The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1987: Childlike again

Xia Ming frowned. This strange face Xia Ming had never seen, and it seemed that he had never had an intersection with it. Right now, this person is a bad person. Who is this guy?

Xia Ming frowned, looked at the strange face with a little dissatisfaction, and said lightly, "I don't know whether your lord is."

"Oh, Your Excellency."

Ye Qiuxuan looked at Xia Ming with a look of sarcasm. At this moment, there were several miscellaneous disciples beside Ye Qiuxuan, and he laughed and said, "Even Brother Ye Qiuxuan didn't know him, and I was embarrassed to be in Xuanxin Zong, I don't know what it means."

"It was Brother Ye Qiuxuan."

Xia Ming smiled and said lightly, "I don't know what Brother Ye Qiuxuan has to teach."


Ye Qiuxuan looked at Xia Ming coldly, his eyes were just like water, it seemed that Xia Ming was not put in his eyes, and his long hair fluttered, which seemed extremely free and easy.

"I heard that you defeated Ye Ming's waste." Ye Qiuxuan said coldly, "I just came to you to learn from each other."

Xia Ming frowned and immediately sneered and said, "I am a disciple, and you are a disciple. You are a disciple, and you do n’t go to a disciple, but you come to a disciple. Trouble is really ridiculous, and it seems you are just bullying. "

Xia Ming's words were not polite, and his eyes were mixed with irony.


Ye Qiuxuan heard the words, but his face was a little iron-blue, staring sharply at Xia Ming, a terrible momentum on his body, also surging at this moment, this terrible momentum seems to overwhelm Xia Ming.

Ye Qiuxuan stared coldly at Xia Ming and yelled, "You try again."

"The same is true ten thousand times."

Xia Ming said lightly, "If not, why didn't you go to this mysterious list."

"You ..." Ye Qiuxuan looked at Xia Ming gritted his teeth and wished to kill Xia Ming directly. Xia Ming was talking about his pain. In this Xuan Xinzong outside door, his strength was nothing more than that. Xuan Bang, that's something he couldn't even think about, but Xia Ming is telling it now

After coming out, it was undoubtedly hitting his face.

"You are looking for death."

Ye Qiuxuan stared sharply at Xia Ming, a pair of sharp eyes, mixed with a little chill.

Xia Ming glanced at Ye Qiuxuan lightly, then smiled, and then stepped on the side of Ye Qiuxuan and slowly walked towards the Baibaotang.

Xia Ming passed, Ye Qiuxuan gritted his teeth for a while.

"Brother Ye, do you want to kill him?"


Ye Qiuxuan had a somber face, and whispered, "This is the ancestral gate, you can't make trouble. If not, we blame it here. We can't afford this blame, and we will talk about it another day."

"Yes, Brother Ye."

Several other miscellaneous disciples present nodded in unison.

However, this scene was seen by many people. After these people saw this situation, the people present could not help but take a breath.

"Look at it ... Is that person Xia Ming?"

"It really seems like ..."

"You have just seen Ye Qiuxuan, it seems that some contradictions have arisen with Xia Ming."

"It looks like this guy named Xia Ming didn't give Ye Qiuxuan face ..."

"It seems really like this. If not, how could Ye Qiuxuan's face be so ugly?" "Think about it, this Xia Ming is a newcomer. When he first came to Xuan Xinzong, he had a contradiction with Ye Ming. Ye Qiuxuan is Ye Ming's brother, although he said that Ye Qiuxuan had always looked down on Ye Ming, but what are they saying, they are both brothers. Now Xia Ming killed his brother, Ye Qiuxuan

How could it be indifferent. "


The people present were full of discussions, and they also admired Xia Ming. Xia Ming is just a newcomer. This has just arrived at Xuan Xinzong, and he killed a Ye Ming. The master in the early days of the day after tomorrow was a famous outsider Now Xia Ming is known by many outside students.

Today, Ye Qiuxuan is coming to the door, which makes the people present look more like a play.

I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be a battle between the two.

"Hey, this year's newcomer is really not ordinary. The prince first took the top spot in this yellow list. I never expected that this is a pervert guy."

"Yeah ... I feel like we're really in trouble."

The people present were full of discussions. When they looked at Xia Ming, they did not have any dissatisfaction because of Xia Ming's grade. On the contrary, there was more admiration.

Xia Ming glanced at the Baibaotang lightly, and then stepped into the tower. As Xia Ming entered, it attracted many people's attention for a while.

During this time, Xia Ming was known as Xuan Xinzong, so many people knew Xia Ming and knew Xia Ming.

Xia Ming's entry immediately caught the attention of many people. At this time, many people looked at Xia Ming in unison, which made Xia Ming couldn't help touching the tip of his nose. He felt like a monkey. In the same way, the weird look of this person is really weird.

Xia Ming shook his head slightly, and finally his eyes slowly fell on an old man who was a bit old and looked very old and didn't know how many years he had lived.

Xia Ming slowly came to the old man, and the old man slowly raised his turbid eyes. However, with the appearance of this scene, the people present couldn't help talking about it for a while.

"This boy ... walked towards Yao Lao."

"Hey, guess what kid will die?"

"I also want to see how this kid will die. A few days ago, a guy was close to Yao Lao and was beaten to death. I think Xia Ming is no exception this time."

"This guy is really reckless, and even the drug veteran dares to approach, this is simply a self-death."

"Hey, look, Yao Lao looked at Xia Ming ..."

For a moment, the people present looked at Xia Ming. Some people's eyes were mixed with gloats, and some people's eyes were a little sneer.

Seems to be mocking Xia Ming.

But all this, Xia Ming did not know, because he thought the old man was the manager here.

As Xia Ming approached Yao Lao, the drug old suddenly looked at Xia Ming, but when Yao Lao's brows were locked tightly, a pair of eyes seemed to flicker.

"Well ..." This medicine old seemed to find something ordinary in Xia Ming, which made Yao old slightly surprised. As Xia Ming approached, Xia Ming held his fists and smiled slightly, saying: "Senior, junior I ’m here to redeem something. I do n’t know what younger people need to do? ”

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