When the violent bear heard the gamblers shouting him like an invincible God of war, he looked more arrogant and arrogant!

He looked at the cool and dignified Fu Jie on the bar in the distance and smiled. Sooner or later, the eldest lady will be my bear!

Then, he looked down at the three Chinese masters who were half shorter than him, showed contempt on his face, and directly stretched out his middle finger: "I only use one round to deal with you three wastes! If I can't beat you down, I'll lose!"

The violent bear's words were extremely arrogant. It was completely hanging and blowing up the sky. There was an uproar at the scene!

However, because he won the first two games too easily and showed his super strength, none of these people dared to laugh at the arrogance of the violent bear. Instead, they all howled excitedly and pursued the violent bear more strongly!

The three Chinese masters all flew into a rage when they heard the words of the violent bear.

An expert shouted angrily, "bear, don't be too arrogant!"

"Arrogance!" the violent bear scornfully glanced at the three Chinese experts: "if you are European and American, I wouldn't say so, but you are Chinese. Your proud Chinese Kung Fu is actually a flower fist and embroidered legs that can only scare people in movies, and you Chinese are a group of yellow monkeys!"

The fierce bear insulted Chinese Kung Fu and Chinese people to the extreme. The three Chinese experts were so angry that they all clenched their fists, jumped up their green tendons on their foreheads and looked at each other. They were determined to survive the first round for three minutes even if they lost in the end!

At this time, the odds of the boxing ring organizers for the game have come out. It's not a bet on who wins or loses, but a bet that the violent bear can beat the three Chinese experts in the third round!

The gamblers at the scene all bet on the violent bear and beat three Chinese experts in the first round. Although the smart Casino has adjusted the odds to 1.05, that is, if you win, you can only win 5%. If you take out 10000 yuan to bet, you can only win 500 yuan, but Xingdao gamblers still buy this!

The girl who raised her cards in the first round was not Murong butterfly dance, and she didn't know where she was going.

After the card girl left, the boxing match began, and the violent bear fought with three Chinese experts.

By this time, Lu Chong and Dai Yue had returned to the bar in the bar area and sat next to Fu Jie.

Fu Jie saw Lu Chong's face pale and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She asked anxiously, "Lu Chong, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine!" Lu Chong picked up the bottle of life water he hadn't finished drinking just now and took a sudden sip.

The burning sensation ran through his mouth to his stomach, which made Lu Chong find some of his original feelings, and his face gradually turned a little blood.

Seeing that Lu Chong's face was better, Fu Jie turned her eyes to the boxing ring in the distance, and then asked Lu Chong, "Lu Chong, do you think the three Chinese experts can survive a round?"

A round of fighting refers not to a round in which the generals of both sides fought on horseback in ancient times attacked one side with weapons and parried the other side once, but to a three minute cycle, a fighting or boxing match, which is generally divided into ten rounds.

It's still a little difficult for the fierce bear to defeat the three Chinese masters in three minutes.

However, Lu Chong had just seen the two games. He had seen clearly the strength of the violent bear and the weaknesses of the Chinese masters, so he nodded: "they can't make it!"

Fu Jie was stunned and asked, "those three people are also your famous masters in China. They can't be so weak?"

Lu Chong said: "the violent bear has practiced Muay Thai hard for more than ten years and learned a special fighting skill. He can easily find the fatal key of his opponent. Every attack is very accurate. It can be said that every attack may Ko the enemy!"

Fu Jie heard Lu Chong's words and looked at the violent bear. He found that the violent bear was indeed like Lu Chong's words. Every attack did not give up, and every move was a fatal blow!

The fierce bear first kicked a Chinese expert in the right rib. The expert was badly hurt and his body was suddenly unstable. The fierce bear was as sharp as electricity. He hit the expert in the face with an elbow!

The expert suffered the elbow of the violent bear, his face bone was broken, blood flowed, and he suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

The elbow of the human body naturally has a considerable degree of hardness and sharpness. The force distance of the elbow determines that it cannot have much strength, and the particularity of its part determines its lethality, that is, hard hitting. The direct contact of human head bones with the elbow will cause serious trauma, which is its role.

After years of special training, the killing power and attack power of the elbow method of Muay Thai boxers are amazing. Therefore, in addition to being as sharp as a knife, the violent elbow method of Muay Thai boxers also has a very obvious concussion killing effect on key parts such as the head. They are severely hit by their opponents with the elbow method and hit them into a coma on the spot.

In the years of fierce fighting between the European and American boxing circles and the Muay Thai Boxing circles, many active kings in Europe and America who are very proficient in boxing have formed a consensus. When fighting with Muay Thai, we should not only pay attention to the attack and defense of boxing, but also pay more attention to the internal melee combined attack of Muay Thai, especially the combined attack of fist, elbow and knee in internal combat, If you ignore the seemingly easy inner circle melee, you will pay an extremely heavy price.

In less than half a minute, a Chinese expert was solved by the violent bear. The gamblers watching around the boxing ring cheered the name of the violent bear excitedly: "violent bear! Violent bear!"

Seeing that their companions were easily solved by the violent bear, the other two Chinese experts were shocked. The violent bear was much more fierce than the two games just now.

It seems that the violent bear still retains its strength just now!

They looked at each other and decided to attack the violent bear together.

One master kicked the bear in the stomach, and the other master clenched his fists and hit the bear in the head.

Seeing the attack of the two masters, the violent bear quickly covered his head with his arms, and then raised a knee to intercept the master's foot.

Violent bear this is a typical Muay Thai defensive play, "lifting the knee and breaking the kick", which uses the hard knee to hit, block and block the kick from the middle and lower road.

Now it seems that the two Chinese experts are beating the violent bear, but their attack is not a threat to the violent bear.

But the violent bear quickly caught the flaw of the master who hit him with both fists, hit him on the knee and suddenly hit the master's heart!

Knee bump! This is the most violent attack of Muay Thai.

A very typical technique of Muay Thai Knee technique is "hoop neck knee collision", which is to hold the opponent's head and neck tightly with one or both hands, and hit the upper knee head-on, which can be hit continuously. If you are hit, your facial features will blossom, your vision will be blurred, and even your front teeth will be broken, and you will faint on the spot. It can be seen that the power of knee stroke is powerful.

The Chinese expert was hit like a high-speed car. At that time, he fell on the stage and completely fainted.

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