“The prisoner just ran over, passed my room, opened his door… Shoot, break the window. Taking advantage of the second shot at us, he jumped out of the window and escaped. Maori began to describe his sightings.

“But you didn’t see the prisoner escape through the window, did you?” Nishimura questioned.

“This… Yes. ”

“Also, do prisoners usually drop their guns and run away alone? Six shots were fired inside the car, and there were still bullets in the guns. Maybe after he shoots, take advantage of your scared legs and hide in another room. ”

Maori was annoyed, “How is that possible?” The prisoner closed the door before I came to this room. ”

Fuyuma felt that the Nishimura Police Department’s inference was very reasonable, “Could it be that the prisoner is just making a show and using a trick?” ”

Nishimura praised Fuyuma, “Kamijo said well, the lights in the passage are not turned on, it is dim and dark. And because the gunfire makes you excited and distracted, it’s hard to notice specific details. ”

“And it’s not natural for the escaped gangsters to throw down the guns with bullets left.” In addition, when the door is closed, the prisoner is not locked, which obviously buys more time. ”

Dongma said, “I think the prisoner did not escape into this room at all, but took advantage of the moment when you and your uncle dodged the bullets and hid in another room.” That’s why I can’t lock the door. ”

Tamura asked, “Do you want to search all the rooms in this vicinity?” ”

“Let’s start in the next room.” Fuyuma nodded.

Tamura knocked on the door, and a middle-aged woman opened the door from the room, and asked with a stunned face: “It’s noisy, do you know what time it is?” ”

Nishimura showed his ID and said, “I am Nishimura from the Hokkaido Police Station. Something happened to this train…”

The woman was surprised, “Condition? ”

“Didn’t you hear?” Maori asked.

“No, I just slept hard.” The woman replied.

“Someone died just now, shot dead.” Nishimura then gave a detailed explanation, and it happened that this woman was the wife of the deceased, Yuki Izumo.

However, there was no sad expression, just a slight panic for the police to enter the room and start checking.

“What is it?” Nishimura asked as he flipped over a shotgun.

“This is a target gun, and I am going to play shooting this time in Hokkaido.” Izumo said.


Nishimura repeated such a similar conversation three times, of course, the specific situation is different.

In short, Nishimura quickly found the occupants of the room around the room where the prisoner had abandoned the pistol, and it was very coincidentally that Fuyuma and they knew someone.

Kaetsu Ritse, the head of the jewelry store with fishing tools, Shi Feldspar Hammer with golf clubs and golf bags, and Toru Aoba, who went to a kendo tournament and carried a bamboo sword.

But it seems that none of the three have conclusive evidence, so the search comes to a standstill, knowing that Tamura suddenly came to report that the dead had been found on the tracks in the tunnel.

Everyone came to the outside of the car, and the dead man on the ground was the masked man before, and his head was hit strongly.

“I guess I accidentally bumped into it when I jumped out of the window to escape. What bad luck, what a fool! ”

Nishimura then asked, “Is this man you seeing?” ”

The witness replied hesitantly: “Probably…”

At the time, the man was wearing sunglasses and covered his face, so everyone was not quite sure.

Fuyuma saw it, “Nishimura, look at this man’s beard and hair…”

Nishimura was stunned, but also found the clue, stepped forward and pulled it, and the beard fell off, it was a fake beard. Nishimura took off the wig of the deceased and was a bald head. Nishimura recognized the identity of the man at a glance, “This guy is… Yasuharu Asama! ”

The same robber who robbed the jewelry store and was scared away by Izumo.

As a result, the facts of the case seemed to become very clear in an instant.

The Big Dipper train continued to depart, and at this time Conan discovered Yukiko’s disguise, and also knew that the case was a novel by his father Yusaku Kudo, at least the modus operandi was done according to the above.

“But don’t you think it’s strange? Why is the boss who snatched away the novel killed the same as the plot in the novel? Conan expressed confusion.

“yes… Could it be retribution? “Yukiko sells moe, making Conan sweat coldly.


And then Xiaolan’s voice came, “You guys are here, Conan!” ”

Conan hurriedly turned around, “Sister Xiaolan!” What’s wrong? ”

Although Xiaolan was puzzled, she still said, “Uncle Maori said to start the reasoning show. ”

Of course, it goes without saying that Maori must be wrong in reasoning, otherwise you can’t call Detective Conan, but Detective Wise… No, it’s Detective Maori Kogoro.

So Dongma can only find clues and evidence on his own, although this kind of troublesome thing has never been in line with his interests, but fortunately there is a convenient guy like Conan, so Dongma becomes much easier at this time.

Fuyuma, the murderer’s purpose in shooting into the room was not to break the window at all, but to use things like threads and tape to make the door close automatically.

After telling Conan his thoughts, Conan ran to Asama’s room like Watson running errands and found traces on the doorknob.

“Found it! I know the prisoner’s methods! Conan said excitedly, only to be interrupted from behind by Yukiko.

“That’s awesome! So that we can laugh at the arrogant Yusaku and dampen his spirit! Yukiko said viciously, obviously not upset with the man for a day or two.

And at this moment, Conan suddenly remembered a sentence…

“The boy with black-framed glasses showed a boastful smile as if he had won…”

“Is there a boy with black glasses written in that manuscript?” Conan, however, did not pay any attention to Yukiko’s state, but asked with a frown.

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