The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1915: Worldwide attention

Immediately, these people returned to their jobs, and these heads of people were staring closely at this breathtaking picture.

This picture really makes people feel a bit shocked. This is not a film, but a real existence. How could they not have expected that there is such a big snake in this world. It seems that the mad python disaster exists. It's not empty talk.

However, while dispersing the surrounding crowds, someone still saw this scene in his eyes. At this time, on a mountain far away, this person just saw the existence of the Hachigi snake.

The figure was dressed in sportswear, staring blankly.

"What is this ... so big snake ..."

When I saw this big snake, the figure was stagnant on the spot, with an incredible face and shock.

"How can there be such a big snake in the world, this **** can't be perfect." Someone said immediately.

"Run fast, run fast! After he chased us, we're all finished." Someone could not help but escape loudly, but in this crowd could not help but be a little bold, and looked at it a few more times.

"Look at it, there seem to be some people there. These people seem to be fighting this big snake." As soon as he said this, he immediately caught the attention of many people. When they looked carefully forward, they found After Xia Ming's figure, at this moment, Xia Ming's body was also full of scars. The power of the eight snakes was too horrible. They were not together.

Big guy opponent.

"Somebody, somebody ... this ... they can fight such a big snake, are they impatient?"

"It's a warrior, it's a warrior." Someone suddenly cried out, "This is a warrior."

"What warrior?"

"I also knew the warrior by accident. This warrior already existed in the ancient times. I thought that all the warriors have disappeared. I never expected that I could see warriors and martial arts novels here. Existing characters, I did n’t expect it, I did n’t expect it. ”

"It turns out that there are really martial arts in this world. If you say so, the martial arts master is really ..."

Many people were shocked at the scene, at this time someone was excited and said, "Hurry live, record live video ..."

Immediately, many people took out their mobile phones and started recording videos, while some people live broadcasted directly. This is just a few minutes of effort and attracted large Chinese people.

Because the current network is developed, it has spread throughout Huaxia in almost half an hour, and countless figures are watching this live broadcast.

"It's really a war between humans and snakes ..."

"What a big snake ... is this snake fine?"

"Is it the white snake in the White Snake."

"Look at these people. It's really amazing. It can be so great ..."

"These people really have the courage. If I saw such a big snake, I would have scared my legs weak."

"Really spectacular ..."

These people are completely unaware of the danger. If the eight snakes are raging in this city, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of casualties. At that time, they will be the real creatures, but these people still do n’t know. Watching this scene like watching TV.

"Look at it ... why is that figure so familiar!"

"Yeah ... isn't this figure Xia Ming of Xia Lin Group?"

"National husband Xia Ming ..."

Xia Ming appeared in this video and immediately made countless figures recognize Xia Ming. Xia Ming is not an ordinary person after all, and his popularity in this world is already very high. Someone soon confirmed Xia Ming I am so exclaimed.

"Oh my god, the national husband is so powerful, he ... he even flies ..."

"Is this the national husband ... No wonder there are so many girls who like him, so much gold, and now it has such great courage to fight with such a big snake ..."

At this moment, countless girls like Xia Ming one after another, and no one likes such a man. However, the people present also brought the whole heart to this throat.

"National husband, don't be in trouble ..."

Obviously, these people are all extremely concerned about Xia Ming.


On this battlefield, at this moment, it is already fighting to the point of fever.

On this coast, Xia Ming and others were all panting and looking at the Eight Snakes in front of them, and Wang Qing and others were all scarred.

However, after playing for such a long time, they were unable to cause any damage to the Hachi snake.

This made them all think of retreating, but ... they knew they couldn't retreat.

If they retreat, then they are finished.

"Head ... head ..."

At the next moment, there were countless figures rushing from a distance, but these people, all of them, are all masters of Huaxia, even the people with the lowest strength are mysterious masters.

With so many masters coming, the faucet yelled.

"Don't come over, you are not opponents of this big guy."

These eight Qi snakes are so powerful that so many people come here, it's no different than sending them to death!

All of these people stopped their steps in an instant, staring at the eight-headed snake in front of them, with a cold light in their eyes, and they wished that the eight-headed snake would be skinned.

"Hahaha ..."

The next moment, Yusheng Huayun laughed wildly, because of the Hachi snake, which caused Yushenghua Yun and the summer cherry blossoms to be less prominent.

Now Yu Shenghua Yun smiled so much that everyone's eyes gathered on Yu Shenghua Yun and others.

At this moment, Yu Shenghua's arrogant laughter said: "The warriors of Huaxia are all here. This is the best. But the province of me is walking in Huaxia and killing them one by one."

"Yu Shenghua Yun, you don't do any good to you if you go on like this," Xia Ming said in a deep voice.


Yu Shenghua Yun snorted coldly and said indifferently: "As long as you can destroy your group of warriors, it is worth even the highest price."

"Yushenghuayun, do you really think this monster will help you sincerely? After the monster has solved us, you will also be dealt a devastating blow." The dragon head snapped sharply.

"Fart!" Yu Shenghuayun retorted, "The eight gods are the patron saints of our country. They existed long ago. He has guarded our great pirate empire for years. Their gods will only bless us. When you kill all of you clean, you will know that our country protects the gods and beasts. "

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