"This girl, you can't be so shy!" Lu Chong always feels like a big gray wolf facing beautiful sheep in front of Lin Xiaoyu. It's clear that he is two or three years younger than Lin Xiaoyu.

Lu Chong bathed very quickly. He washed casually in hot weather, brushed his teeth, washed his head, dried it with a towel, and then dried his head with an electric hair dryer.

When he entered the bedroom, Lin Xiaoyu was already lying in bed, covered with a velvet blanket.

Lu Chong looked at the bed. It should be a big bed of 1.8 meters. It may be Zhu Danqing's convenience to play with his lover, so he got such a big bed. Not to mention two people, four people can lie down, but Lu Chong said hard to get: "why don't I make a floor berth!"

"You... You come up and sleep. This bed... The bed is very wide. We two... Can sleep..." Lin Xiaoyu hesitated and said these words. The whole person was ashamed, and his face, neck and whole body were as red as roses.

Hearing Lin Xiaoyu's shy words, Lu Chong felt his little heart beating. After all, he was also a child who did not pass the personnel examination.

Lu Chong had no habit of wearing pajamas, just a trouser head, and got into the blanket.

Both of them were lying in blankets, but their bodies were a little stiff. One was on the left and the other was on the right. There was a big gap between them. It looked very strange.

Everyone thought that something that everyone loved would happen this night.

Actually, No.

Although Lin Xiaoyu was very beautiful, and he was born with a charming bone, Lu Chong still looked at his nose, nose and heart, read the heart clearing mantra, and slept for a while.

Lin Xiaoyu has made all the preparations and wants to devote himself to Lu Chong and officially become Lu Chong's girlfriend.

But she never thought that Lu Chong was completely indifferent. Not long after he was next to the pillow, he fell asleep.

The next day, when Lu Chong woke up, he was facing Lin Xiaoyu's resentful and wronged eyes.

Lin Xiaoyu summoned up his courage and asked, "am I ugly? You don't like me at all?"

"Silly girl," Lu Chong said with a smile, "you are one of the few beautiful women I have seen, and you are kind and virtuous. How can I not like you!"

Lin Xiaoyu whispered, "but last night, Mingming... Why did you fall asleep!"

Lu Chong said with a wry smile: "you are such a charming little beauty around. Do you think I don't want to do anything, but my body can't!"

Lin Xiaoyu opened his eyes: "Why are you young... God, I can't believe it! Go to the hospital and have a look. Why are you young... Ah..."

Lu Chong slapped her little head: "what are you thinking about? I mean, because my martial arts are limited and I haven't reached the eighth level, I can't do it yet, otherwise I will be on the verge of success and never reach the highest level!"

Lin Xiaoyu suddenly realized: "you can't practice boy skills. You can never..."

Lu Chong touched her little head and looked at her with a smile: "are you looking forward to that?"

Lin Xiaoyu was so ashamed and angry that he hammered Lu Chong: "villain, people care about you. Do you want to break up your children and grandchildren?"

Lu Chong said with a smile, "I'm not a boy's skill. As long as I practice the eighth level martial arts well, I don't have to worry. Moreover, after the eighth level martial arts is well practiced, the whole person's Yang is at its peak, that is, you don't want to be like me, I want to be like you..."

Lin Xiaoyu blushed again: "er... I'll make you breakfast!"

Then Lu Chong began to practice Kung Fu. He should actively practice Kung Fu, break through the seventh level of perfection as soon as possible, and then go to Jiang Xueqing to ask for the eighth level of mind skill.

After a long time, Lu Chong got up and finished practicing martial arts. Two large cups of milk and six golden fried poached eggs, as well as bread and ham, were placed on the table. They were all reserved for Lu Chong.

Lu Chong immediately received a text message from Lin Xiaoyu, saying that she had arrived at Tianjian group and met President Jiang Xueqing. They were all very good.

When Lu Chong was enjoying his breakfast, the phone rang. It was the director of Tianjian group, Changhao Tian, who called, "Lu Chong, you will come to Wutong guild hall once, and I have something urgent to tell you!"

Lu Chong remembered that Jiang Hao Tian told him last night that he had to go to the Wutong guild hall for second days, and then said, "OK, I'll go right away!"

Jiang Haotian asked, "where are you? Shall I send someone to pick you up?"

Lu Chong thought to himself that Jiang Haotian was at least his father-in-law, and he lived with Lin Xiaoyu. He felt a little like carrying Jiang Xueqing to pack a mistress. It was really inconvenient for Jiang Haotian's people to know. He said, "no, I'll do something. After that, I'll take a taxi by myself!"

"Well, come here as soon as possible!"

When Lu rushed out of the community and came to the road, he was a little confused. Now it was the rush hour of work. People were crowded in the bus, and there were guests in the taxi.

Is it all the way to the Wutong guild hall? It's more than 20 kilometers away.

But he couldn't get a taxi. Lu Chong had to run all the way.

At this time, he suddenly had a strong idea to buy his own car. What kind of car do you want, Ferrari? Lamborghini? Porsche? Bugatti Veyron? Rolls-Royce? Bentley? He hovered over dozens of luxury cars in his mind, and then rejected them all. Now he can afford any normal luxury car, but he feels that those luxury cars are too high-profile for the life of ordinary people who are now bent on pursuing a low-key.

As he ran, he thought, why not just buy a motorcycle, but he soon denied it, because the ghost place of Jiangcheng was forbidden to motorcycle.

Running, he passed a shop and suddenly saw a car in the shop. It's a very classic model. It's definitely a luxury configuration in the same kind of car!

He hurried in and bought the luxury car.

When he was driving the luxury car, pedestrians on the road looked sideways.

What kind of luxury car is this? It has a tall body, simple and lively body shape, solid beam, dark and shiny color, very small car cushion, shiny steering handle and pleasant car bell. Moreover, it is very fuel-efficient. It uses only a little oil every 100 kilometers. It is very environmentally friendly. It won't produce waste gas and doesn't occupy the motorway. It's also good for the body, Always drive it to ensure the strength of leg muscles.

Although there is some rust on the body, it shows that the car has a sense of history and belongs to a classic model recognized by history.

When Lu Chong drives it, the dark chain friction baffle makes a sound of cross library friction, which is dull and powerful. All these show that this car is very suitable for his low-key, luxurious and connotative personality.

Moreover, more importantly, this is a domestic car. Supporting domestic products and opposing worshiping foreign countries begins with a single step. Lu Chong loves this domestic big brand, big forever!

Click, click, ride too hard!

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