PS: Thanks for the “[Mythology] Unique” monthly pass support.

“Because Kira has a childish and unyielding personality…” replied L.

“Childish and unyielding?” Night God asked suspiciously.

“It seems that people really always know their own kind…” Fuyuma said with a smile, “That’s right, the same naïve and unyielding L-kun.” ”

“It’s obviously just my junior!” L glared at Fuyuma.

“You see, this is a typical naïve character, even if he knows that I am just joking, he will still find loopholes in my words and deeds to refute it, in short, no matter what, it will definitely not be him who is wrong, and it must not be him who fails.” Fuyuma analyzed with a smile.

“It is worthy of being a psychological master, and his grasp of people’s psychology is very accurate.” L took a deep look at Fuyuma, then slowly nodded in affirmation.

“Minister, L, can you make it clearer?” Lily Root said confused.

“Remember when I first challenged Kira on TV?” L asked rhetorically.

“Remember, the stand-in he killed you at that time…” said Yurigen with a nod, but still with a puzzled expression.

“It was then that he killed an innocent person for the first time,” Aoyama nodded, “This is a manifestation of obvious escalation.” ”

“Innocent people? Isn’t that a death row prisoner? Yurigen wondered.

“But at that time, before the moment Kira killed someone, Kira didn’t know it was a death row prisoner, otherwise he wouldn’t have killed the man with endless anger towards L.”

Fuyuma explained further.

It was at that time that Kira, who had always been considered to only do things to the perpetrator, killed for the first time an ordinary person who was absolutely innocent in his perception, completing the first escalation of the crime. Then after L announced that he was in the Kanto region of Japan, he put on a look, ‘So what can you do with me?’ He began to deliberately target the killings in Japan. ”

“In the face of such a madman who fearlessly and forcefully countered the provocations from our side, what do you think will happen if the reporting control is imposed?” Fuyuma asked as he looked at Yurigen lightly.

“If you do not hand over the prisoner, you will kill the person who committed the crime is less, or even the innocent person…”

“It’s not me who is at fault, it’s you fart scoundrels!” This is Kira’s mode of thinking now, and everyone present now has a clear understanding of this.

“In that case, how about we do something against the news media?” Yukisui said with a smile.

“Well said, Miss Yuki, I’m planning to do that too…” L nodded in satisfaction, obviously smiling so competently and happily at the helper this time.

“What are you going to do?” Fuyuma asked with interest, he found that in this confrontation between detective and murderer, he always deliberately did not want to use his brain, because he always felt that it would be interesting to look at the various ideas and plans of these two guys.

“We say, ‘The murderer of the FBI agent caused outrage at the top of the United States, and Kira stirred up the same hatred around the world.'” Various countries sent 1,500 excellent agents and agents to Japan…'”

Aoyama said abruptly: “In this way, Kira will no longer face the hostility of a semi-police organization such as the FBI, but may even face the all-round targeting of real agents and even intelligence agents.” In the psychological situation of feeling that they are enemies of the world, no matter how rational people are, they will have mood swings, and then more or less show flaws. ”

“And in terms of time, we don’t have that many people at all, and there are no special agents such as intelligence agents, even if Kira wants to kill them, no one will kill him!” The night god laughed excitedly.

“So now the key question comes, what do you think about the progress of the Kira incident?” Fuyuma asked with a smile.

“Opinion?” Night God wondered, in his opinion, L’s opinion should be similar to theirs.

But in fact, because L has the FBI’s intelligence network, he actually has more comprehensive information than the search headquarters.

And Dongma felt that this guy had only called them here on purpose, and that he had to do so because of the urgency of the situation, there should be some discoveries in this regard.

And immediately after, L did not disappoint him.

“Then I’ll talk about my reasoning about the Kira incident now…”

“First of all, Kira committed the crime alone. And judging from the fact that he had stolen the intelligence of the search headquarters before, it should be a person related to the police, of course, it is also very likely that he has a strong hacking ability…”

“I don’t think it’s possible to do this, because the team on my side can’t break through even with the most cutting-edge power on Langley’s side, let alone leave no trace.” Fuyuma said with conviction.

Hideko awakened this ability through the inheritance of the Dead, and it is impossible for ordinary humans to withstand her, even if it is a supercomputer made with the help of black technology.

Because she is a state-of-the-art superbrain herself.

L glanced at Fuyuma differently when he heard this, and then nodded in recognition of his words.

“Then Kira’s characteristics are that killing requires a name and appearance, and can control the time of death and the actions of the deceased to a certain extent. With the above features in mind, listen carefully to my next analysis…”

Speaking of this, L pulled out a marker and began to write on the white coffee table.

And his unconventional way of holding the pen made Aoyama Sho couldn’t help but lean over.

Because for her, in this whole room, only there is the most disorderly place.

Whether it’s L’s dress, or his way of writing with only three fingers holding the end of the marker.

L said without wavering: “First of all, the FBI entered Japan on December 14…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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