After finishing the signing process, Sunflower still held the other party's hand excitedly, her mouth was moving all the time, it should be saying the words of worship.

Jasmine and I, who were a little far away, couldn't hear it naturally, but I moved my nose and clearly felt a strong sour smell.

Oops, there is no way this time, it seems that Sunflower is very obsessed with masculine people. Doesn't this mean that Jasmine is out of play?


There was an unwilling groan in her mouth, and Jasmine's face was covered with clouds.

Although she should have known that her friend's sexual orientation is normal, but looking at the other man happily holding another man's hand, she will inevitably feel like being ntr face to face.

A little sympathetic to Jasmine, I patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't look at it, this is a hobby of others."

"Anyway... I lied to her first..."

Unexpectedly, she didn't show resistance to my hands on her casually, Jasmine just sniffed and muttered dejectedly.

Ahhhhhh, the atmosphere is a little dull.

After caring a little bit, I decided to coax her. After all, jasmine is like a plant in a cold area. Although it can withstand the brilliance, it also needs occasional watering.

So I took her hand and pulled her off the stage.

"Let's go, let's go and take a look elsewhere."

"Hey? Wait a minute, where to go..."

"You just hid something from each other. It doesn't matter, right?"

"It's not indifferent."

Hearing Jasmine's weak tone of being unable to speak up for a long time, I could only stop and look back at her.

"Today you played with me, just leave it alone. Although Sunflower's cos is also very good today, the legs are also very thin and the **** are big, but I didn't say hello too sadly?"

"You... don't think about her anymore!"

Seeing Jasmine finally got a little bit of energy from being irritated, I laughed instead.

"Yeah, that's great, you who are full of fighting spirit."

"What do you mean?"

"If you don't go to play with me, I will say hello to Sunflower."

"Ah, no! Don't mess around..."

Jasmine's eyebrows also picked up. Due to my lust, she reluctantly squeezed onto my body, and her flexible arms hugged me as if she wanted to lock me.

Feeling the tender body of the girl who took the initiative to embrace, I took a sigh of relief.

This is too bad, in short, it is cool in all kinds of senses, a bad control will lead to tragedy.

Next, she and I came to the booth of a certain martial arts rpg online game. Because it was a highly popular game, the booth was also quite large. Not only that, they also called in a lot of cosers to help out.

Seeing a bunch of ladies in ancient costumes walking the show with all kinds of weapons and accepting the wolves of the audience, I couldn't help but look at them.

Well, all the young ladies who are dressed in turquoise chiffon veil have quite beautiful figures. With the sound of the ancient music, they smiled, slid their waists, and walked to the stage with seductive steps. Before, in various poses, Xiudian is comparable to blooming flowers. Such a beautiful woman holding a sword and a knife has the feeling of being proud of the world.

"Ah, that's awesome."

"This... does it look good."

When I sighed sincerely, Jasmine seemed to be staring at the coser with a little interest, muttering softly in her mouth.

"Oh? Jasmine, do you want to try it?"

"I... how can I try?"

"There is a try-on here, look at it."

I pointed to a crowd of people next to the stage. There is a dressing room surrounded by simple curtains. There are many beautiful ancient costumes on the hangers next to them. There are both men and women, and they are made in the game according to the intention of the game manufacturer. In addition to the quality of the equipment, the style is also simple and gorgeous under the design of the art.

Because of this, many people have been attracted to the past. They can choose their favorite clothes to take photos with a small amount of money. The rent paid can also be used as a point card to recharge into the game, which is full of conscience.

Because I have an account for the game, paying a little bit is almost guaranteed to make a profit.

Because Jasmine didn't seem to be very resistant to the beautiful costumes, I simply dragged her to the queue this time.

After paying, we each choose the clothes we like in front of the hangers and go to the locker room to change, and then come out together.

"Huh... so hot..."

Pulling down the zipper of the tight-fitting combat suit, I exhaled in the dressing room surrounded by curtains.

I found my clothes were a little wet because it was actually a little enjoyable.

No matter what, anyway, I just have to put on my simple Tsing Yi...

Because this is a simple men's clothing, and it fits tightly on the inside and outside, I put a crown on my head after putting it on, opened the phone and adjusted my posture, I felt that I was already a little antique.

Walking out of the locker room, I asked the staff a little bit.

"How long can I rent this clothes?"

"As long as you return it before closing, we will send the card number to your mobile phone later."

"Hmm, trouble."

After that, I went to the next weapon rack and chose a slender sword. The blue sword body seemed to have a layer of ice that made people tremble.

In fact, the weapons here are all made of wood and coated with a layer of paint on the surface, so the weight is all right.

I waved this weapon that needs about 500 RMB in the game to be drawn. I thought to myself that this thing is really ironic, and virtual items are more expensive than physical objects.

After waiting boringly on the spot, I began to glance at Jasmine's dressing room, because it was a girl, so it took more time for her to change clothes.

After a long time, she finally made her debut with the opening cloth——

Oh! ! !

She appeared in front of her with a completely different style from the one I had seen before.

A blue and white mopping dress, the sleeves and hem are embroidered with gold-colored ornate lines, the slender waist is tied with an emerald-colored brocade belt, and the jet-black hair is **** with a red ribbon, and there is only a chance that the green silk will fall. On both shoulders, the face is still fresh and moving without powder.

After she came out and saw me, Jasmine frowned slightly, revealing an unexpectedly feminine style.

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