“Since herbivorous men are called weakling… So let’s discuss the so-called crime of the weak today. Dongma switched the screen behind him, switching the picture to a certain university in the United States on the other side of the ocean, and it can be seen from the situation on the screen that the campus at this time is suffering from great terror.

He then said: “According to a large number of research data in the United States, the weak people in our society usually commit crimes in a familiar way, or it is more appropriate to vent… Indiscriminate killing, this name must have been heard by everyone. ”

As soon as the words fell, there was a huge commotion in the audience.

Fuyuma flipped through the pages on the screen, “In the United States, for example, school shootings happen almost every year. The representative event in recent years should be the shooting at Byrne High School in Colorado this year, where two students shot directly into the classroom with guns, killing twelve students and a teacher… As for Japan, you must have vivid memories of the indiscriminate killings that occurred in Akihabara and Arakawa . ”

“Teacher, may I ask if the recent serial murder of a female high school student on the street can be regarded as indiscriminate homicide?” A beautiful classmate with long fashionable curly hair asked.

Dongma glanced at her, seemed to feel some kind of impulse in her body, and looked at her a few more times with interest, before slowly replying: “That can’t be regarded as indiscriminate killing, because all the victims are former members of the Shangri-La Crusade.” ”

“Such indiscriminate mass murderers usually have a common pattern of crime. Because people we used to call ‘weak’ generally do not have a smooth life, and they do not think that they do not work hard or have insufficient ability, but blame schools, companies, and society for not giving them fair and full opportunities. ”

“However, once such people get their hands on powerful weapons, such as firearms or explosive bombs and other things, then they will start killing people…”

At this time, Professor Kajima’s seat was long gone, and it seemed that all the school trustees and professors sitting near her did not care.

After all, listening to a person who can be his own student insinuating on stage and criticizing his own remarks, any self-respecting academic researcher cannot stand it.

Although Dongma didn’t say a word about the herbivorous man, everyone was not a fool and could understand the meaning of Dongma.

Since the weak are aggressive and dangerous when they come under social pressure and acquire weapons of destruction, it is clearly irrational and unsafe to discriminate against the ‘weak’ almost openly, as it is now.

This is the main body of Dongma’s speech today, expounding his attitude about the ‘weak’ through the perspective of criminal psychology.

Although even he couldn’t get anything, after all, there were so many listeners present, he was not in the mood to observe everyone’s expressions.

But when the speech was over, he said at least one thing that pleased him, and that was that the policewoman Segawa seemed to adore herself more and more.

‘Let the guys with a sense of justice hear what he just said, and they must agree with the speaker…’

Not to mention, Segawa himself is one of Fuyuma’s fans.

However, Dongma had not enjoyed enough of the adoring gaze of the tall policewoman beside him, and suddenly saw the school director and teaching director who had just received him walking in front.

The hurried footsteps, as well as the speed of their conversation, could tell that they were discussing something serious.

And when they mentioned “Before the police come, be sure to keep it secret and absolutely avoid chaos!” After these words, Fuyuma was sure that he had encountered the incident again, and that it was in the school where he had just finished speaking.

“Did something happen?” Fuyuma stopped the school director and asked.

“Please come with me…” The school director did not say nonsense, and after confirming that there was no one around, he immediately took Fuyuma and Segawa to the women’s restroom on the first floor of the teacher building.

Before opening the door, Dongma smelled a strong smell of blood, and when the door opened, the three saw a corpse stained red with blood, lying on the white tiles.

“What an excessive number of wounds!” Miwako said with an angry look.

At this time, the body had also been taken to the forensic doctor by the personnel of the identification class, while Dongma and the others remained at the scene, watching the scene that was still bloody.

“The so-called random thorn refers to such a situation…” said Fuyuma thoughtfully.

And Segawa obviously thought of something, and immediately asked Fuyuma in a low voice: “Policeman, could it be because of Professor Kajima’s speech…”

“It’s very likely…” Fuyuma nodded, and then revealed a sarcastic smile, “Shouldn’t it be such luck, I just finished talking about the criminal methods of the weak, and the female professor who is most likely to be retaliated by the ‘weak’ in all of Japan was killed, right?” ”

“So who was the first discoverer?” Fuyuma asked the school director.

“It’s a graduate student brought by Professor Kajima, it’s this graduate student…” said the dean, pointing to a shivering girl.

“Then I’m sorry, can I please recall the discovery of the professor?” Segawa immediately stepped forward and asked.

After the graduate student nodded, Segawa led her to the room outside the crime scene.

The female graduate student is Nana Asakami, 24 years old and has just entered Professor Kajima’s graduate class.

According to her, after Professor Kajima left Fuyuma’s lecture halfway, she followed her out to find her, because Professor Kajima still had classes next, and she needed to do some pre-class preparations, and wanted to consult with the professor, but she couldn’t find it anywhere, so she thought that it might be in the bathroom, and then found the blood-stained body.

As she spoke, the female graduate student cried in fear.

And just as Segawa was about to comfort her, suddenly a beautiful woman with short hair ran over.

“Nana, are you okay?”

While shouting, the person who came hugged Nana and comforted her softly. _

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