The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2059: Admiration


As soon as this remark came out, all the people present were shocked. What does this sentence mean? All the people present were clear and clear. This sentence is equivalent to Murong's family owes a great deal to Xia Ming.

But think about it, Xia Ming saved Murong Yunbo, which is equivalent to saving Murong Yunbo's life. Such kind of kindness is not to say that he can pay back.


Xia Ming did not have any kind of politeness, and directly took over this relationship.

As for whether to use it or not, Xia Ming didn't know, but he knew that this was also what Murong Yunbole agreed to, and he was able to pay a refining pharmacist, even if it made him pay the price, he was very happy.

Paying a refining pharmacist is equivalent to an extra life. For example, he is now.

"Homeowner, are you okay?" Fauber asked a little excitedly at this moment.

"I have removed all the toxins from my body. As long as I rest for two days, I can restore my original strength." Murong Yunbo nodded.

"Homeowner, Murongdian has been suppressing our Murong family during this time. What shall we do now?" Fu Bo asked cautiously.

In the past few days, their Murong family has not been suppressed by Murong Dian very much. This Murong Dian also seems to know that Murong Yunbo has been injured. Therefore, regardless of Murong Yunbo, he just suppressed it in other places. Because they knew that Murong Yunbo could not live for a few days.

After a few days, Murong's family is completely in his pocket, and by then he can be said to be effortless.


Murong Yunbo snorted coldly, glancing across his eyes, and said, "This Murongdian may not know that I have recovered my strength. In this case, we will give him a plan to count."

When this statement was made, the people present were slightly surprised, and they all looked at Murong Yunbo. At this time, Xia Ming looked at Murong Yunbo in amazement and paused: "The two of us Let's leave first. "

After all, this is a family thing, and it is still a big deal, and it is not very good to participate by yourself, so Xia Ming didn't want to stay here urgently.

At this time, Murong Yunbo smiled and said, "Master Xia doesn't need to be concerned. Master Xia is my life-saving benefactor of Murong's family, and he can be regarded as his own. It is okay to listen. If there is anything wrong, I hope Master Xia can point out . "

As soon as this statement was made, everyone present nodded! I have to say that this Murong Yunbo is really not an ordinary person. In a word, Xia Ming was regarded as their family. Even Xia Ming was secretly admired. The people living in the ancient continent were really old foxes. Characters.

If you are not careful, you will not know if you were sold.

When Xia Ming heard the words, he smiled lightly: "Since then, Xia Ming is disturbing."

At this time, Murong Yunbo condensed: "This Murongdian always wanted the books of my Murong family. Since he wants them, he will certainly not let them go. Now you declare that I am dead. By then ... ... "

Speaking of which, Murong Yunbo glanced over a cold mang. After all the words were spoken, the people present nodded slightly, which is indeed a very good note.

Even Xia Ming admired this Murong Yunbo somewhat.

Ginger is still old and spicy, such a design can almost make Murongdian **** mold.

When Xia Ming saw this, he smiled slightly. His purpose was to help Murong's family get through the difficulties. If not, his task would not be completed.

Therefore, Xia Ming also made some additions to this original idea to make this task more successful.

After two days!

The entire Murong family is hung with white sharks!

The appearance of this white cricket surprised the entire city of Kings. As for the larger families, what should have happened or not, without causing any movement.

After all, the Murong family is just a third-line family, and it is not worth their attention at all.

However, the Murong family did not attract the attention of these large families, but it does not mean that it did not attract the attention of other families.

Some families are all familiar with Murong's affairs, especially the elder Murongdian who led his people to rebel from Murong's family, and it is well known by many people.

When they learned that Murong Yunbo was dead, all of them were slightly sighing. Murong Yunbo died, and this Murong family is considered dead!

Many people are having fun in secret.

At the same time, in this other place!

There are several figures in this hall, but in this theme, he is an old man!

This old man has some gray hair, and his skin is a bit slack because of time. This old wrinkle has gradually increased. Obviously, no one can resist this time.

Come and dress in a relatively noble silk. On this side, there is even gold thread inlaid, which looks extremely dignified, but the old man's eyes are a little cold.

This old man is the Murong Code of the Murong Family!

Also known as the elder!

"Elder! I heard that Murong Yunbo is dead?" Someone said immediately.


Murong Dian heard the words, groaned slightly, his eyes narrowed, and whispered, "It's really time for Murong Yunbo to die ..."

"Elder, shall we break into Murong?" Someone suggested.

Murongdian heard the words, and was not in a hurry to answer this sentence. Instead, he tapped the table with his right hand and made a banging sound. For a time, the people present were watching Murongdian directly, as if it were Waiting for Murongdian to give an order.

Murong Dian ’s brain is also running fast. At this time, Murong Dian whispered: “Send someone to inquire whether Murong Yunbo is really dead.”

"Elder, Murong Yunbo is poisoned. It is almost certain that he will die. We can kill it." Someone said at this time.

"It's better to explore." I have to say that Murongdian is really very careful.

"In that case, let's check it out ..."

Everyone saw Mu Rongdian's dedication, and immediately nodded his head and waved his hands. Several figures disappeared here. After about an hour, these figures returned to the hall again.

At this moment, the head of the man said immediately: "Elder, Murong Yunbo is indeed dead."

"But what you can see with your own eyes?" Murongdian's eyes suddenly shot two brilliant.

"Subordinates and others saw that Murong Yunbo was put into the coffin at that time, and Murong Yunbo's face was pale, and his mouth was extremely dark, which was obviously a sign of poisoning." The man whispered. "Hahaha ..."

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