“First of all, the FBI entered Japan on December 14…”

“Then on December 19, Kira began to clearly use prisoners to do experiments to control premortem behavior…”

“That is to say, in these short five days, Kira felt a threat from the FBI, and of course it could be somewhere else, but in order to remove these threats, we can speculate that Kira needs to confirm the degree of control of pre-death behavior in order to find and kill enemies whose faces and names are unknown from the vast sea of people, which is the experiment I just mentioned.”

“However, on December 27, all FBI agents were killed, and the head of the branch was also killed…”

In other words, between December 14 and December 27, Kira’s actions began to go awry. During this time, there are 23 known deaths, all of whom died of heart palsy, ex-convicts and unconvicted suspects, which is another proof of his unusual performance during this time. ”

Listening to L’s reasoning, almost everyone present reacted.

“That is, to get rid of the FBI, Kira needs to use these people to test the extent and scope of his ability?” Yukisui said abruptly.

L nodded in affirmation: “That’s right! Of course, there may not be so many subjects who actually need to be experimented, or even only five or six people, so most of the prisoners inside are illusions created to confuse our vision. ”

“So it took so long to start is also to confuse our sight…” said Fuyuma affirmatively.

“Yes, the extra eight days are all an illusion, and the real situation is that this guy is probably the one that the FBI tracked between the 14th and 19th!”

Speaking of this, L picked up a thick stack of materials from the low table next to him.

“This is information from the FBI, which of course includes some necessary data and other content, but it is forbidden to take it out…”

“Don’t worry, as long as you see it once, most people here will not forget it.” Lily Root said very confidently.

Of course, he is not confident in himself, but because he knows very well that his team members are almost all Dobell Award-level super students, and shorthand is not difficult for them.

And Fuyuma is even more famous for not forgetting in the Metropolitan Police Department, it can be said that except for himself and the head of the night god, everyone here does not need to bring out information, and they can remember it in their minds in an instant.

“So, what’s the problem?” L asked after stopping to take a sip of coffee.

“No…” the night god seemed to have some problem, but Fuyuma interrupted directly.

Because he knew very well what the Night God Division Chief wanted to ask, when L was also a personality that did not admit defeat just now, the night god’s expression obviously moved, so Fuyuma thought with his toes to know that this guy wanted to have no confidence in victory after losing this time.

This kind of question may have a motivating effect on the police officers in general, and everyone fights for ridiculous reasons such as justice… But for this group of almost all of the elite here, that kind of ethereal words are not as interesting to them as those unknowns within their fields. ’

To put it simply, except for Lily Root and Night God, almost everyone else came to this place with their own interests rather than a sense of justice.

“So first, I’m going to have a separate conversation with everyone to further confirm that none of you are Kira…”

After a pause, L continued: “Of course, two psychology masters, you can also determine whether I am Kira…”

“Of course, no problem, after all, the source of intelligence obtained by Kira is likely to flow from within our police. And if we have Kira among us, then he will definitely not miss this opportunity to meet L directly. ”

At the same time as Fuyuma said this, L walked to the window without knowing when, and seemed to see something outside through the window.

Then it’s time to decide… As long as the slightest flaw is exposed, Kira may be killed by L at any time, although it seems that L lost, but in fact, the victory or defeat of this second round is obviously Kira is more unfavorable. ’

“Doesn’t that mean Kira will soon be caught?” After leaving the new search headquarters, Yuki, who was alone with Fuyuma, asked suspiciously.

“Yes, but to make the game a little more interesting, we need to find out the off-court hand that affects the victory and defeat first…”

Fuyuma lies in the Presidential Suite on the top floor of the Yonaka Hotel, hugging a tired Yuki and enjoying the sumptuous breakfast prepared by the Shimokasa sisters.

Apparently, the twin sisters, who had been with him for a long time, were much more powerful than Yuki’s new human strength.

“But how do you find it?”

“If that woman is really as powerful as rumors, then he must be able to tell from what his fiancé said to her before he left the house that day that he is going to Shinjuku, and maybe Ray may not even hide the fact that he is going to Shinjuku.” Then based on the four heart paralysis that occurred in Shinjuku that day, it can be inferred that Kira was near Shinjuku at the time, and it is likely that he was on the same train as the dead Ray…”

“Combined with the weird situation at the time of the bus hijacking, a smart person can definitely deduce that Kira is the passenger in that car…”

That is, once L knows about this, then it means that the night god moon has been caught.

“So the premise is that this matter has to be known to L!” Yuki said abruptly.

“That’s right, so I have notified the front desk of the Metropolitan Police Department, and if anyone wants to search the headquarters, notify me immediately…”

After the Kira incident has been fermented for a while, the people whose enthusiasm has dissipated will rarely go to the Metropolitan Police Department to provide clues because of some unconfirmed things.

And the facts also proved that his speculation was accurate, and the person he was looking for had already come to the door. _

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