The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2122: Innocence

Xia Ming heard a word and nodded slightly, it was really the case, as Han Qianyu said, pain and happiness coexist, but this is the battle between the day after tomorrow and the innate, this is a one-sided battle.

"How many insiders are there?" Charmington paused, whispering.

"I don't know exactly how many disciples from the inside gate will participate, but I am afraid that there will be innate late masters to participate."

"Congenital late ..."

Xia Ming heard the words ... they couldn't help but take a breath. Innate late, this is almost invincible existence. Who can beat him?

This is almost a win for insiders.

Xia Ming couldn't figure it out. Are all the seniors in the doorway being fools? However, since they do this, they must have their own reasons.

"Xia brother, you have to be ready during this time! These inside disciples are not easy to deal with." Han Qianyi could not help but say.

"I see." Xia Ming nodded slightly. For a time, Xia Ming's eyes flashed for a moment. The new disciples scrambled for a fight, but it was a good rocker. He had been quiet in Xuan Xinzong for too much time, and it was time to bloom his own light. He has always been converging his own light, even if it caused

With a lot of sensation, he will soon hide.

Because he doesn't want too many people to pay attention to him, otherwise, the secrets on him will probably not be kept! To some extent, he did so to protect himself.

For this newcomer and disciple, Xia Ming still has a little expectation. He also wants to see where he can go in this Xuanxinzong, especially the pressure that Xia Linlang brings to him. He couldn't wait to get stronger.

For a moment, Xia Ming's mind could not help but emerged that proud woman, the woman overlooked her, with a look of contempt and ridicule in her expression.

"Hundred battles are coming soon ..."

"Hmm ..."

Just when Xia Ming and the three of them talked about it, suddenly, there was a powerful outbreak from the outside world, and the violent force sank Xia Ming's complexion. As for Yan Chen and his eyes, It was at this moment that it became scarlet, and the evil spirit on his body slowly poured out.

"Let's go and see!" Xia Ming immediately said.

Han Qianyi also had a dull look: "Where is a guy who doesn't have long eyes, and dare to openly challenge?"

Han Qianyi was also a little angry.

The momentum was released in front of the house, which was a naked provocation. The three of them moved quickly and appeared to the outside like lightning.

When the three of them appeared outside, a figure slowly appeared under the eyes of everyone, and Han Qianyi's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

"Han Qianyi ... I haven't seen you for a few days, so don't come here."

A sound of ridicule and ridicule sounded in the ears of everyone, Xia Ming looked up, but this was a boy in a purple shirt! The young man was dressed neatly and his hair was meticulous. He held his arms and looked at Han Qianyu with a smile. On both sides of the young man, there were two figures. These two figures appeared to be the young dog legs. The arrival of teenagers has attracted many disciples

People come.

"Look at this ... Is this person innocent of the inside door?"

"Brush ..."

As soon as this statement was made, all the people present changed their faces, and immediately looked at the figure, the more familiar they became the more they saw the figure.

"It's really childlike ... Childlike is here? What is he doing?"

"Hey, there's a good show here. There used to be a lot of contradictions between Childhood and Han Qianyu. Now the two meet and hum, I'm afraid something will happen this time."

"There is a contradiction between innocence and Han Qianyu? Where does this come from?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"The specific contradiction is unknown to others. You just need to know that there is a contradiction between them, but many legends say that the innocence between Han Zhen and Han Qianyi started because of a woman, but the specifics are unknown." Explained.

"However, some time ago, Han Qiandi suddenly disappeared, and Tongzhen did not know what treasures he gained. His strength soared. He became a disciple in January. Compared with Tongzhen, Han Qianyi now has such a bad identity. less."

All the people present were arguing. Obviously, many people knew the contradiction between Han Qianzhen and innocence.

"It's you……"

Han Qianzhen gritted his teeth and looked at the innocence in front of him. The killing intention on his body was slowly condensing, but the innocence sneered and said, "You surprised me so much that I was promoted to become an outside student."


Han Qianyi snorted coldly: "Innocent, if you have anything to do, even if you come to me, the matter between you and me has nothing to do with them."

Han Qianxuan's sharp eyes seemed to cut through the air and went straight to the innocence.

After hearing that, Tong Zhen ’s arrogant eyes slowly swept over Yan Chen and Xia Ming, and when he fell on Xia Ming ’s body, Tong Zhen smiled and said indifferently, “Presumably you are the new disciple. Xia Ming, right? "

Xia Ming shrugged, glanced at the innocence, and said softly, "What's the advice?"

Xia Ming closed his eyes and did not have any good feelings for this person. During this time, this person did not give him a lot of trouble. Fortunately, his strength and luck are good. If not, he really ca n’t be here. Xuan Xinzong mixed.

"Well, it's a bit of advice!"

Tong Zhen nodded slightly, glanced at Xia Ming, with a little disdain and apathy in his eyes.

"Innocence, don't go too far." Han Qianyu stepped out, his vitality erupted, and his anger was endless.

Tong Zhen looked down at Han Qianyu, and laughed: "It's just you and you are worth talking to me, Han Qianyu ... In the past, you and I entered Xuanxinzong together. You see, now I have only mixed up with a disciple, really ridiculous."

"Now I'm an insider disciple, I really have to count it. You outsider disciple, you have to call me Brother Tongzhen, am I right?" Tongzhen smiled and looked at Han Qianyu with a smile.

"Crunch ..." Han Qianxuan clasped his hands tightly, his bones creaked at this moment, Han Qianxuan stared at the childlike innocence, angrily, and eagerly rushed to kill him, but he knew that he couldn't do it because Now he ’s not a child ’s opponent. Do n’t say, if he really rushed up,

It's just a chance to be innocent, but here are Xia Ming and them.

"What do you want to do here?" Han Qianyu stared coldly at the childlikely, saying word by word.

"I'm here to tell you." Picked out of the corner of the innocence, a little playful smile appeared.

"This time I will participate in the rookie and disciple contest, so ... don't you not take part in it ..." "咚 ..."

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