The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1914: War Serpent

The people with this stale breath were shocked, all of them were dead, just swept away, causing the heavenly powerhouses to be seriously injured. Now, this stale air is more than enough to make the sky strong. Those who have died, for fear of their nature, are afraid.

"What kind of monster is this!" Wang Qing gritted his teeth and looked at the eight-dimensional snake. The eight-dimensional snake stood on the ground. The ten-foot-sized eight-dimensional snake gave an invisible deterrent.

Xia Ming's heart was also tense together, and the Eight Snakes are probably the most powerful opponents he has ever encountered. This level of strong man can deeply feel it, even if it is He tried everything, I'm afraid he couldn't kill him.

"Let's die." The eight-kid serpent spit out the red core, but it looked so attractive. When the eight-kid serpent's body moved, it was biting fiercely towards the faucet. The terrible power made it The earth was shaking, the faucet also looked slightly shaken, and the rear body turned into a flash of lightning that avoided the blow.


"嘭 ......"? But, just in the dragon's head to avoid this blow, the eight Qi serpent suddenly changed its direction towards Wang Qing and others.

"Hurry away!"

The dragon head seemed to be aware of the strangeness of the Baqi serpent, and immediately roared, and Wang Qing and others were all complex-looking, their vitality skyrocketed, and they instantly turned into a figure and left the place.



At this moment, the attack of the Yaki snake was also severely attacked on this ground, leaving a deep pit on this ground.

"This guy, wisdom is so high."

When Xia Ming saw it, his pupils suddenly shrank, so if they continue, I am afraid that the people present will have their army destroyed.

"Can't continue."

Xia Ming murmured to himself.


"Xia Ming, dodge."

The sound of the dragon head reminded Xia Ming. At this moment, Xia Ming's gaze suddenly became sharper, and he looked at the Hachi snake in an instant.

"The sword seals thousands of miles."

Xia Ming's voice dropped slowly. The next time he took him as the center, the ground began to freeze rapidly. In a blink of an eye, it was spreading over ten meters.

"Bang ..."

Suddenly, many ice walls appeared in front of the eight-dimensional snake. These ice walls seemed to resist the attack of the eight-dimensional snake. However, under the powerful power of the eight-dimensional snake, these ice walls were vulnerable and were broken. .

If you look closely, you will find that a layer of icy scum appears on the body of the Yaki snake. This faint layer of scum seems to be frozen.

"What is martial arts."

Even the eight snakes were shocked and hurried back. I do n’t know why. Xia Ming's body gave him a sense of extreme danger. It stands to reason that he should not feel this kind of threat when he reaches this state. And, Xia Ming's power is only just at the end of the prefecture level.

How could he make him feel a sense of danger.

"Who the **** are you?" A pair of scarlet eyes of Oki Serpent suddenly looked at Xia Ming, with a little bit of bogey in the eyes.

"My name is Xia Ming."

Xia Ming smiled and stood here indifferently, watching the Qi snake serenely without any fear.

"Xia Ming ..."

The Eighth Snake Shen said: "No matter who you are, you will all die today, and I will leave this place where the birds do not **** until I break through a higher level."

"Hmm ..."

The Huge Snake rushed again, terrible power swept over, the shaking air was buzzing, and the vitality ripples radiated.

"It is truly a master beyond the heavens."

Xia Ming took a deep breath. His sword skill is very powerful. Even if he meets the prefect masters, he can still fight. However, in the face of this big snake, he just obstructed the opponent.


The next moment, the dragon heads and others also rushed towards the eight-kid serpent, with fierce moves in their hands.

However, in the face of the attacks of these high-level masters, Baqi Serpent had no fear at all, and from time to time, some people were hit by Baqi Serpent, causing these people to be seriously injured.


Right now!

At this headquarters, there are countless figures staring at this distant video, they shouted: "It's a monster, it's a monster."

"How come there is such a big snake, hasn't this snake become refined? It looks like it is more than thirty meters?"

"Report it quickly, report it quickly!"

"Hurry up." A rush of sound spread, and the sounds of various alarms followed. The 30-meter monster was a disaster for the earth. No matter where the monster ran, let alone This monster is still on the coast of Huaxia. If you come to Huaxia, I am afraid it will give

The whole Huaxia brought epic-level disaster.

With the layers being reported, these countless satellites also set their sights on this place. At a certain command headquarters, there are countless soldiers. From the stars carried by these people, no doubt they are superpowers with real power. .

"Immediately move the picture near the coast."

With an order, this picture was also facing this coastal area. Soon, the figures of the five leading schools and the figures of the Yamaguchi and Sakura groups all appeared.

"That is ... the faucet."


This familiar figure made all the people present with their pupils suddenly shrinking, staring closely at the dragon head.

Others may not know what the chill means by the two leading words, but they are clear, and they also know what the significance of this department is.

"Look at it, the faucet is injured." Someone immediately said.


The words made it even more trembling and stunned: "How can this happen? The dragon head is a warrior in the sky. One man can fight the world alone. Even if there is an army of 3,000 people, I am afraid that Nothing but him, how could he be injured. "

"It's that big snake." Someone said immediately: "Look carefully, this big snake's mouth is open, it seems to be talking."

Not surprisingly, the people present looked at the eight-kid snake, but saw the eight-kid snake open their mouths, while others also opened their mouths, as if they were talking to the eight-kid snake.


Immediately, these two words came to mind in the minds of the people present, and all the people present were shocked.

"what should we do?"

"Closely monitor and observe the situation." The headed figure said heavily.

"I am afraid there are people in this coastal area. What if they are found?"

"Immediately disperse the crowd around here." "Yes."

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