
The next moment, Xia Ming ’s body seemed to explode. On Xia Ming ’s arm, the blue tendons exploded. On this body, there was a faint flash of light. The veins on this body were looming as if there were magma. From the inside out, it can burn at any time.

"Boom ..."

This aura was swallowed by Xia Ming's body, and the momentum of Xia Ming's body was rising steadily. This terrible momentum was rippling. At this moment, Xia Ming had even reached the level of spiritual gathering. This made People between heaven and earth couldn't help but take a breath.

"It's terrible. This guy has even been promoted. Isn't he afraid of physical collapse?" The people present couldn't help but take a breath.

Xia Ming devoured Reiki so crazy. If this one is not careful, the physical body will collapse. If the physical body collapses, then he will also be finished, but Xia Ming has swallowed so much Reiki. This physical body is still a little bit of a thing No, how could this guy's body be so powerful? If you look closely, you will find that Xia Ming ’s body has a layer of golden light on it. This golden light is dazzling. This is Xia Ming ’s Qinglong golden body tactic. Since this time, Qinglong golden body tactic has also helped him. Is very busy, if there is no Qinglong Jinshenjue, his physical body will not be

It will be so powerful. As soon as Xia Ming stepped, he came to this void. Xia Ming stared sharply at Xia Linlang. At this moment, Xia Linlang also looked at Xia Ming tightly. Obviously Xia Ming was able to perform such taboo martial arts again. It was a little unexpected, he could feel that now Xia Ming

It seems even more powerful.

"It's really interesting."

Xia Linlang smiled secretly and looked at Xia Ming so lightly.

"You are really tenacious ... but even so, you are still not my opponent." Xia Linlang's bland voice burst out! Still with a contempt.

"Is it?"

Xia Ming heard the words, took a deep breath, and said sternly: "That's the case, then try." Xia Ming's eyes flickered, and the power in the body was rippling at this moment, in countless eyes Below, a sword appeared in Xia Ming's hand. This sword was not a heavenly soldier! Because Tianyuan Shenbing is too special, if it is recognized, it is the real death.

No life.

Xia Ming was holding the high-class weapon, and the aura in his body was also wavy. Under these countless eyes, Xia Ming suddenly moved, and the aura in Xia Ming's body burst out. Shouting.


With Xia Ming's anger reprimand, the terrible aura finally broke out at this moment, and a strong frosty cold air also swelled with it, and the air was instantly frozen.

"Click ..."

With Xia Ming as the center, a kind of ice spreads out at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Such a scene was seen by countless arrogant sons, all of which changed greatly.

"No, hurry up."


The pride of these days has fled and left here. The speed is also astounding. However, those who are too late to escape are instantly frozen, and there is no time to even scream!

When people between heaven and earth saw this scene, many masters successively created an aura mask in front of themselves, and Xia Linlang also looked at Xia Ming with a surprised look and a contemptuous smile!

Xia Linlang slowly spread out her hands. On Xia Linlang's body, there was a flame, which felt strange, this flame seemed to be burning, but not like it was burning. , But I do n’t know why, the strange temperature exists.

Then, the ice quickly spread to Xia Linlang's feet, but just when the ice spread to Xia Linlang's feet, she was surprised to find that the ice could not be closer to Xia Linlang any more.

Under this flame, the ice is rapidly melting, and this melting speed is also visible to the naked eye.

Under the focus of the whole audience, many people couldn't help but take a breath. Xia Linlang smiled at this moment, and the sound of contempt rippled from the mid-air.

"That's not enough."


The next moment, a terrible heat burst out. This cold and heat seemed to form two extremes, making people feel uncomfortable, but if you find it, you will find that the heat seems to be higher. More overbearing.

"This son, it's terrible." After being blocked by Xia Linlang's flames, everyone in the heavens and the earth couldn't help looking at the young man in the air. People no longer dare to underestimate this young man. Although young people are not Xia Linlang's opponents, they can walk so much under Xia Linlang.

The move is enough to be proud.

"This Xuan Xinzong is really terrible." There are many people who have even moved their minds about Xuan Xinzong. Everyone knows that Xuan Xinzong is the most proud of heaven. For a moment, many people are killing their hearts. If such a proud man is in Xuan Xinzong, he will stay in Xuan Xinzong.

Growing up is not a good thing for others.

They also know that it is difficult for Xia Ming to leave here today. This person killed the three princes of the Da Xia Dynasty. As for Xia Ming, this will definitely not let Xia Ming pass easily. After Xia Ming, what is the majesty of the Daxia Dynasty, so Xia Ming is dead.

They all suddenly looked at Xia Ming in the void, and at this moment Xia Ming showed a faint smile between the corners of his mouth. However, this smile was seen by countless people.


"What was this kid just doing? Why did I seem to see this kid laughing?" Someone couldn't help but look at Xia Ming again, but saw that the smile between Xia Ming's mouth had disappeared at this moment.

"How is it possible? You can play against Xia Linlang and laugh out. Is this guy taking the wrong medicine?" Someone said with some disbelief, "Don't you read it wrong?"

"Impossible, I just saw this kid laughing, this is definitely a problem." The man said firmly.

"Well, if your opponent is Xia Linlang, do you laugh with laughter?" There was a sneer, a sneer, a joke, and a battle against Xia Linlang, even if Li Xuantong couldn't laugh, let alone a humorous summer Bright.

So many of them didn't believe Xia Ming smiled at this moment.

But some people were determined that Xia Ming really laughed.

For a while, everyone was there to discuss, but at this moment, Xia Linlang frowned, because Xia Ming laughed, he saw in his eyes. After all, he has always been following Xia Ming, so the expression on Xia Ming's face is under his control.

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