And the skirt was finally in the eyes I was expecting, and rolled up with her thighs—

And under that, there is no large-scale fat time I am looking forward to, but a black shiny leather safety pants.


When I yelled, the opponent's toes had already hit my chin.

Just such a blow almost dislocated me. Fortunately, I took a small step back at the critical moment, but the surface of my skin was still scratched.

Holding my chin, I almost burst into tears because the cuticle was scratched.

"Student Zhuzeyu, you should know our gap, right?"

Jin Jiaer stepped forward with an elegant and charming posture, and her eyebrows were raised proudly.

"You must have a lot of fans."

I touched my chin and teased with a wry smile.

"No, I failed in my debut, but I met Master Zhiying, and he took me in as his lover."

"Wow, that's not bad, but I still have to say-for a real gentleman, there is no difference between safety pants and underwear!!!"

Shouting like this, I sprinted back.

The goal is the gate from the rooftop to the downstairs!

Although Velika blocked the door just now, when I was in a duel with Jin Jiaer, the mindless vampire stepped aside, with a fascinating expression on his face, which was caught in the corner of my eye. Yu Guang caught it, so I used the method of slamming to escape.

Anticipating how I would rush down the stairs to the safe area in a few seconds, my heart jumped for joy, and at the same time, I viciously thought of the gentleman's revenge. .

Originally, I did think so, but--


I hit the door head-on and fell to the ground.

What are you doing?

When I was shocked, Velika sneered.

"Haha, haven't you noticed?"

Only then did I realize that between me and the door, an invisible wall appeared unknowingly, although it was not completely invisible, because it slightly reflected light, just like glass.

At this time, I remembered the way Shion once imprisoned me.


I couldn't help but yell out.

When I thought I had encountered an incredible existence, Velika tilted her head inexplicably.

"What are you talking about? I just erected the tempered glass while you were not paying attention."

"Fuck, why is it so troublesome!"

"Because I want to prevent you from running away."

"Then you can block the door!"

"I'm afraid you will hurt me."

I am speechless.

But I felt a little relieved, at least the vampire I faced seemed to be a three-legged cat, not as strong as the real red I had ever encountered.

If this is the case, Zhiying's other harem strengths are not expected to be very powerful, are they all at the vase level.

When I think so.

"What are you in a daze!"

The yelling hit me with the sound of the wind.

It's Jin Jiaer!

I didn't have time to look back, so I squatted down on the spot.

Then one leg swept over my head like a whip.

It's dangerous!

I was stunned, then stood up and turned back to defend.

But she had actually forced her to be in front of me, so she stuck with me.

That's it!

I immediately realized this, and felt a little desperate in my heart.

At the end, I met her cruel sight.


A sharp pain came from the lower abdomen.

She punched me in the stomach at super close range.

The force of this punch was very powerful. Fortunately, she was a girl, so her strength was still not terrifying, but it hurt my internal organs so sturdily that I almost vomited it out for lunch.

Stumbled back two steps, I clutched my stomach and looked at them in pain.

"Take Zeyu, do you know how good I am?"

Zhiying, who was standing at the end of the girls, sneered, and the setting sun slowly sank behind him.

I tried to adjust my breathing, planning to find a way to continue dealing with this person.

"Oh, it's normal, but what's the matter of fighting with a woman?"

"Oh, don't you know? I can beat the three of them one by one, but I just think you are not worthy of me."

"Are you just making excuses?"

I am provoking him.

Not looking for death, but looking for opportunities to kidnap him.

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