expressed doubts about Yuan Dezhi at the time.

The level of acting is to be flabbergasted!

Dialect followed Hong Ran’s footsteps and came to the entrance of a four-story bar. From here onwards, all projects were invested by Hongtu Group. It has to be said that Hongtu Group is really rich and has considerable Strategic vision!

Many of the facilities in this were prepared long ago, almost ten years ago, and they are still not eliminated by the times, and they are still so popular with young men and women. The horror of this forward-looking vision, It is enough to prove that the status of Hongtu Group in Fuyuan City is taken for granted.

This bar is called a bar without a name, but the magnificent architectural style and the intoxicating blue and purple lights are impressive.

Dialect saw Hong Ran walking towards the bar, and he secretly said in his heart that he had sinned and sinned all his life, and then he lifted his heels up.

In fact, such a place is known in the dialect of Gangdong City. It is said that it is a place used by young people to relieve stress. In fact… it can be guessed without a detailed description of the dialect.

As soon as Hong Ran came to the door of the bar, he was stopped by two security guards, one of them said in a deep voice:

“Sir, you must register your ID information before entering the bar! And leave your phone number!”

Before Hong Ran spoke, a security guard standing behind him stepped forward and said in a deep voice:

“We are from Hongtu Group. We came to find someone, but we didn’t bring my ID card!”

One of the security guards’ face sank. What kind of costume did you put on without his ID card? When you come to the bar to find a girl at night, you will find a girl, and wear a suit? what is this? Cosplay Matrix?

“You can’t enter without an ID. This is the rule! Don’t you understand?”

Hong Ran said impatiently:

“You two are new here, right? Give me your manager! Just say that his boss is here! Let him come out to see me!”

The most uncomfortable thing about this security guard is the rich man’s masturbation, so he immediately took a step forward and said with a gloomy face:

“If you make trouble again, I’ll do it!”

At this time, the other security guard seemed to have thought of something, and stepped forward and pulled his own companion back!

“It turned out to be Chairman Hong! It was true that our brothers hadn’t been at work for a long time! This is to blame for our clumsy eyes! Sorry! Please come in! Please come in!”

Hong Ran nodded, and walked in with the dialect and three bodyguards.

The security guard who said he was going to do it was very puzzled, and turned to ask his own companion:

“Didn’t you say that you are not allowed to enter without an ID? This is the rule! We just went to work for seven days, and you forgot?”

The other security guard said helplessly:

“Can you not be so rigid in doing things? Do you know who was that just now? The chairman of Hongtu Group, that is the shareholder father of the bar! If you really stop him, the first thing the manager does is to open Except us!”

The security guard reacted immediately, and then was covered with cold sweat!

“Damn! Why didn’t you say it earlier? I was so arrogant in front of people just now…”

The other security guard patted his companion on the shoulder helplessly, and said in a deep voice:

“It’s not to blame you, we kind of little people, don’t mention anything fizzy, you will wipe your eyes with bright spots in the future, just don’t mess with people who shouldn’t be messed up!”

This is probably the helplessness of the little man.

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