Lu Chong went to the front of a taxi and said to the driver, "keep up with the golden cup van in front!"

The taxi is a little strange. It has been parked there just now and has been hung with a fault sign. The driver is a national face youth with sword eyebrows and stars. He looks very brave. He just keeps gnashing his teeth and doesn't know who he hates.

When the national character face young driver heard Lu Chong say that, he was surprised and asked, "what are you doing with the golden cup car?"

Lu Chong's face sank: "why do you care so much? Just follow!"

The young man with Chinese character face didn't say a word. When Lu Chong sat in the co driver's seat, he changed the sign to passenger status, slowly followed the golden cup car and drove north.

After driving for more than half an hour, it gradually reached the northern suburb of huhai city.

The northern suburb of huhai city is frequently adjacent to Wusu city. This is an abandoned old urban area, which has long been abandoned and overgrown with weeds. Cemetery gardens have been built in some places, which looks very desolate and even a little gloomy and terrible.

Worried that the people in the golden cup car found someone following, Lu Chong asked the driver to turn off the lights and follow quietly.

The four gangsters in the golden cup car didn't expect anyone to follow them. They were either sleeping or looking at their mobile phones. The driver just looked at the front and didn't notice that there was a car behind.

Maybe it's too immoral to do such a thing, so these scum make their nest very hidden. When they walk through a cemetery and then through a mountain forest, the speed of the golden cup car slows down. It seems to be coming.

Lu Chong looked at the golden cup car that got into the mountains and asked the national character face, "where is this place?"

The national character face may be the driver, so he is quite familiar with the geography here. He said: "this should be Zhuqiao town. Not far from passing through this mountain forest, it is not the boundary of Shanghai and sea, and then he entered Gusu city. However, this is Panshan Road, which is very dangerous. Most people don't go from here."

While talking, the national character face driver has to drive forward.

Lu Chong glanced out of the window and suddenly said in a deep voice, "stop."

The national character face driver quickly stopped the car.

Lu Chong opened the door, quickly swept under a pine tree, slapped a red flashing black plastic box on the pine tree, and smashed the plastic box and broke the parts inside.

When Lu Chong returned to the car, the national character face driver deliberately pretended to be very confused and asked, "Sir, what did you break?"

Lu Chong narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man with heroic national character face with deep meaning: "don't you really know him?"

The national character face youth looked confused: "I don't know. See you for the first time! What the hell is this?"

Lu Chong gave him another deep look: "your acting skills are good. You should be an actor!"

The national character face youth was stunned and said, "what do you mean, I don't understand!"

Lu Chong looked at the palm of the young man with Chinese character face and said with a smile, "it's glorious to be a criminal policeman. Why don't you admit it?"

The young man with Chinese character face was shocked and said, "how do you know?"

Lu Chong smiled faintly: "Your eyes are too sharp and alert. You sit there with a good body. There is no fatigue and laziness of ordinary drivers. You don't say a word all the way, and there is no talkative of ordinary drivers. Of course, the key is that your right hand is very strong, with many calluses. You hold a gun at first sight, and your waist bulge is obviously inserted with a gun. And you just parked there to observe For a long time, you have been following them. Your expression is very angry, which shows that you are a just person. I can't think of any other identity except that you are a criminal policeman! "

After listening to Lu Chong's analysis, the national character face youth suddenly turned gloomy. He pulled out a pistol from his waist, aimed at Lu Chong and shouted, "raise your hand!"

Looking at the look of the national character face youth, it seems that he is ready to shoot at any time.

Lu Chong was not afraid at all. He shook his head and said to him, "you shouldn't draw a gun. First of all, I just know your identity. I'm not committing a crime. I'm a good man. Second, your gun is really useless to me."

The national character face youth saw a flower in front of him. When he came back, Lu Chong took the gun in his hand.

He looked at Lu Chong in amazement and shouted, "don't mess around, this gun will go off!"

"Fart, you haven't even opened the insurance. It seems that you haven't killed me," Lu Chong looked at the gun and said with a smile: "a police special gun. I have a police girlfriend. You also said you're not a criminal policeman!"

When the national character face youth heard Lu Chong say that his girlfriend was a police flower, he was relieved: "since they are all their own people, please give me back the gun!"

Lu Chong handed the gun to the national character face youth: "it's a waste of time for you to come out just now. The golden cup car in front has gone far!"

The national character face youth put the gun in his waist and stared at Lu Chong: "I don't care who you are, you'd better be honest, or I'll handcuff you for obstructing official business!"

Then he started the taxi. Anyway, Lu Chong was right. If he lingered like this, he couldn't do anything tonight.

Lu Chong looked indifferent, as if he didn't take what the man said to heart at all.

Their car went through the mountains and forests and drove on for more than two miles. They saw a big house across the roadside.

The house has a big yard. The wall of the yard is very high, more than three meters high. There is a barbed wire fence on the high wall. In addition, there are several surveillance cameras outside the yard. It seems that there are several dogs in the yard, with fierce barking one after another.

It feels like a prison.

The golden cup car stopped in front of the big house. The gangsters carried the children into the house, and then there was a burst of children's crying.

The national character face youth drove to the woods more than 100 meters away from the big house and stopped. He saw the scene in front of him and heard the cries of the children. The national character face youth endured his anger, took out a small camera and began to record everything in front of him.

At this time, Lu Chong directly opened the door and strode towards the big house.

The national character face youth was filming the scene in front of him. Suddenly, he found that Lu Chong rushed directly. Suddenly, his face changed: "this guy, how can he act without authorization? This will be found by those scum!"

He can also see Lu Chong's anger at those people. Because Lu Chong said that his girlfriend was a police flower, he guessed that Lu Chong came here to do justice, but he didn't expect Lu Chong to be so reckless and rushed directly. Now, he has no other way but to pull out his gun and follow behind Lu Chong and close to the house!

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