Lu Chong and Yan Yihuan understand each other's thoughts, so they want to put aside everything and get along well for a while and get along more.

However, at this time, Yan Yihuan's cell phone rang.

When she saw the number, her face changed: "no, there's a flight today. I'm going to start soon!"

Although love is very important, work is equally important for her who has always been independent and strong.

Lu Chong finally kissed Yan Yihuan goodbye and watched her drive to the airport.

When Yan Yihuan arrived at the airport and was ready to start work, she checked her clothes. Suddenly, she felt two pieces of paper in her pocket and took it out. It was the two checks, two million on one check and three million on the other, totaling five million.

She was about to call Lu Chong when a message came from her mobile phone.

When she opened it, Lu Chong sent a message: "you are my woman now. I should make money to support you! You are not allowed to take a part-time job in the future!"

Their kiss just now changed Yan Yihuan's state of mind. Now when she saw the check and Lu chongna's overbearing message, she was no longer disappointed like that, but couldn't help laughing, especially brilliant and sweet.

Yes, now Lu Chong is her Yan Yihuan's man. Even he is hers. Besides, with his money, she is secure in her heart.

At this time, a stewardess came up and asked with a smile, "Huanhuan, why are you so happy? You won five million!"

"It's really five million!" Yan Yihuan couldn't help saying, "but it's from my boyfriend!"

The stewardess was surprised and said, "Huanhuan, do you have a boyfriend?"

Yan Yihuan nodded and said sweetly, "yes, we just determined!"

The stewardess had a good relationship with Yan Yihuan. She was full of joy for her: "how old is he?"

After all, it's easy to think of the word "maintenance" to give five million to Yan Yihuan.

Yan Yihuan couldn't hide the sweetness of the corners of her eyebrows and eyes. She smiled and said, "he's twenty years old! And he's very handsome!"

She is very clever. Naturally, she knows what her colleague is suspecting.

"God, he's three years younger than you. You're an old cow eating tender grass," the stewardess asked with a smile. "He's really handsome? Is he more handsome than Zhong Ruilin in our company?"

Yan Yihuan remembered Zhong Ruilin's true face after being exposed by Lu Chong and said disdainfully, "my boyfriend is ten thousand times more handsome than him!"

The stewardess thought beauty was in the eyes of lovers and didn't ask much. She suddenly thought of something: "he didn't buy that BMW 760 for you?"

Yan Yihuan nodded: "yes, he bought it for me!"

Her colleague looked envious: "Huanhuan, you finally waited for a good man. My sister is really happy for you!"


At this time, Lu Chong sent a message to Yan Yihuan, put his mobile phone in his pocket, walked slowly along the sidewalk, looked around and appreciated the beauty of the city.

At this time, the night is low and the lights are on. The night scene of the city is also unique and beautiful.

It's just a pity that such a beautiful city has an ugly scene.

At the gate of a bustling shopping mall, two little beggars were lying on the ground. Either their legs were broken, or their hands were broken, or their hands and feet were broken, and they were black and blue. They kept begging for passers-by.

At the door of a bar diagonally opposite the mall, there were also two little beggars, who were also broken hands and feet, lying there, pitifully begging.

As far as Lu Chong's eyes were concerned, he found that there were eight such little beggars in the whole street. Except for a 14-year-old girl with sound limbs, all the other little beggars had broken hands and feet, and some even had their skin scalded or even their head deformed. It looked terrible.

Even the little girl was covered with scars and looked terrible.

They all wear very ragged clothes and look like they haven't been washed for many days. Their bodies are as thin as firewood and their faces are like vegetables. They look like they haven't eaten enough for many days and are seriously lack of nutrition.

The key is that they are still children. Except for the little girl, other children are about ten years old, four or five years old and twelve or thirteen years old.

Other children are being loved by their parents, and they all lie on the wet and dirty concrete floor with small bowls in front of them. Passers-by turn around one after another. Only some very kind people occasionally drop a few coins.

At this time, the night became more and more gloomy, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians. No one had thrown coins into their bowls for a long time.

From an old van in the distance, four young men, all with yellow hair, earrings on their ears, chewing gum and iron bars in their hands, came ferociously to these little beggars.

The first man, with a big black mole on his face and a long hair on his mouth, trembled when he spoke: "you little red guys, bring up the bowl. Who wants the least, who doesn't eat tonight!"

The little beggars trembled when they saw the long hair. They quickly took up the small bowl in front of long hair with their only hands.

Long hair one after another three people: "you count!"

The other three people finished counting and said to long Mao, "fuck, that little girl asked for the least!"

Long Mao stared at the 14-year-old girl fiercely: "it seems that her limbs are sound, but she can't arouse people's sympathy. She broke her hands and feet when she went back tonight!"

The men took the eight little beggars by the ankles, dragged them into the van and drove away.

Lu Chong stood not far away and his eyes flashed cold. People familiar with him knew that once such a light flashed in his eyes, it meant that he had a murderous heart!

If these things are put in the eyes of other experts, they are nothing at all and don't bother to pay attention to them.

But for Lu Chong, he clearly remembered that when he was living in the street, he was kidnapped by such an evil gang and was about to be maimed. Master fell from the sky, killed those villains and saved himself.

In other words, if no master appeared in time, Lu Chong's fate would be the same as those little beggars just now!

In this world, there are a lot of people who make money for men. Some are for men to relax, some are for men to make money quickly, some are for people to take advantage of people's extremely empty and boring psychology, and some are for people to take advantage of people's greed. In fact, there is nothing wrong with those people. Even those who touch porcelain, Lu Chong doesn't have a strong sense of disgust, But this kind of abduction and trafficking of children, mutilation and forced begging is deeply hated by Lu Chong!

If he watched such evil develop, would he be worthy of his kung fu and conscience?

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