The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2270: escape

At this moment, even Xia Linlang didn't understand why. At this time, Xia Ming still chose to laugh, how could he still laugh at this moment.

Before they could finish thinking of Xia Linlang, they just saw that Xia Ming suddenly projected something. When Xia Ming projected the jade, Xia Ming's figure suddenly flew into the distance, the speed was fast, Even the people present did not even respond.

"What ... escaped."

The people present were stunned when they saw this scene. What's the joke, and fled at this time? None of them had expected this to happen, because Xia Ming's escape was too simple.

"Want to escape."

Xia Linlang was also furious. If Xia Ming escaped, then his reputation was stinky, but Xia Linlang was a little surprised. When Xia Ming escaped, he didn't bring any mud and water. This guy seems to have already been Think about it and run away.

As soon as Xia Linlang stepped, she wanted to catch up, but at this moment, in the sky, there was a sudden thunder, and a thunder fell from the sky. The terrible power of thunder, with destructive power, That kind of voice will startle everyone.

"Boom ..."

This thunder burst violently, and the direction of this cleavage is clearly the direction of Xia Linlang. Xia Linlang also noticed the power of this thunder, her face changed, and she immediately moved the aura in her body and set up a spirit in front of her Shroud.

All this came so suddenly, even Xia Linlang didn't even respond, and in a hurry, she could only use the Reiki passport to block the lightning strike.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The lightning strike slammed on Xia Ming's body fiercely, making a loud noise, this sudden thunder, and everyone who was present was taken aback.

"Click ..."

The thunder struck Jain on the shield of Xia Linlang. This passport only supported such an instant, and the aura shield was broken instantly. It all came too suddenly.


The rest of the Thunder's power fell on Xia Linlang.

"Hmm ..."

"Prince ..."

"Prince ..."

The people between the heavens and the earth changed their faces, and they looked at the sky in horror. If something happened to the prince, they could not escape responsibility!


There was a figure escaping from the sky, how embarrassed, and there were some small holes in the body. Obviously, it was all caused by the thunder.

At this moment, Xia Linlang's face was a bit ugly, and an anger was brewing slowly in her heart. Xia Linlang said angrily, "Find me, find this person, and kill with all my strength."

Xia Linlang glanced at this Xia Ming, Xia Ming has left here, so many people are watching here, Xia Ming also fled here, which is even more a shame to him.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The people present hurried toward the distance, apparently looking for Xia Ming.

Xia Linlang looked at the direction in which Xia Ming disappeared, and Xia Linlang hummed coldly: "Hm."

Xia Linlang's eyes are full of murderous intentions. It stands to reason that in this realm, he rarely suffers, but he never expected that he had already suffered two losses in Xia Ming's hands. The first time was in this Xuan Xinzong. In the past, Xia Ming used a weird momentum to make him receive some listings. Now, he is even overshadowed by Xia Ming. I do n’t know if it was just What the hell, the power is so overbearing, I am afraid that the masters of Huadan Realm will be in

He was injured just after that blow.

If it weren't for his strength, he might have suffered some injuries even in that blow.

Moreover, the speed of cultivation of this son is really too fast. Even Xia Linlang noticed a trace of fault. If Xia Ming grows up, Xia Ming will reach a point where he can compete with him in the future. This is definitely not him. Want to see.

"call out."

When Xia Linlang moved, she quickly ran forward, and the people around Xia Linlang also kept up, for fear of what happened to Xia Linlang.

"Well." Xia Ming flew in that direction, which was in the direction of the imperial city of the Great Xia Dynasty. Xia Ming only flew for a moment, and Xia Ming landed directly on the ground and flew in the sky. , The goal is really too big, or they haven't escaped yet, it was Xia Linlang who gave them


Therefore, Xia Ming found a safer place, changed his appearance instantly, and quickly ran towards the emperor of this big Xia dynasty.

The reason why Xia Ming ran towards the imperial capital was also to adhere to the principle that the most dangerous place is the safest place. I am afraid that even Xia Linlang could not imagine that he would hide in such a place.

Not to mention the place where the emperor lived in summer!

I have to say that Xia Ming's courageous behavior. If he changed to another person, he would definitely not dare to break into the imperial capital and break into the imperial capital.

Among the imperial capitals, they are extremely well-guarded, and one will be found by accident. Xia Ming quickly moved towards the imperial city. When Xia Ming came under the imperial city, Xia Ming frowned. Among the imperial city, there were many masters. If he was not careful, he would be caught by these masters. Perceived, and this high city wall, he absolutely can not get through, let alone say there are high surrounding

Waiting by hand, just the formation on this city wall makes people unable to fly past.

"You have to go in through the main entrance."

Xia Ming's eyes flickered for a moment, and he groaned a bit, took out Variety Xingjun, changed his face, and then changed into the appearance of Li Tianzhang. Li Tianzhang is a caretaker of the prison, presumably Many people know.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming rushed towards the side door of the palace. At this time, someone directly intercepted Xia Ming and screamed: "The palace is heavy, and idlers and others immediately retreat."

Xia Ming immediately said: "I am Li Tianzhang, and I have something important to see."

Xia Ming took out the token. The guardian of the gate saw this situation, frowned, looked at Xia Ming's token, and then paused: "Go in."

Xia Ming stepped into the palace with ease, however, it was not long before Xia Ming stepped into the palace, and there were several figures at the gate of the palace.

"His Royal Highness." The two goalkeepers were shocked when they saw Xia Linlang, and hurried to one knee.

"You two, have you seen anyone come in from here?" Xia Linlang condensed.

"His Royal Highness, Lord Li Tianyi and Li entered the palace just now."


As soon as this remark was made, Xia Linlang's brow frowned, but at this moment, Wang Shu's face changed, exclaiming: "Will that person be Xia Ming." "Brush ..."

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