The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2271: Enter the Daxia Treasury (1)

As soon as this statement was made, Xia Linlang's face changed slightly, and she immediately said, "Send someone to search for me immediately, don't alarm the father."

"Yes, Your Highness." The faces of Wang Shu and Fu Guosheng are not very good-looking. This is the Daxia Palace, which can be said to be the safest place in the whole of Daxia. If Xia Ming entered the Da Xia Imperial Palace, of course, he was looking for his own way, but if there was a little mistake, the blame was definitely not what they could bear, and the emperor would definitely not know it. Got it, lest they be punished by a poor discipline


At this moment, the entire King of Da Xia was surrounded by a leak, and it can be said that even if a master in the realm of Shenfu went out from here, it would be difficult to ascend to heaven.

But Xia Ming, who stepped into the Da Xia Palace, wandered carefully in this palace. He could not go up and down in the palace. If he did so, he would find his own way.

However, the Da Xia Imperial Palace is too big. Even if Xia Ming has spiritual power, it only occupies about 600 meters. Even so, it is still not enough.

"It's troublesome this time." Xia Ming glanced at the building of the Da Xia Imperial Palace with a headache, and the buildings of the Da Xia Imperial Palace all have a quaint charm. This kind of breath, even Xia Ming, feels a long time, a long history, from which

It can be seen that this Great Xia Kingdom also existed for many years.

"I want to come to the Da Xia Imperial Palace, but I am surrounded by a leak, and I want to go out. I am afraid it is as difficult as possible. It seems that I have to find another way out."

Xia Ming frowned and thought, but Xia Ming came to a strange place without even realizing it!

"Well? Where is this place?"

Xia Ming frowned and looked around. The building here is a little different. Xia Ming can detect it through his mental strength. It is very strict and there are heavy soldiers guarding it, which makes Xia Ming slightly surprised.

Of course, the palace is strict, but it ’s a bit strict here, right? Xia Ming hid carefully, and didn't dare to have the slightest care. If these people found out, it would be troublesome.

When Xia Ming carefully observed here, there was a commotion from the outside. Three eunuchs came in. This **** headed by him held a duster. With the arrival of the three eunuchs, Xia Ming was careful Staring in the dark.

"The treasure house is heavy, idlers wait to retreat." From the gatekeeper, a general appeared. The general might have the seventh-level realm of turning spirits. Such strength, but such a gatekeeper, is indeed Some are overkill.

"Wait? Treasury?"

Xia Ming heard the words, his eyes lighted up, and he looked around slightly surprised: "I didn't expect that I unexpectedly came to the treasure house of the Daxia Palace."

Xia Ming was a little excited, the treasure house of the Da Xia Dynasty. There must be a lot of valuable things in it? If the treasure house of the Da Xia Dynasty can be evacuated, it will have great vitality for the entire Da Xia Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming suppressed his inner excitement. Although he was envious, but this is the Da Xia Imperial Palace, he still suppressed the impulse to seize the treasure. Here is heavily guarded. If he is so past , That really is a sheep.

"The Zajia was ordered by His Majesty to come and collect some things." The **** stood here quietly and said with a sullen expression: "Please also open the door to the treasure house. Zajia wants to go in."

"Is there a decree?" The general said immediately.

"Holy aims for this."

The **** waved his hand and took out a golden imperial edict. The generals saw this and hurried to kneel. After taking the edict and looked at it, they nodded and said, "Please ask me."

The **** nodded with satisfaction, facing the two humanities behind him: "The two of you are waiting outside, and the miscellaneous house will come and go."

After that, the **** walked towards the door of the treasure house, and when the door opened, Xia Ming watched with open eyes as the **** entered the treasure house.

Xia Ming in this dark place has been paying attention to every move here, Xia Ming frowned: "How can I go in? If I come once, but I don't even go in, wouldn't it be too bad?"

Xia Ming felt the tip of his nose and began to meditate.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the **** walked out of the treasure house, and led the two eunuchs towards the outside. Xia Ming saw this, his eyes brightened, his body moved, and he disappeared instantly.

Xia Ming carefully followed the three eunuchs and waited until a place where no one was passing. Xia Ming shot lightningly. Xia Ming easily killed the two eunuchs, silently and silently. This **** headed by I didn't even hear it!

This **** cannot be underestimated either, because this **** is a master in the early days of the innate, and he is still very powerful, but he encountered Xia Ming, who is countless times stronger than him.

"Little plum, our family will see Long Live, and you'll be waiting outside, I'll tell you something."

The **** headed by said something, but did not hear an echo. The **** headed frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Little plum, did you hear me?"


The **** turned a little bit angry, and turned around immediately. When the **** just turned around, he saw a shadow and hit his forehead directly.

This **** was directly killed by Xia Ming's palm. With Xia Ming's current strength, if he wants to kill this innate early master, he can be silent.

After the **** was solved, Xia Ming sneered: "Today I have to kill you. I hope you will be born in the next place. Don't be born in this kind of place." The imperial decree, Xia Ming saw that in the hands of the eunuch, there was also a brocade box. Xia Ming took the brocade box and received his own Qiankun ring. Xia Ming searched these people and waited. No search

After reaching something, these three people received the Qiankun ring directly.

After all, these three people's goals here are too big, and one will be noticed if they are not careful, and receiving them in the Qiankun ring is also the best choice.

Xia Ming groaned a little, put on the clothes of the little **** headed by him, and then changed his appearance, which can be said to be the same as the little eunuch.

As long as there are no masters here, I am afraid it is difficult to recognize. Xia Ming thought for a while, and stepped back to the same way. When Xia Ming came to the door of the treasure house, the frown frowned. It was strange: "Why is he back?"

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