The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1986: Mysterious city

"Well, try your best at that time, don't be too persistent." Xia Ming shook his head slightly, and to be honest, Xia Ming really didn't like the reward of Xuan Xinzong, Xuan Dan, what a shit, if he Yes, with his seventh-level pharmacist ability, he can make better than Xuan Dan

Although Xuan Dan is the elixir, this does not necessarily mean that things refined by the pharmacist are worse than Xuan Dan.

For the true disciples, this Xuan Dan is a good way to buy things, and he is unwilling to ask for it. Why, of course, because Xuan Dan has little effect on them.

As for Han Qianyu, Xia Ming was a bit speechless. Your uncle, it is only Xia Ming who can say this sentence.

"By the way, is there a city near us?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.

Xia Ming feels that he doesn't have a lot of cultivation resources, so he might as well buy some elixir and make some spiritual fluids himself. This can also be used for cultivation and quickly improve his strength.

"There is one," Han Qianyi said after thinking about it.

"Oh? Tell me quickly." Xia Ming said, immediately. "Near Xuanxinzong, there is a city called Xuanxinzong, which was also established by Xuanxinzong. Xuanxincheng covers a very large area and there are many people in it. Of course, there is more than just Xuanxinzong in it. Disciples of Zong, because there is another Tu Lingzong, Daxia Kingdom, and Tianjian nearby

Faction, so this mysterious city gradually became a shared city. Han Qiandi paused and explained.

"Shared?" Xia Ming frowned, and frowned, "Isn't it Xuanxinzong here? How did it become shared again?"

"They all came here, and they gradually became common. There was nothing." Han Qianji then shook his head and said, "There is a transaction only where there is someone. If not, Xuanxin City would not develop like this. fast."

"That's true."

Xia Ming nodded slightly, there will be labor, trade and market in some people's place, but Xia Ming is more curious, is Xuan Xinzong ignored?

"Xuan Xinzong doesn't care, but if these people are united, Xuan Xinzong should also avoid its edge, but fortunately in this city, not many people dare to make trouble, and there are several major factions in charge. It saves a lot of trouble. "


Xia Ming didn't know what he was thinking for a moment of contemplation. Then Xia Ming looked at Han Qianyu again. At this time, Han Qianyu said: "You don't need to worry about entering Xuanxin City. You only need to show this Xuanxin order, you can There is no tax to enter Xuanxin City. "

"I'll go and pay taxes?"

Xia Ming said dumbfounded. "What do you think, the city is not covered by money." Han Qianyi glanced at Xia Ming silently: "This city was built by Xuan Xinzong with money to make some money, but it ’s no problem, let alone say, enter the city It ’s not expensive. It only needs one subordinate element. If you ca n’t even take one subordinate element,

Here, what kind of mysterious city are you in? It's better to go home and have children. "

Xia Ming heard the words and felt that Han Qianzhen was right. In this ancient continent, if there was even a subordinate Yuanshi, there was no need to mix it. No matter how poor it was, these subordinate Yuanshi could still be taken out. After all, here is not the precious precious stone on the earth.

In this ancient continent, each has its own metastone ore. There are many metastone ore, but it is not easy to mine it.

But even so, if you can meet a Yuanshi mine, it will cause a lot of martial arts, even because of fighting for resources, and there are many things to fight.

"I see." Xia Ming thought casually.

"By the way, this martial art contributes value. Where can I spend it?" Xia Ming asked and thought.

"Naturally, it's Baibaotang." Han Qianyi said, "If you want to exchange the contents, you must exchange the contribution of the martial arts. However, the things inside are expensive, and it may not be easy to get them."

"Well, I know."

Xia Ming nodded, then asked Han Qianzhen about the specific location of Baibaotang, and then quickly moved towards Baibaotang.

This Xuan Xinzong is very big. Xia Ming ran for an hour, and then came to Baibaotang. This made Xia Ming a little depressed. This long distance is really not a general trouble.


When Xia Ming just came to the entrance of Baibaotang, suddenly, he heard a rushing voice, which shocked Xia Ming.

"Brush ..."

Immediately after, Xia Ming saw that in the air there were originally several figures who were as fast as lightning.

"call out……"

"Flight in the sky."

When Xia Ming saw it, he was shocked and looked at the scene in shock. For a time, Xia Ming's eyes showed a little dignity.

Flying in the sky, I am afraid that the masters of the innate realm can not do this, they must be the masters who have crossed the innate.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming is also a bit envious. Flying in the sky is a sign of a certain realm. If you can enter the realm of flying in the sky, it is equivalent to actually entering the gate of martial arts. That is the real world of warriors.

Xia Ming took a deep breath, his eyes gradually became firm, and he secretly thought: "One day, I will certainly reach this state!"

He has confidence and systematic help, and it is only a matter of time before he reaches this state.

But what worries him only is Chen Yuhan's whereabouts. Chen Yuhan doesn't know where it is. It is too difficult to find someone in this ancient continent.

Xia Ming cleaned up his mood and looked at the Baibaotang. I really want to say that this treasure hall is better to say that this is a treasure tower, because this one that is in sight clearly is an ancient tower. The atmosphere of this ancient tower, above the tower, is rusty, as if carved deeply In the years, I do n’t know how long it has existed. I want to come to this ancient tower in Xuanxinzong.

Already existed.

This ancient atmosphere was rippling, and Xia Ming was shocked.

"Oh, who am I to come to, Xia Ming who is a miscellaneous disciple ..."

At the next moment, an inappropriate voice opened up. This sound instantly caught Xia Ming's attention. Xia Ming frowned and looked at the figure. It was obvious from this sound , Come is not good.

Xia Ming saw a figure, wearing a white costume, with some patterns embroidered on the edge of the clothes, looking very handsome. However, this figure was holding a shaking fan, and looked at Xia Ming with a smirk in front of him, and a chill was revealed between the eyebrows.

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