Falling down?

It means that violent beatings are not enough, do you want to kill me?

With a chuckle, I heard the sound of my nerves being completely tense, and then my throat became dry.

"You...what did you say? Do you want to kill?"

I took a deep breath, and managed to keep my breathing regular, so as not to be too confused and unable to cope with the next possible attack.

But Zhiying shook her finger.

"No, no matter how deliberately killing someone is still sentenced, I can't bear to go to jail in my harem."

"That's good……"

"But it's not bad to hit you yourself by jumping off the building and committing suicide."

After he finished speaking, I ran back, without giving them time to react.

Are you kidding me? In the end, he still wanted to kill!

Although it is not ruled out that it was a cruel remark, but I was not interested in using my life to test the other's determination, so I just ran.

However, before I knew it, Velika, a girl who claimed to be a vampire, went around behind me and closed the roof door at the same time.

With a click, as the door closes, I suddenly feel the coldness inside me.

And the blond vampire with good facial features and perfect temperament narrowed his red eyes and smiled at me.

"Where are you going? There is only the road to hell."

Two steps back tremblingly, I clenched my fist.

I am being flanked by both sides, the situation can be said to be very critical, and what is worse is that I don't seem to have a solution. Even if the three thugs are all girls, I have a hunch that if I dare to do it, I will be easily defeated.

How to do?

When my forehead was sweating wildly, Zhiying had already put one hand in her pocket, walking towards me leisurely.

It seems that he is in a good mood, like a hunter who has caught the prey, thinking about how to bring the most pain to the prey.

Damn it!

I roared in my heart.

Why am I so unlucky? I thought that the other party should be a stubborn eldest man who should disdain bullying and persuade others with virtue. It seems that I am too naive.

"Hey, give you a choice. I don't need you to kneel anymore. As long as I promise to break up with Jasmine and never see her again, I will let you go."

His eyes were cold, and a serious expression made an offer for me.

And I also sneered.

"Do you think I will be threatened so easily? You are still far behind me in terms of coercion."

"Hard mouth!"

His pupils shrank suddenly, as if a cat completely locked onto its prey before attacking, and at the same time he kicked me very cleverly.

——! ! !

The foot was very fast, and there was wind. Fortunately, I knew he would use simple and rude methods to attack, so I jumped back quickly and dodged this kick dangerously.

"Want to fight?"

I bluffed into the pose of a boxer while thinking about how to make time to call 110 with my mobile phone.

Direct typing is definitely not possible, because the screen has to be unlocked, and it takes energy to press the dial button with the finger, and the other party can kick the phone or give me a fatal blow.

And Zhiying smiled at this moment.

"Do you think your little character is worthy of me? Jia'er."


The former member of the Korean girl group with a beautiful wavy head came out from behind. She licked her lips and gave me an official smile.

"This classmate, are you going to fight with me?"

I glanced at the bare white thighs exposed under her uniform skirt. There were no strong muscles on them, but they were very well-proportioned, and I could feel some strength from them.

Of course it's not brute force, but because the concept of "girls' high school students' legs" is very attractive, and it will make people have a desire to get together.


I swallowed my saliva, then my expression became serious.

Takezeyu, don't think about it at this time, what if I get trampled on by those beautiful legs? That is someone else’s harem. If I get the enjoyment from someone else’s harem, won’t I really become someone else?

Trying to remind myself this way, I maintained a clear consciousness in front of me.

Must be sober now.

You can’t take it lightly when you are not buying treasures. Although the person in front of me is a beautiful girl, but is full of hostility towards me, it is better to say that I am surrounded by the rooftops and have fallen into the enemy camp. Finding a way to escape is the first priority.

"Haha, Kim, aren't you from the Korean girl group? Dancing is okay, fighting, you can't."

I thought about it for a moment, and decided to try to use male coercion to frighten the other person. After all, if there is no other way, I don't want to act with girls.

But she just squinted her eyes with a strange expression.

"Hehe, can't I?"

With a squeak, Jin Jiaer rushed to me in a flash.

what? So fast!

Before I could react, the opponent kicked my chin from the bottom up with a high leg with extremely high flexibility.


This move is not very fast, but I noticed one point, but I can't look away anymore.

High kick in a skirt?

Doesn't this mean that the fat secondary is gone?

I know it’s more important to avoid a blow than this, but my legs seem to be filled with lead. I can’t move anymore, and my eyes can’t move away from her white thighs when Jin Jiaer lifts her leg. Up.

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