PS: Thanks to the monthly pass support of “Rain Bamboo” and “[Myth] Unique” (three tickets).

“Who are you?” Segawa asked, looking at the trespasser.

“I’m a graduate student here, Hirayama Lingko.” The woman kept bowing her head apologetically.

“Can you tell me where you were at the time of the crime?”

“Prepare materials in the lab…” replied Hirayama.

Then Segawa asked a little more routine question, and Fuyuma ended his first visit to Teidan University.

Then, naturally, they went back to the meeting of the case, but Megumi and the others did not gain anything except to summarize the seven scars of the victim’s Xiong, Hattori and neck, and even witnesses were not found.

“Damn, the escaped prisoners should obviously have obvious characteristics. Such a large amount of bleeding will definitely make him bloody all over his body! But why didn’t anyone see the prisoner at all? Twilight snorted angrily.

Takagi went on to introduce the situation, “Fingerprints were not found on the doorknob and windowsill, apparently wiped off by the murderer afterwards. In addition, there was a piece of human skin left in the victim’s nail, which should be left behind when entangled with the murderer, but there was no comparable sample. ”

Because now, it’s a situation where there are no suspects.

At this time, Hideko Uejo suddenly twisted the seductive cat step and walked over, and then placed a notebook on the conference table.

“If that’s the case, I suggest you go find this person…” Hideko said and opened a forum interface with the mouse.

With the mouse sliding and moving, everyone saw one horror statement after another.

“I’m going to turn the campus of Didan University into a sea of blood!”

“Today, God will inflict heavenly punishment on that woman!”

…… and other crazy remarks, all from the same username.

“This is … Killing Trailer?! Twilight exclaimed.

For a while, the air in the conference room became dignified.

Of course, there was a person who was still very calmly there with the victim’s published book watching.

“What’s the catch? Vigilante. Shiratori asked in a low voice, and the others turned their gazes instantly when they heard this.

From the moment he entered the door, Fuyuma was there looking at the books.

“It’s a good idea to interpret the modern and increasingly understanding of young people from the perspective of genetics… But the content after this book is almost exactly the same thing, meaning. “Winter horse smoke. Out of one of them, he shook his head helplessly.

“And what’s even more interesting is that in just one year last year, we, who should be busy in class, actually published thirteen books in one go…”

“It’s really strange to say that!” Twilight nodded solemnly, few people in academia can do this, especially professors in well-known universities, they are themselves busy figures, three or four books a year can be regarded as relatively idle professors.

“But this aside, Hideko, can you find the IP address of this username?”

“Of course it’s no problem, who do you think the old lady is?” Hideko arrogantly shook up Xiongbu and made Fuyuma swallow.

Soon, Hideko found this guy with the screen name Shen Zhi through the special network of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Koyanagi Bao, 25 years old, unemployed, once studied at the School of Social Relations at Teidan University. However, I was dropped out of school in my junior year, and then worked part-time at convenience stores, izakaya and Internet cafes, and most recently as a courier at a courier company, but I was fired last month because of my long-term unexcused absence…”

“This… How the hell did you find it?! Twilight exclaimed.

“Follow the message sending network to find the IP address, and then through the network operator to find the owner of the network, because it is a landlord, so I looked up her recent bank records, and then locked the tenant named Koyanagi Bao. Then, naturally, he entered the archives of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to find this person’s academic status, and then just follow the files and find his working relationship in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare…”

Hideko had an expression of ‘this little thing can’t bother me at all’.

Shiratori and the others heard it in a cold sweat, “Miss Uejo, does it really not matter if you do this?” ”

Listening to Hideko’s description just now, Shiratori felt that he was not a beautiful imperial sister in front of him at all, but a big villain who was completely able to sit on the bottom of the prison in the cell!

Dongma said lightly: “It’s okay, this technical department has long been authorized by the official residence of two consecutive prime ministers, and everything it does is legal.” ”

“Then go check this guy’s recent movements…”

Finally, Fuyuma commanded.

Soon the results came from the university side, and Koyanagi appeared at the school several times in the past month, and had several contacts with Professor Kajima.

According to the testimony of graduate student Ryoko Hirayama, the two quarreled every time they met.

“At the same time, we also found that the monitoring of the main entrance of the school showed that Koyanagi followed the school only eight seconds after entering the school on the day of the victim’s death…”

“Good! Bring this guy over tomorrow! Twilight said with great joy.

However, Fuyuma is still looking at Professor Kajima’s books, and I heard that last year they were all best-selling books.

And the arrest the next day was also very smooth, smooth to the surprise of Takagi and others.

After they found Koyanagi, Xiaoyanagi acted unusually calm, and even followed them back to the Metropolitan Police Department with a slight smile.

And before Shiratori could officially begin the interrogation, he confessed as if impatiently.

“What?” Twilight was stunned when he heard Shiratori’s report, and Shiratori, who reported, also stood there with a tangled face.

Although the prisoners confessed everything, in the hearts of these experienced criminal policemen, this situation looked so strange.

So, Twilight had to find Fuyuma again and tell him the situation. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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