The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2121: Newcomer Disciples Battle

When Xia Ming and the two reappeared, they came to the place where Xia Ming lived, and Han Qianyu heard the voice and was walking out of the room.


When Han Qianzhen saw Yan Chen, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the whole body of hair suddenly stood up at this moment. He looked at the figure in front of him with horror, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Yan Chen ..."


As soon as this sentence came out, Yan Chen's red eyes slowly fell on Han Qianji's body. At this moment, Han Qianji's sweaty hair exploded instantly, and his scalp looked at Yan Chen in front of him with numbness in his heart.

"Dragon head, this is my friend!" Xia Ming smiled.


Han Qianyu was stunned at the spot, and looked at Xia Ming in an incredible way.

"He ... he turned out to be your friend!" Han Qianyu murmured.


Xia Ming nodded slightly and was able to become friends with Yan Chen. Even Xia Ming felt a little surprised. To be honest, the two of them could become friends, but it was really a fate.

"My name is Han Qianji, and I'm glad to meet you." Han Qianji paused and smiled at Yan Chen, saying hello, but Han Qianji was extremely jealous of Yan Chen.

"Yan Chen!" Yan Chen said coldly.

This introduction, these two words, make others feel uncomfortable after listening, because the other party is too cold.

At this time, Han Qiandi quickly hurled Xia Ming out. At this time, Han Qiandi couldn't help but said, "Xia Ming, how can you become friends with Yan Chen? Do you know how dangerous this is?"

"what happened?"

Xia Ming froze and looked at Han Qianyu strangely. He didn't understand what Han Qianyu meant, and what was so dangerous?

"Yan Chen is a very dangerous character, and once this person has launched a madness, anyone will be killed." Han Qianyi could not help but say.

"Oh. Anything else?" Xia Ming asked, surprised.

"Don't you know?" Han Qianyu looked at Xia Ming in shock, his face incredible.

"Huh!" Xia Ming nodded slightly, but he did not regret it, but said: "Now he is my friend, I don't think that would happen to us."

"Did you know that someone used to be a friend with him before, but after he went crazy, he killed that friend directly." Han Qianji could not help reminding him that he didn't want Xia Ming to know such a danger Friends, because this is really too dangerous.

"It's all right."

Xia Ming shook his head slightly. He could feel the fluctuations of Yan Chen and smiled, "Well, that's it for now."


Han Qianyi shook his head helplessly. Now that Xia Ming insists, there is nothing he can do. Then Xia Ming returns to this room. At this moment, Yan Chen is standing still, Xia Ming smiles: "Brother Yan, What plans do you have? "

"No!" Yan Chen said coldly.

It was so straightforward, but it made Xia Ming a little speechless, and it was really worry-free.

"By the way Xia Ming, during this time, there will be a battle for newcomers, old people and disciples." At this time, Han Qiandi said suddenly.

"Newcomers, old students and disciples are fighting for it?" Xia Ming heard the words, hesitated slightly, and some did not understand what it meant.


Han Qianyi sighed and said, "The beautiful name is a battle for newcomers and old disciples, but rather a battle for bullying newcomers and disciples."

"Specially bullying new disciples?"

Xia Ming looked at Han Qianyu a little bit puzzled, apparently did not understand the meaning of this, what is meant to bully new disciples? "This time, the battle will be conducted in a secret place in Xuan Xinzong. This place is also a terrible place. However, newcomers and disciples need to accumulate points. Anyone who does not have enough points will be eliminated. , Whoever can get enough points will also be the contest

The ultimate winner. Han Qiandi paused: "However, it is often because the strength of outside students is weak, so it has become a target for many people to hunt for. "


Xia Ming nodded slightly and paused, "But what's the benefit?"

"It's really good, but it's not clear what it's good for. After all, this has just been held outside the disciple war. However, the rewards of each session are very generous, or they will be worshipped under a certain elder's door. "Han Qianyu said fieryly.

Xia Ming nodded slightly, and had a little interest in this kind of thing. Xia Ming nodded and said, "When is this newcomer and disciple's battle going to take place?"

"About a month later, now, the League of Gods, Fengbang, and Fengshentai are all attracting forces. If they can't reach them, all of them will be eliminated." Speaking here, Han Qianyi also sighed slightly.

"Is this still happening?"

Xia Ming frowned and was eliminated. Obviously, this is a bit unbearable for many people, but they can't do anything, because these three forces are too strong in this Xuanxinzong. .

For a time, even Xia Ming frowned.

So many people will unite against you by then? I asked if you were afraid?

It can be said that this is simply a rogue.

"Of course, no disciple can join these forces." Han Qianyi said: "However, this is also a rocker for many outside students."

Xia Ming understood Han Qianyu's meaning, and nodded slightly, Xia Ming sounded thoughtfully.

"What do I need to participate?"

"Without conditions, everyone has to participate." Han Qianji couldn't help but say.


Xia Ming said shockedly: "This disciple alone is more than tens of thousands, isn't it? There are 30,000 people, so many people can participate, can you manage it?"

"Outdoor disciples, some disciples will not participate, but many people will participate. As for external disciples, they will only participate in a part, and it is naturally impossible to participate in all." Han Qiandi paused and said.

"So it is." Xia Ming was a little relieved, but even so, it was quite shocking. There were too many people.

"However, it is a master with a disciple who participates. If you can defeat a master with a disciple, this reward is also rich, but it is difficult to defeat if you want to defeat it." Han Qianyi couldn't help but mention.

"What? Even the inner disciples participate? How can they fight? Isn't the inner disciple won?" Xia Ming couldn't help it. "This is indeed the case. In itself, it is an unfair battle. It is ridiculous to say that the inside door is hitting the outside door." Han Qianyi sighed slightly. "If the insider disciples succeed in guarding, then the insider disciples will There will be a generous reward. If outsiders succeed, there will be more rewards. It can be said that pain and happiness coexist. "

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