"That...it's definitely sunflower, I can't read it wrong."


Following the direction, I saw somewhere.

There stood a girl in a magical girl costume, with a white long-sleeved shirt on the upper body and an khaki skirt below the waist. From the back, she looked a bit similar to sunflower, because her hair was curled into a double helix. Golden yellow, and the figure is so petite.

But that is a character from the animation of a certain magical girl from cos, so she looks a little airy while holding a double gun.

Although it's a bit similar to Sunflower, I really can't equate her with Sunflower directly. After all, there are many people who look similar after dressing up, plus that is other cos roles.

"Is that really?"

"Absolutely, I will not admit it!"

Seeing Jasmine's eyes brightly clinging to her, I didn't seem embarrassed to doubt it anymore. After all, they grew up together and possessed a bond that I couldn't match.

Thinking about it this way, it makes sense that Jasmine was so scared that she put on her underwear directly, otherwise, according to Sunflower's familiarity with Jasmine, she would still be recognized even if cos became another character.

Although I don't think I'm doing bad things, it won't be great to be recognized.

"You know each other, it won't be so good if you are reasonable?"

"What are you talking about? I came with you only after lying!"

"So it's okay to make it clear from the beginning? It's not going to the hotel today..."

"You, don't be verbose, anyway, it would be nice to accompany you, don't be nagging!"

Jasmine's attitude has become more agitated since the appearance of Sunflower, as if the existence of her crush has made her more anxious.

Paying a little attention to Jasmine's expression, I found that she had forgotten that she was wearing her underwear, her eyes were staring at Sunflower's back.

At a glance, Sunflower seemed to have come by herself, and her head turned left and right, as if she was looking for something.

"Jasmine, what do you think she is doing?"

"Huh? How do I know?"

With an expression of inexplicable longing on her face, Jasmine clenched her fist and coldly ignored me.

Ah, I didn’t think Sunflower would also play cosplay to show it. It seems that the popularity of the two thorn apes is also getting higher and higher.

Thinking like this, I pulled Jasmine's hand quite naturally.

"Hey, let's follow."

"Hey hey? What are you doing!!!"

"Isn't this obvious? The sunflower seems to come with a purpose. Let's take a look."

"But...it's a bit bad to follow secretly..."

"Obviously you are curious, right? Go anyway!"

"Huh...I don't want to watch...you can do it..."

I just bewitched so casually, and Jasmine, who was already weak in character, was pulled over by me like a puppet.

Because there are a lot of people here, we swaggering behind her will not be found.

After a while, we came to the front of a large stage.

It seems that there will be some performances waiting here, but the current stage function is-the signing event.

The men cosplaying into martial arts characters I have not seen sit under the table set up on the stage. The long queues on the off stage and the people in the line appear orderly from the stage. It seems that they will be there. Take the disc you bought next to your favorite character and ask him to sign it, and then go down from the other side of the stage.

"so many people."

Seeing that the people in the line were all women, and they all showed nympholy eager expressions to the men on the stage, I couldn't help talking to myself.

Sunflower was also in the line of people. She unknowingly held a box of thick CDs in her arms, staring at the beautiful man in costume on the stage with a happy expression.

As the saying goes, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. When Sunflower is staring at other beautiful men, she doesn't even notice that Jasmine is also looking at her foolishly.

Although I really want to complain, is this a triangle relationship? But only then did I notice the poster behind the stage.

It seems that these men are members of a famous two-dimensional group. In addition to singing, they also serve as models and cos. They have many fans on the Internet.

This time they are here to promote their group cos photo album. Because they are all male members, the fans are naturally girls, which is why the people in the line are all girls.

"Ah, I don't think Sunflower likes such a boy. It seems that she is also a bit house."

"Sunflower... I like boys..."

Unlike me, Jasmine's mood seemed to be quite depressed at this moment, her pink hair hanging down her melancholy cheek, as if she was talking to herself, she said softly.

"Isn't this of course? Homosexuality is heresy."

"I, I didn't talk to you again..."

Jasmine's expression was a little dissatisfied, she pursed her lips and lowered her head sadly.

Hey, the attitude is really cold.

But I still posted it cheekily.

"Oh, so I haven't corrected you yet? Don't you think a man's body is very good and charming?"

"Don't be so close to me, disgusting!"

She gently pushed me with her wrist, making no secret of her disgust.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, the things I hate to her are not two things.

So just glanced at her sensational curvy body, and then looked at the fat times that was in stark contrast to what she was wearing, and I felt as if I had realized some new contrast.

Why don't you try a new game next time...

Thinking about it this way, I made up my mind to have fun, anyway, Jasmine's spirit and body are very strong, it's not something I can easily play badly.

"Look, Jasmine, Sunflower came over, it seems to be a star chaser."

I shifted the subject a bit, and pointed my finger at the sunflower lined up on the stage.

She took the gun back into the holster, and then held tightly the CD box and a book in her arms. Although she didn't know what it was, it should be a peripheral product of the idol.

At last it was her turn. Sunflower hurriedly walked to the table of a man with a heroic eyebrow, and put things on it with excitement and shyness, and the boy also smiled and used a marker to help her sign.

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