Soon after Niu Tengyun hung up, Gu Jiahui called.

His tone was filled with joy: "Brother Chong, Tengyun technology has collapsed! I'm so happy! We've been fighting with the Yang family for more than ten years, regardless of whether we win or lose. But Yang Ziqing does everything he can to make money. Tengyun technology inherits his style, eats the whales everywhere and imitates them, which has become a major disaster in the industry. However, due to the background of the Yang family, no one in the industry can move Tengyun technology , Tengyun technology has developed very rapidly in recent years, with a market value of more than 300 billion yuan. It has become the most valuable money tree of the Yang family. Now I see that the money tree of the Yang family has fallen down. As a descendant of the family, I am very happy. Brother Chong, tell me, did you do this? "

Lu Chong has a good impression of Gu Jiahui. Although he is the direct grandson of Gu family, one of the top ten giants, he is not as arrogant as Yang Ziqing and others. His attitude towards Lu Chong is as good as ever. Even if it is rumored that Lu Chong killed Huang Yuanfu and will be arrested, Gu Jiahui did not stay away from Lu Chong. He still attended Lu Chong's party. In contrast, Zhu Danqing's small hair in the foreign affairs department What is it called, but it has been avoided.

Now when Gu Jiahui asked, Lu Chong smiled: "I went to TongZhou this morning and witnessed the scene of the solar storm high-energy particles attacking the Tengyun technology headquarters building and data center. It was like setting off fireworks. It was particularly beautiful and brilliant. I think I am still very lucky. Those who focused on dealing with me finally had bad luck!"

Gu Jiahui was very satisfied with Lu Chong's answer. He laughed and said, "brother Chong, you are really lucky! Brother Chong, in a few days, I will go abroad to New York. I want to invite our brothers and friends to our house. Danqing promised to come. Brother Chong, you can come too. They are all my brothers!"

Lu Chong said with a smile, "it's time. Give me a call and I'll go."

Gu Jiahui told him, "brother Chong, be careful. Yang Ziqing is famous for being cruel and unscrupulous. Be careful that he jumps over the wall to revenge you this time!"

Lu Chong smiled faintly: "I will."

Gu Jiahui said very solemnly, "brother Chong, my family has been in the capital after all. Many news are more informed than Danqing. If I hear anything, I will tell you immediately. You know the relationship between our Gu family and the Yang family, but we Gu family will be happy to do anything that can make the Yang family unhappy!"

Lu Chong said with a smile, "thank you."

Gu Jiahui also smiled and said, "our brother, what are you polite? I'll give you wechat later."

After hanging up, Lu Chong thought for a moment. If he didn't have a big background, even the No. 1 leader protected himself. If he couldn't indirectly help the Gu family suppress the Yang family, Gu Jiahui might not be like this at all. As a brother and friend, he is not as good as Zhu Danqing and the dragon soul brothers. However, he is better than other dandies. He is worth making friends Even if they can't become brothers in the future, they can at least become allies.

After Gu Jiahui, the dandy friends Lu Chong met through Zhu Danqing turned on the phone and asked about Tengyun technology and whether Lu Chong did it.

Lu Chong was noncommittal and vague, saying that he saw fireworks caused by high-energy particles in solar storms.

In the afternoon, Su Yuanyuan opened the phone and said that their flight was cancelled because of the weather and could not fly until tomorrow.

In the evening, when Lu Chong was practicing in his bedroom, Fang Bingbing suddenly came in with his mobile phone: "husband, look at the photos of Tengyun technology. Now the whole network is full of photos of Tengyun technology headquarters and data center. It looks miserable, ha ha..."

After Lu Chong released Buddha Qi and Wanlian disaster Qi knife at that time, he felt tired and fell asleep when he saw a burst of fireworks. He didn't look at the tragedy of Tengyun technology headquarters building and data center. Now it looks like he can't help laughing.

All the devices were blown open, and there were fragments of hard disk, motherboard and display screen everywhere. The scene was in a mess, and there was almost nothing intact. The blown hard disk could not be repaired, and the data in it completely disappeared!

These pictures are displayed in the news client of penguin. It seems that the backstage of penguin has a hostile relationship with the Yang family. It doesn't give the Yang family face at all. These photos are sent out boldly.

There are a large number of netizens' replies behind these pictures and news. The number of replies is much higher than that of a little fresh meat announcing love a while ago: "Niu Tengyun has been unlucky for eight years! He has encountered such a once-in-a-lifetime disaster! It is said that it was the explosion excited by high-energy particles of the solar storm, but strangely, there was nothing else in the same science and Technology Park, except Tengyun technology!"

"Look at this ghost, those data can't be repaired. Lying trough, I filled 80000 or 90000 game coins. Lying trough NIMA Niu Tengyun, what have you done to blame people and make me miserable!"

"Hey, if you don't say it, it's all tears. I'm reading and writing books in Tengyun, and hundreds of thousands of royalties have not been settled. Now the data are gone, and Tengyun reading will certainly not give me the publishing fee! Lying trough NIMA Niu Tengyun, who have you offended? Is it Apollo, the sun god? Otherwise, there will be a hairy solar storm!"

"Hey, don't blame me for gloating. I already knew that Tengyun technology is a company full of evil and pirated other people's intellectual property rights by all means. It's not surprising that it has such an end, so I told all Tengyun's services early. Now I see you so poor. To tell the truth, I'm very happy Heart! "

"Lying on the floor of NIMA, you don't fucking gloat. Tell me, what company service you enjoy now, maybe our experience will fall on you sooner or later."

"Wogou, now the whole network is discussing the collapse of Tengyun. Why doesn't anyone say that little fresh meat? The affair of an affectionate singer cheating has not been discussed, and the topic has changed so quickly?"

"I said to the point that although I also lost hundreds of dollars and my Tencent video membership is over, I'm still glad that it has collapsed now. Otherwise, with its crazy expansion speed, it will swallow all other conscience companies. Is there a way for ordinary people to live? When we play their games, we will save tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of thousands, and suddenly collapse. That's true Sad! "

Fuck, old fellow, I am the big idiot who has filled hundreds of thousands of years. I never liked old women before, but now, I want to lie down, love, and the cow.

Lu Chong turned on the computer and watched the news and forums. It's true that now the whole network is discussing the collapse of Tengyun technology. It seems that the Yang family can't hold it anymore!

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