This big permanent 38 bar was produced in the last century. It has a special sense of history. It was regarded as the treasure of the town store by the bicycle shop just now. Lu Chong said good or bad, and they agreed to sell it to Lu Chong at a high price of 18 yuan!

The bike made a very rhythmic sound, which sounded very interesting.

The whole car went crazy with Lu Chong's trampling, racing, and continued to soar. There was more than one Land Rover, more than one Porsche, more than one Ferrari, more than one Lamborghini, more than one alaton Martin, more than... Ouch, there was a car accident and a traffic jam ahead.

Lu Chong is crazy about stepping on the big permanent 38 bar. The big permanent 38 bar has large wheels and high frame. Lu Chong's long legs are strong and powerful, and the wheels pedal fast. In the envy of all luxury car owners, he shuttles through the traffic jam like clouds and flowing water, and the two wheels throw over all four-wheel cars.

Twenty kilometers away, I stepped on it in more than ten minutes. Ordinary people would have been sweating and panting. Lu Chong's face was just slightly red.

The Wutong guild hall covers a large area, but the underground car park is very limited. Many low star members can only park their cars outside the guild hall, and the cars that enter the car park of the guild hall every day must row dragon.

In the security booth of the parking lot, several security guards are busy. They should constantly check the membership cards of the owners entering the parking lot and issue parking space cards.

All these are rules. These members boast of quality and wait patiently. Cars move forward alternately, and the security guards perform their tasks in an orderly manner.

At this time, the sound of clattering and clattering suddenly appeared. Everyone was stunned, turned around and looked, and then they were all stunned.

I saw a tattered permanent 38 bar bicycle rushing to the parking lot. The bicycle was trampled wildly, and the speed was even faster than some luxury cars.

When the bicycle was approaching the security booth, the young man on the car quickly grasped the brake handle, but suddenly found that the brake failed.

The young man suddenly collapsed and his feet landed on the ground. His ragged slippers and cement made a harsh friction sound, and a burst of black smoke came out of the sole. The young man on the car suddenly twisted the handlebar, and the permanent bicycle had a cool tail swing drift.

When the bicycle stopped, the young man angrily scolded, "Dad was cheated! I didn't even repair the brakes for a high price of 18 yuan!"

The young man pushed the tattered permanent bicycle to the security booth, took a card from the tattered vest pocket and handed it to the security guard: "give me a parking space!"

The owners of luxury cars waiting in line for the parking space and the security guards in the security booth were stunned.

The young man stepped on it forever, but the old antiques of the last century have long been eliminated. Even those who pick up junk disdain to ride this kind of car. The car is rusty, the seat is dilapidated, and the pedal has fallen off. There are only two iron pipes left, the only new one is oil, and the black oil on the chain.

At this time, the security guards reacted, but they couldn't believe their ears, so they took out their ears and looked at the young man suspiciously. What are you talking about, you broken bike and parking space plate?

Wutong owners of the luxury cars were also stunned. Now, looking at the cars, they are almost one million less than the cars in the car park, and millions of luxury cars. Those one million cars are not eligible to enter the car park of the Indus club, not to mention your tattered bicycle.

These people look at the worn vest of young people, and then look at the broken bike. They are all convinced that this guy must be a ragged, and a beginner who has just started to run ragged, and what a place that even the Wutong guild hall is nowhere to know!

The security guards were very restrained and didn't yell: "the garbage in the guild hall is specially cleaned up. There's no need for outsiders to buy it. Go quickly!"

The reason why they are so restrained is that they heard that a guy dressed like a migrant worker came to the guild hall last night, painted a picture and sold it for 20 million. He was also invited to attend the Birthday wedding banquet of Jiang Haotian's daughter Jiang Xueqing. He took a stone as a birthday gift. The stone was planed open and there was a peerless pearl worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

There was the migrant worker last night. Now these security guards dare not underestimate people. Besides, the rag collectors are not necessarily the poor. Some rag collectors have several houses. All the guests were beaten in the face by the migrant worker last night. They don't want to be reduced to the fate of the guests last night.

They didn't associate the migrant worker last night with the suspected rag collector, but they also made a wise decision and didn't look down on people like ordinary security guards.

When Lu Chong heard what the security guard said, he looked at his Tianchan armor and the world's first permanent bicycle at hand (the first bicycle made by huhai permanent bicycle factory in the 1940s, after several twists and turns, finally fell into Lu Chong's hand. If the car was auctioned, it would be worth a lot of money), After all, there are a few people with vision in the world, and the security group belongs to most people. They will be blocked by security wherever they go.

However, Lu Chong is a person with thought and connotation. It is impossible to fight because the other party performs normal duties. He pointed to the card just now and said to the security guards: "look at the card first, look carefully, and then decide whether to drive me away!"

Seeing Lu Chong still lingering there, the car owners in line behind were impatient and honked their horns.

The security guard's face also sank. He picked up the card handed by Lu Chong and wanted to throw it to Lu Chong: "what's good... Give it to me... Ah... Ah..." he was just about to let Lu Chong roll, but his eyes glanced at the card. He was stunned and couldn't help sighing.

Several other security guards hurriedly asked, "what's the matter? What a surprise!"

Just now, the security guard handed them the card: "look..."

Several other security guards looked at the card and all changed their faces: "God! It's a Seven Star Diamond membership card! The top membership card!"

They all stared at the membership card. Their eyes were full of disbelief: "is this true? It can't be forged by this rag picker?"

"Counterfeiting? Where did he forge it? There are seven diamonds on it and the anti-counterfeiting signs of our guild hall. Who can forge it, East Asia certificate group?"

"I feel like he picked it up. Doesn't he look like a rag picker himself?"

"Pick up an ordinary membership card. I believe it's possible to pick up a seven-star membership card. Only a few people in Jiangcheng are eligible to enjoy the seven-star membership card. They are all in the top position of wealth. Where can he pick it up?"

"How could the card be in his hand! Hey, I see! I know him. The guy dressed like a migrant worker last night is him. He hasn't changed his clothes, but he's still wearing a broken vest!"

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