"I can't do it! I can't do it! Dad! Mom! I'm sorry for you!" Murong Diewu dropped his dagger to the ground, then hugged his head and cried!

She hates Lu Chong, but she hates herself even more!

She hates herself for falling in love with someone she shouldn't love!

She choked and said, "you... Are you my nemesis, you... Why did you appear here, why did you let me see you again, why did you torture me so..."

When she heard the news that Lu Chong died in the plane explosion, she almost collapsed, couldn't sleep at night and wept at night.

But I always have a strong belief in my heart. That night, a man who can wash the Dragon God of the Red Dragon Society, a man like God, will not die so easily!

That strong belief has always supported her to live tenaciously. After her family property was exhausted, she endured all kinds of verbal insults and came to this bar to be a placard girl to make a living. Maybe she lived just to see him!

But now when she sees him, she can't help thinking of her dead father and dead mother. If she forgives him like this, she will have no face to see her parents!

This painful tangle almost drove her crazy.

She lost her voice and cried, "you go! You go! I don't want to see you! I don't want to..."

If the people on Shanghai road saw this scene, I'm afraid none of them would believe it. Murong butterfly dance, the powerful and arrogant Mafia princess in those years, is now so down and painful!

When Lu Chong heard Murong butterfly dance's heart rending cry, he felt very uncomfortable, as if he had done something that hurt Murong butterfly dance.

But up to now, he still looks confused. What did he do to Murong butterfly dance? How did Murong butterfly dance lose his attitude after seeing him.

He stared at Murong butterfly dance with his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "who are you, who am I, and what happened between us?"

Murong Diewu heard Lu Chong's question, stopped crying, wiped the tears off her face, and her pretty face became very indifferent: "I'm sorry! I recognize the wrong person!"

Then she dressed and hurried out of the lounge.

Murong butterfly dance's body is thin, and its back is full of a sense of loneliness and sadness.

Lu Chong looked at the back of Murong butterfly dance. Somehow, his mood became extremely lost!

At this time, he couldn't help asking three questions in his mind, "who is she, who am I, and what happened between us?"

Murong Diewu didn't give him any answer. He just thought about it by himself. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't think clearly. His brain suddenly tingled. He covered his head and sat on the ground, his face white, and a cold sweat rolled from his forehead.

At this time, Dai Yue ran over and was surprised to see Dalu holding his head in pain. She hurried forward and asked with concern, "Dalu, what's the matter with you?"

Lu Chong raised his head, looked at Dai Yue and squeezed out a smile: "I'm fine!"

Dai Yue looked at Lu Chong's current appearance, which was very similar to the previous time when he tried to recall the pain and fainted. She quickly advised: "Da Lu, your memory will recover slowly, but you must not be too anxious, otherwise it will be bad for your body!"

Hearing Dai Yue's consolation, Lu Chong felt warm in his heart. No matter what happened before, at present, another person cares about him.

He stood up and smiled at Dai Yue, "don't worry, I know! I won't force it!"

Even if the memory doesn't recover for a lifetime, it seems good to live on Xingdao with Dai Yue all the time!

Dai Yue saw that Lu Chong was pale and stretched out her hand to hold him.

Often laughed: "no, I'm not weak enough to be supported!"

He and Dai Yue walked back to the bar.

At this time, in the boxing ring, the fierce bear hit Ko with a whip and leg!

The people around the ring shouted wildly, "what Chinese Kung Fu, all the people who step on the horse are waste. They can't even hold two rounds, which makes me lose money!"

"Ha ha ha ha... The violent bear is so powerful that he Ko that guy with one move! Fortunately, I bought a round and made a lot of money now!"

"Chinese Kung Fu is really all about fancy boxing and embroidered legs! I'll buy those two Chinese experts and win the round! As long as the bear doesn't fight fake boxing, I can't lose!"

"What do you think? He's a platinum champion. How can he fight fake boxing for your gambling money! Unless the Black Dragon Society buys him a lot of money, he can fight fake boxing!"

Fu Jie at the bar was worried about Lu Chong. Suddenly he heard a gambler say that. He suddenly got nervous. Yes, if the violent bear is bought by the black dragon club, the boxing match the day after tomorrow will be miserable!

The wild bear's defiant attitude of only recognizing money is likely to be bought off.

At this time, the gamblers around the boxing ring abused Huaxia Kung Fu and Huaxia kung fu masters one after another because they bet that the Huaxia master lost two or three rounds just now. As a result, the master was KO by a fierce bear, and he didn't even support a round.

Therefore, the people who lost money cursed one after another. In their eyes, Chinese Kung Fu became HuaQuan and embroidered legs, and all Chinese experts became useless.

Others shouted, "I'll never watch Chinese kung fu movies again!"

The three Chinese masters sitting on one side of the boxing ring were on pins and needles. They looked at the violent bear in the middle of the boxing ring, and their eyes showed panic. The cries and curses of thousands of people nearby made them unable to lift their heads!

The violent Bear looked down at the Chinese master who had fainted at his feet and disdained to shout, "what a fucking waste!"

He turned his head and looked disdainfully at the remaining three Chinese masters and shouted, "your Chinese Kung Fu is really fucking rubbish. It's soft. It's really fancy boxing and embroidered legs! It's boring! I'm too lazy to fight with you one by one. Just you three, come together!"

"Three for one! Another round! The violent bear is too domineering!" the arrogant words of the violent bear immediately ignited the emotions of the gamblers on the scene, and shouted the names of the violent bears excitedly: "violent bear! Violent bear!"

The three Chinese masters saw that the violent bear was so arrogant. They were all ashamed and angry. They couldn't bear it any more. So the three stood up and walked to the middle of the ring.

When the guests in the bar area saw that the violent bear was going to fight with three Chinese masters, their passion was ignited. They got up one after another, gathered around in front of the boxing ring, and shouted the name of the violent bear with worship on their face: "this time, I must buy the violent bear to win in one round. I have to win all the losses I lost in those garbage Chinese masters just now!"

"That's right! Buy a violent bear! Those Chinese experts are fucking rubbish. They must not be the opponent of the violent bear!"

It's the three Chinese masters who fight with the violent bear. The gamblers who have witnessed the tragic defeat of the two Chinese masters just now still look down on the Chinese masters and are all ready to buy the violent bear!

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