The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2058: Save people

Bai Bingqing suddenly looked at Xia Ming, a pair of beautiful eyes kept turning, a little surprised, always? So, when she saw Xia Ming, was Xia Ming an alchemist? If so, then Xia Ming's talent is too terrible.

Because on the earth, in her impression, the pharmacist is no one. It is conceivable how precious the pharmacist is, but how can Xia Ming come from the earth?

The resources on the earth are scarce, and even these medicinal materials are all artificially cultivated. Most of the medicinal effects are lost, which is greatly reduced for people to treat diseases. There are even some medicinal materials that are fake. Well, how could Xia Ming be a pharmacist.

How did he do that.

For a while, Bai Bingqing suddenly discovered that Xia Ming's body seemed to have a lot of secrets, which surprised Bai Bingqing. Xia Ming took a deep look at the young man in front of her. In this young man, she saw the mystery. It seems that this young man is a little different. If not, he would not come to Xuan Xinzong for three months before entering. In the realm of the day after tomorrow, this practice speed is really


The two Xia Ming took a break here, and this Fu Bo prepared all the elixirs. At this moment, even Xia Ming was not surprised by the efficiency of the Murong family.

It's really not fast!

Xia Ming asked Fu Bo to find a relatively quiet environment for refining medicine. As for Bai Bingqing, he didn't follow, but rested in this hall.

Xia Ming looked at these refining equipment in front of him. This is a big tripod. Dading looks very magnificent.

Xia Ming ignited the fire, paused, and wanted to start refining medicine.

At this moment, Zhu Er's voice resounded from Xia Ming's mind.

"Boss, you really intend to save the old man." Zhu Er's voice sounded in Xia Ming's ear and paused: "If it was changed to me, there would be no benefit at all, and I would strongly disagree."

Xia Ming heard a word and said nothing for a while, saying: "It must be saved."

Xia Ming certainly has a reason for him to save, but that is two million honor points. If he can get it, he can be promoted to the master of alchemy. At that time, his status and status will increase.

"Boss, old pig, I wonder, why do you have to do this kind of trouble and unpleasant things?" Pig Er sounded a little speechless, Xia Ming was speechless for a while.

No good, who does this.

This is two million honor points, so many honor points are enough for him to do it.

"Little nonsense, you are strange to me in this Qiankun ring, and you are not allowed to come and disturb me, otherwise I will pluck your pig hair now, I have never eaten a pig with wings, I do n’t mind trying Taste. "Xia Ming said casually.

"you you you……"

When Pig Er heard it, her face changed greatly, and she did not dare to speak immediately.

At this time, Xia Ming took a deep breath and stared at the big tripod in front of him. Xia Ming's hands suddenly approached the fire, and the vital energy in his body moved, and the fire quickly burned. With the burning of the wood, Xia Ming hurriedly put some medicinal materials into this big tripod. At this moment, Xia Ming was controlling the fire and refining these medicinal materials. There were many impurities in these medicinal materials. Eliminate as many harmful impurities as possible after you finish eating

So as not to cause any harm to the human body.

Xia Ming sighed slightly. If he can use Reiki now, if he still has Reiki, if he is practicing alchemy, he won't need to have such trouble.

However, for the time being, he only has this stupid method. Although he is a bit less efficient, he can still cure diseases.

Xia Ming refined these elixir quickly in his own way. If anyone sees Xia Ming's refining technique here, I'm afraid he will scream out in surprise.

Because this is replaced by a general refining pharmacist absolutely not dare to refining like Xia Ming, because Xia Ming's refining method is simply a waste of elixir.

There was a time when some of the elixir was refined together. If it was not well integrated, it would destroy the elixir itself.

Time goes by a little bit!

In the lobby of Murong's house, Murong Wangyue, Fu Bo and some other high-rises were all nervous, they were all waiting for Xia Ming.

As for Bai Bingqing, he drank the tea in the cup in a hurry, and looked indifferent.

I don't know how long after that, a figure finally appeared under the sight of the crowd. When the sight of this sight was clear, all the people present were all in a moment, and then turned into ecstasy.

"Master Xia!"

When Xia Ming appeared, all the people present were very excited. At this moment, even Murong Wangyue stood up in a hurry and said carefully: "Gong."

"It's a shame."

Xia Ming smiled, and then took out a small porcelain bottle. With the small porcelain bottle taken out, all the people present looked very grateful, and Murong Wangyue was extremely grateful.

"Thank you, Father."

"Well, hurry up and save your father. This bottle of liquid can recover all the injuries on your father and clear the toxins from his body." Xia Ming said.

"Yes, grace."

After speaking, Murong Wangyue took the medicinal solution and said, "Wangyue will retreat first."

After speaking, Murong Wangyue left the hall and rushed in one direction, and Xia Ming took a deep breath and found this place to sit down.

In order to refine this medicinal solution, he also spent a lot of time and energy. For a time, Xia Ming was even more enthusiastic about this spiritual fire. It would be really good if he could find the spiritual fire.

After a while, two figures appeared under everyone's sight. However, this person was the Murong Yunbo who was wearing a golden robe with the presence of some majesty. Obviously, this is the person who has been in the upper ranks for a long time, and has developed such a might.

Looking at Murong Yunbo's face, it is obviously more than half as good, that is, the toxins in Murong Yunbo's body are gradually being eliminated, and Murong Yunbo's body is improving.

When Murong Yunbo appeared in everyone's sight, the senior leaders of Murong's family all watched Murong Yunbo excitedly: "Homeowner ... Are you ... Are you all right?"

"Haha." Murong Yunbo laughed and came to the presence of Xia Ming. She immediately apologized and said solemnly: "Thank you Master for your life-saving grace. Murong Yunbo is grateful. In the future, the master will be useful for Murong Yunbo Locally, Murong Yunbo is willing to go to soup and fire. "

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