Yukiko said, “Yes, yes.” A nasty boy who pretends to be a detective who loves reasoning. I remember it seemed to be too proud, and it was killed by the murderer halfway through the story…”

“Under his proud reasoning, he did not know that his life was about to come to an end and fell into the fate of being murdered…”

Because Conan became smaller, he became a little superstitious from his original staunch materialist, “This, shouldn’t it be…”

“You think too much! Even if the event happens according to the plot of Yusaku’s novel. But Shinichi, how could you be killed? ”

Fuyuma said, “yes, isn’t there me here?” ”

“Because the novel says that because there is no evidence, he will set a trap to lure out the murderer, but then he is an idiot boy who fell for it.” This is completely different from Shinichi! ”

Yukiko said so comfortingly, but did not expect to make Conan smile even more bitterly.

“It’s because I don’t have proof… We all know the way in which it disappeared in that room, and the prisoners who did it. However, there is no evidence sufficient to conclude that he is a prisoner, and the evidence I have is not strong enough. At that time, he can completely deny it. ”

Yukiko exclaimed, “Then you can’t arrest him at all!” ”

Conan said, “I think the evidence is still in the prisoner’s duffel bag, but now that Asama is still considered a prisoner, how can he ask the police to open his luggage and search?” ”

“I said, are you ignoring my presence?” Fuyuma looked at Conan and shook his head and said helplessly.

“Yes, Dongma is a big man in the Metropolitan Police Department, how to open the suitcase such a small thing can be no problem.” Yukiko exclaimed in surprise as her body pounced uncontrollably on Fuyuma.

“However, you from the Metropolitan Police Department, can you let them open and inspect their belongings?” Conan asked suspiciously.

“It’s still okay with such trifles.” Fuyuma said confidently.

“But it’s not interesting,” Yukiko said with a sudden pout.

“It’s not interesting… Hey! Conan said with a cold sweat.

However, Dongma didn’t care, but said with a smile: “Then what do you want to do?” I don’t care anyway…”

“It’s a winter horse, I know you know me best!” Don’t want this pair, fool father and son who only know reasoning! Yukiko said with a bright smile.

Then she said her plan, “Why don’t I be bait, it should be very exciting!” ”


Conan was in a cold sweat, but he looked speechless.

“Don’t you agree?” Yukiko said with an expression that was about to cry at any moment.

“How is that possible? In this Japan, can anyone refuse Yukiko Fujimine’s request? Fuyuma said with a smile, anyway, any danger in his eyes was not a danger.

“Hey, Fuyuma, how do you…” said Conan.

“It’s okay, don’t worry. With me, I won’t let anyone hurt Yukiko…” Fuyuma said with a firm look, making Yukiko look fooled. Buff.

“After all, she’s mine…” Fuyuma continued, before being interrupted by Maori and Xiaolan coming over.

So he and Conan left in a hurry, leaving Yukiko alone in the room with her head bowed.

When the door closed, Yukiko slowly raised her head, and her beautiful face was full of shyness like a girl’s first love.

“He said, I’m his…” muttered Yukiko as she held her face in her hands and muttered in confusion.

“But what to do… We’re so many years apart…” Yukiko walked around the room in a panic, her face changing uncontrollably.

“No, no, I’m still a sister! With such a young heart, coupled with my beautiful face, and a body that is more mature but full of youthful atmosphere than a girl, his girlfriends are definitely not comparable to me, even Yoko can’t compare to me! Yukiko seemed to have finally found something to convince herself and whispered.

But Yukiko, who seemed to have made some great determination, did not know that Fuyuma just hadn’t finished speaking.

“After all, she is my ace artist, how can she be hurt pointlessly here.” That’s what he wanted to say.

Of course, Yukiko doesn’t know, and Fuyuma has no intention of resolving this misunderstanding.

Subsequently, Yukiko claimed to have seen something strange in Asama’s room.

“Fuyuma, there is Kiko my body, but I rely on you to protect it!” After the Big Dipper train arrived, Yukiko and Conan Fuyuma walked to the waiting platform, and then said with a look like a girl.

“Are you okay?” Conan asked uneasily.

Yukiko is full of confidence, “I feel so excited!” ”

Fuyuma and Conan followed the Maori father and daughter out of the station, then turned around and walked back, only to find that Yukiko had actually run to the opposite platform.

Conan just wanted to complain, but suddenly found that Kayue, as a prisoner, was already standing not far from Yukiko.

Just as he was about to exclaim a reminder, Fuyuma rushed ahead of the speeding train, almost clinging to the front cockpit, leaping over the platform and jumping to the opposite side.

As for Conan, he was blocked there, and it might be a long time before he thought about the child’s body.

Yukiko was relieved to see Fuyuma jumping over, and instead complained about Conan, “Nasty, why is Shinichi still over there?” Why don’t you jump over with the winter horse…”

Yukiko didn’t seem to feel how dangerous it was to cross the lane directly across the platform, “And say what to protect me well and find evidence on the spot… At the critical time, it was really reliable for the winter horse. ”

Just then, the radio on the platform sounded.

“There will be cars coming into the station soon on platform 7, please retreat behind the white line for safety. Please don’t cross the lane…”

Kayu quietly approached Yukiko.

“The prisoner silently walked behind the detective teenager… With blood-stained hands, he gently pushed the defenseless innocent teenager over… Blood stained the platform…”

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